WestBend 41027 Handleiding
Lees hieronder de π handleiding in het Nederlandse voor WestBend 41027 (6 pagina's) in de categorie Keukenmachine. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 57 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld
Pagina 1/6
Register this and other West Bend products through our website: www.westbend.com
Care and Use Instructions
This booklet contains important and helpful information on your new product. Please file it for handy reference to instructions
for proper use and care, warranty information.
For your personal reference, attach dated sales receipt for warranty proof or purchase and complete the following information:
Date Purchased or received as a gift: _____________________________________________
Where purchased and price if known: _____________________________________________
L5 48 2
Wh en u s in g el ec tr i ca l a p pl ia n c es , b as ic sa fe ty p re ca ut io ns sh o uld a l wa ys b e fo llo we d i n cl u d ing t he
fol lo win g :
ξ Rea d a ll i ns tru cti o ns b e fo re us ing .
ξ To pr ot ec t a g ai n s t e le ct r i ca l s ho ck d o no t pu t m ix er , i ts co rd o r pl u g in wa te r or o t h er l i qu id .
ξ Clo se su pe r v isi on is n ec e ss ar y w he n a ny a p p li a nc e i s us ed b y o r n ea r ch ild re n.
ξ Alwa y s c he ck t ha t t he c on tro l is O FF b ef or e pl u g gin g co rd i nt o w a ll o ut l et . T o di sc on ne ct ,
tu r n th e c o nt rol to OF F, the n re mo ve p lu g f ro m wal l o ut let .
ξ Un p lu g fr om ou tl et wh en n ot in u se , b e fo re p ut tin g on o r t a k in g of f p a rts a nd b e f or e c le an in g.
ξ Av o id co nta ct i n g mo v in g p art s. Kee p hand s, ha ir, c l o th in g , a s well as sp atul a s an d o the r
u te n si l s a wa y fr o m b e at er s d ur i n g o pe r at io n t o p r ev e nt i n ju r y t o p e rs o ns, a nd / or d a ma ge t o t he
mi x er .
ξ Remo v e be ate rs f ro m mi x er be for e wa s hi ng.
ξ Do no t op er ate a n y a pp li an ce wi t h a da ma ge d c o rd or p lu g, or i f t he a p p lia nc e ma lf un ct i on s, o r
ha s be en d ama ge d in a ny ma nn er .
ξ The us e of a tt ac h me nts no t re co mme nd ed o r so ld by t he a pp li a n c e ma nu fa ct u re r ma y ca us e
fi re , el ec tr ic s ho ck or i nj u r y .
ξ Do no t p lac e on , o r ne ar a ho t g as or e lec tr ic bu r n er or in a h eat ed o v en .
ξ Do n o t use o ut do o rs .
ξ Do no t l e t co rd ha ng o ve r the e d g e o f tab le , c ou nt er, o r s ur fac e ar e a , o r tou c h h ot su r fa ce s,
in clu di n g the s to v e.
ξ Do n ot use ap pl ia nc e fo r o th er t ha n i nte n de d us e.
ξ Do n ot le av e ap pl i a n ce u na tte nd ed whi le it i s op er ati n g .
Your stand Mixer needs no special care other than cleaning. If servicing becomes necessary, return your mixer to The West
Bend Company. See Warranty section in this booklet for service details. Do not attempt to repair it yourself. For household
use only.
Electric Cord Statement
CAUTION: Y ou r S t an d Mix e r h as a sh o r t co rd a s a s af et y p re ca ut io n t o pr ev en t pe rs o n al in ju ry o r
pr op er ty d ama ge r es ul tin g fr o m pu ll in g , tr ip p in g or b ec o m i ng e nt an gl ed wi th th e co rd . Do no t al lo w
ch ild re n to b e n ea r or u se t his ap p li an c e wi tho u t cl o se adu lt s up er vi sio n. I f yo u mus t us e a lo ng er
co rd se t or a n e xt en si on co rd w h e n us in g t h e sta nd m ix er , th e c o rd mu s t b e ar ra ng ed so i t wil l n ot
dr ap e o r ha ng o v er th e ed ge o f a c o u nt ert op , t ab le to p o r s u rfa ce a r ea w he re it ca n be p ull ed o n by
ch ild re n o r t rip p e d o v e r. To p rev en t e le ctr ic s h oc k, p ers o n al inj ur y o r f ire , t he e l ec tr ica l r at i ng o f th e
ex te ns io n co rd yo u u se m u s t b e t he s am e or mor e th an th e am p e ra g e o f th e St an d Mi xe r (a mpe ra ge is
mar k ed o n u nd er s id e o f mi xe r).
Important Safety Instructions
Thi s a p p li an ce h as a po la riz ed p lu g ( o n e bl ad e i s wi d e r t ha n t he o t h er ) . As a sa fe ty fe at ur e, th is p l ug
will fi t in a po la riz ed ou tle t o nl y one wa y. I f th e p lu g d oes n ot f it fu lly in th e o ut let , r ev e rs e the
plu g. I f it s t ill do e s n ot f it, co n tac t a q ua lif i ed e lec tr ic ian . Nev er u se wi t h an e x ten s io n c or d u nle ss
pl u g ca n be ful l y in se r ted . Do n ot at temp t to d efe a t thi s saf et y fea tur e.
SPECIAL NOTE: Wh en f ir st u si n g y ou r mi xe r, y ou may n o te a n of f o d o r fr om th e mo to r. Th is i s
n or ma l a nd wi ll d i s s ip at e a s th e m ot o r i s b r o ke n i n .
β’ Clean Before Using
Bef or e u si n g y ou r mi xe r th e f irs t ti m e, w a sh th e b o wl s, b ea te rs a nd th e do ug h h oo ks i n h ot s oa py
wat er wit h a d i sh clo t h , rin se an d dr y. T h es e pa r ts ma y als o be was he d i n a n au to ma tic d i sh was h e r.
Wip e mi xe r h ea d, s ta nd a nd tu rn t ab le with a da mp c lo th a nd dr y.
CAUTIO N: T o p re ve nt p e rs on a l i nj u r y o r el e c tr ic sh o c k , d o no t i mme r s e mix er , i ts c o rd o r pl u g in
wa t er o r o th e r l iq ui d .
Yo ur mix er is no w read y to u se.
β’ To Assemb le Mix er - Y ou r mi xe r re q u ir es so me a ss emb ly be fo re u s i n g . Do not pl ug i nt o
ele ctr i cal o utl et u n t il af ter mi xe r is as se mbl ed .
1. o at ta ch mi xe r to st a nd , pr es s a n d h ol d do wn
mix er re le a s e le ve r a t to p of s ta nd . Th en p o sit io n
mix er he ad o n s ta nd s o me ta l pi n on un de rs id e
of mi xe r fit s int o g roo ve b elo w r ele ase lev er .
W he n e n ga ge d , r e le a se t he le v e r. Ma ke s ur e
mix er i s s ec ur el y at t ac he d to st an d be fo re u sin g .
2. Pla ce t ur nta b l e o nt o pla tf or m o f s t an d, a lig ni ng
ex te nsi on o n un de rs ide i n to co rre ct op e n i ng f o r siz e
bo wl b ei ng us ed , Smal l or La rg e . L ip o n un de rs id e
of bo wl will f i t i nto g roo ve o n tur n ta b l e
3. To in se rt b ea te rs , li ft mi xe r he ad up u nt i l it s to ps . The r ou nd
sh ap e d b ea t er wi t h t he He x ag on co lla r fi t s in to t he l e ft s oc ke t
of mi xe r. Th e s qu ar e s ha pe d be at e r, w ith r ou nd ξ
ξc ol la r , fi ts i n t o
the rig ht s oc k et. Se e s y mbo ls o n un de rsid e o f mix er to ma tch
be ate rs . I n se rt bea te r s b y p us hin g sh a f t i nt o s o c ke t, tu rn in g
s li g ht l y i f ne ed ed u nt il t he y l o c k i n p l ac e. Be at er s mu st b e
in se rt e d in to c o r r e c t s oc ke t a s th ey ar e n o t i nt e rc h a n g e a b le
4. To i ns er t do u gh h o ok s, l if t mix er h e ad u p u nt il i t st op s. Th e
dou gh h oo k wi th t he Hex a g o n c ol la r fi t s in to the le ft s oc ke t an d
the d ou g h ho o k wit h t he r o u nd ξ
ξco ll ar fi ts in to th e r igh t soc k e t.
See s ym bo l s o n u nd er s i d e o f mi xe r to m a tc h h o o ks . T u r n h oo k s
sl ig htl y i f nee d e d un til t he y lo c k i n pla c e. D ou gh h oo k s m u s t b e
in se rt e d in to c o r r e c t s oc ke t a s th ey ar e n o t i nt e rc h a n g e a b le
β’ To Use Mixe r
1. Ma ke su re s pe ed c on tr ol di al is s et a t OFF p os iti on a nd m i xe r is
s ec u r el y at t ac he d t o the st a n d b e fo r e us i n g. MI XER SHO U L D
2. Pos iti on t u rnt ab le ac co r di ng to s ize b o wl be ing u se d. P o si tio n bo wl o nt o t ur nt ab l e.
3. In se rt b eat ers o r do u gh ho o ks in t o co rre c t soc kets .
Product specificaties
Merk: | WestBend |
Categorie: | Keukenmachine |
Model: | 41027 |
Heb je hulp nodig?
Als je hulp nodig hebt met WestBend 41027 stel dan hieronder een vraag en andere gebruikers zullen je antwoorden
Handleiding Keukenmachine WestBend
3 Juli 2023
29 Juni 2023
28 Juni 2023
28 Juni 2023
27 Juni 2023
Handleiding Keukenmachine
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