IFi Audio ZEN Phono 3 Handleiding

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor IFi Audio ZEN Phono 3 (10 pagina's) in de categorie Niet gecategoriseerd. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 12 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

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User Manuals
Thank you for purchasing the Phono from the ZEN series. The Phono 3 is a
balanced MM/MC phono stage.
Unleash the full potential of your favourite vinyl records with the ZEN Phono 3. It
boasts an intelligent subsonic filter that transforms the sound of your warped vinyl
records, a noise floor quieter than some Class A+ phono stages, providing greater
dynamic range and supports four MC/MM gain selections to ensure compatibility
with a wide range of cartridges. The ZEN Phono 3 creates a serene listening
experience that allows every musical detail to shine through.
• Supports four MC/MM gain selections from 36dB to 72dB and four input
impedance settings, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of cartridges
• Features intelligent subsonic filter to intelligently remove only the ultra-low
frequencies caused by warps, not by the music, unlike typical bass-reducing filters
• With an EIN (Equivalent Input Noise) of -151dBV, this phono stage surpasses some
Class A+ models by 20dBV, ensuring a super-silent noise floor
• Precise RIAA with balanced output, performance matches that of a $1,000 phono
• Internal high-tech 1.2MHz clean power supply, rivalling classic tube amplifiers' LC
filtering circuits
1. Power switch
2. 2. MM and MC gain channel display LED
3. Load Mode Selector Switch
5. Balanced 4.4mm analogue line output
6. RCA analogue line output
7. Ground
8. RCA analogue line input
9. Gain channel switch
10. DC 5V Power Supply Connection

Product specificaties

Merk: IFi Audio
Categorie: Niet gecategoriseerd
Model: ZEN Phono 3

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