Ernitec 0070-08214 Handleiding
Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Ernitec 0070-08214 (2 pagina's) in de categorie Bewakingscamera. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 60 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld
Pagina 1/2

Special Announcement
, For more i nform ation please refe r to website.
Fully u nderstand this do cument before using this device,
and strictly observe rules in this document when using this
device. If you insta ll this device in public pla ces, provide the
tip "You have entered the area of electronic surveillance" in
an eye-catching place. Failure to correctly use electrical
products may cause fire and severe injuries.
ŸStrictly observe installation requirements when installing
the device. The manufacturer shall not be held responsible
for device damage caused by users' non-conformance to
these requirements.
ŸStrictly conform to local electrical safety standards and use
power adapters that are marked with the LPS standard
when installing and using this device. Otherwise, this
device may be d amaged.
ŸUse accessories delivered with this device. The voltage
must meet input voltage requirements for this device.
ŸIf this device is installed in places with unsteady voltage,
ground this device to discharge h igh energy such as
electrical surges in order to prevent the power supply from
burning out.
ŸWhen this device is in use, ensure that no water or an y
ŸAvoid heavy loads, in tensive shakes, and soaking to
preve nt damages during transportation and storage. The
warranty does not cover any device damage that is caused
durin g secondary p ackaging and transportation after the
original packaging is taken apart.
ŸProtect this d evice from fall-down and intensive strikes,
keep the device away from magnetic field interference, and
do not install the device in places with shaking surfaces or
under shocks.
ŸClean the device with a soft dry cloth. For stubborn dirt, dip
the cloth into slight neutral clea nser, gently wipe the dirt
with the cloth, and then dry the device.
ŸDo not jam the ventila tion opening. Follow the installation
instructions provided in this document when installing the
ŸKeep the device away from heat sources such as radiators,
electric heaters, or other heat equipment.
ŸKeep the device away from moist, dusty, extremely hot or
cold places, or places with stron g electric radiation.
ŸIf the device is installed outdoo rs, take insect- and
moisture-proof measures to avoid circuit board corrosion
that can affect monitoring.
ŸRemove the power plug if the device is idle for a long time.
ŸBefore unpacking, check whether the fragile sticker is
damaged. If the fragile sticker is damaged, contact
customer services or sales personnel. The manufacturer
shall not be held responsible for any artificial damage of the
fragile sticker.
ŸAll complete products sold by the manufacturer are
delivered along with nameplates, quick setup guide and
accessories after strict inspection. The manufacturer shall
not be he ld responsible for counterfeit products.
ŸThe manufacturer will update this manual according to
product function enhancement or changes and regularly
update the software and hardware described in this manual.
Update information will be added to new versio ns of this
manual without prior notice.
ŸThis manual may contain misprints, technology information
that is not accurate enough, or product function and
operation description that is slightly inconsistent with th e
actual prod uct, the final interpretation of company is as a
ŸThis manual is only for reference and does not ensure that
the information is to tally consistent with the actual prod uct.
For con sistency, see the actual product.
Open the package, check the appearance of product for no
obvio us damage, and confirm the item list for table 1-1 is
Table 1 1- Packing list
2.1 Device Ports
Different devic es may have differe nt ports and multi-head
cable; Please refer to the ac tual product.
liquid flows into the device. If water or liquid unexpectedly
flows into the device, immediately power off the device and
disconnect all cables (such as power cables and network
cable s) from this device.
ŸDo not focus strong light (such as lighted bulbs or sunlight)
on this device. Otherwise, the service life of the image
sensor may be shortened.
ŸIf this device is installe d in places where thunder an d
lightning frequently occur, ground the device nearby to
discharge high energy such as thunder strikes in order to
preve nt device damage.
It alerts you to moderate dangers which, if not
avoid ed, may cause minor or moderate injuries.
It alerts you to risks. Neglect of these risks may
cause device damage, data loss, device
performance deterioration, or unpredictable
It provides additional information.
Device Structure2
Open Package Examination
Bullet Network Camera
Quick Setup Guide
Installation location sticker
Accessory package
Component Quantity Remark
Figure2 1- Multi-head cable
Table 2-1 Multi-head cable description
Figure 2 3 Install SD card-
Connects to a standard Ethernet
cable or PoE . The green light is on,
the network connection is normal;
the yellow light flashes when the
data is transmitted. Some models
maybe not have the lights; Please
refer to the actual product.
Connects to an external audio
device such a s a speaker.
Applied for
camera with
Receives an a nalog audio s ignal
from devices such as a sound
pickup device.
Connects to a 12V direct current
(DC) power supply.
Alarm outpu t COM Applied for
Alarm outpu t terminal
Alarm input COM
Alarm input terminal
access port
Support PoE
Core Description Remark
Audio output
Power suppl y
(DC 12V)
Audio input
Reset PWR SD
2-1/4UNC x8
273~~303 ajustable
2.3 Fill light settings
Camera’s fill lig ht has four modes, they are intelligen t dual light (
current fill light will switch to warm li ght after an al arm is triggered,
and will switch back to the original fill l ight for 30s after the alert is
released.), warm light, infrared la mp and none (Cl ose the fill light
and the color of image will stay in previous mode).
The different cam eras can be set d ifferent fill light modes, pl ease
set fill light modes according to the actual scene.
Day mode: It can be used in the scene with sufficie nt ambient li ght
for 24 hours, do not turn on the fill light, and the image is in color.
Night mode: it can be used in the scene where there is insuffici ent
ambient light for 24 hours , turn on the fil l light (it can b e selected
according to the four mode s of the fill light).
Auto mode: Automatically switch the fill light mode ac cording to
the luminance of the environment.
Timing mode: Set the start and end time of the day, this time
period is day m ode for camera.
Different devic es may have differe nt fill lights; Please refer to
the actual product.
2 2 Camera Dimensions.
Figure 2 2 -Dimensions Unit: mm ( )
Differe nt devices may have different dimensions; Please
refer to the actual product.
Deimos Network Camera
5MP Fix Lens – day & night colour
Quick Setup Guide
Item no.: 0070-08214

Step 3 Turn on the camera, connect the monitor, adjust the
camera screen to the corresponding area. If user
need to adjust the position of the camera, he can
loosen the three-axis screws on bracket to manually
adjust the position, then tighten the screws after
finishing adjustment, as shown in figure 3-2.
Step3 Click Login, the main page is displayed.
4.2 Modify IP address
Choose > > , the Configuration Device Local Network Local
Network page is displayed.
Input the IP address in the IP Address box and click as Apply
shown in figure 4-2.
After the IP address is set successfully, please use the new IP
address to login the Web interface.
Figure 4 2 - Local Network
4.3 Browsing Video
To ensure the real-time video can be played properly, you must
perform the following operation when you login the web for the first
time. If you can vi the video immediately please ignore itew , .
Step 1 The Internet Explorer. Choose Tools Internet options > >
Security T > rusted sites > , in the display dialog boxSites ,
click as shown in 4 3 , Add figure - .
Step 2 In the Internet Explorer, choose > > Tool Internet Options
Security Download unsigned > , and set Customer level
ActiveX control initialize and script ActiveX and
controls not marked as safe for scripting under ActiveX
controls and plug-ins to enable, as shown in figure 4-4.
User Name
Figure 4 1 - Login
4.1 Login
Step 1 Open the Internet Explorer, enter the IP address of IP
camera (the default value: in the address
box, and press Enter. The login page is displayed as
shown in figure 4-1 .
Step Input the user name and password.2
Quick Configuration(e.g IE)
The default user name and password are both admin. Modify the
password when user logs into the system for the first time to
ensure system security.
You can change the system display language on the login page.
F 3 2igure - Finish installation
Figure 3-1 Installing bracket
The Bullet Network Camera can be installed on the column
or wall. You can select an installation mode based on site
requirements. If the camera is installed on a concrete wall,
install the expansion bolts before installing the bracket. If the
camera is installed on a wooden wall, use self-tapping
screws to install the bracket directly.
3Device Installation
During installation, please take care of the waterproofness of
the bracket and line. Please make sure the head of line bend
down then go upward, avoid the water go along the line into
the bracket.
The wall where the support is mounted must be able to
withstand at least three times of the total weight of the support
and the camera.
You can route cables from the top or from the side. If you use the top
routing method, drill a hole in the surface first. If you use the side
routing method, please route the multi-head cable out from the side
gap at the bottom of the camera.
Installation Steps:
Step 1 Stick the Installation location sticker on the ceiling or
wall. Drill four holes based on the marks on the
sticker. Drive the plastic anchors into the holes,
Install the camera on the ceiling or wall and fix the
screws as shown in figure 3-1.
Step 2 Connect the multi-connector cable.
Local Network
Netw or k Card ID
IP Protoco l
IP Addre ss
Subnet Mask
Defaul t Gateway
Prefer red DNS Server
Alternat e DN S Serv er
MT U( 12 80-1 50 0)
Re fr esh Ap pl y
IP v4
19 2. 168 .0 .1 20
25 5. 255 .2 55 .0
19 2. 168 .0 .1
19 2. 168 .0 .1
19 2. 168 .0 .2
15 00
Figure 4 3 - Adding a trusted site
Step 2 In the Internet Explorer, choose Tool Internet Options > >
Security > Customer level, and set Download unsigned
ActiveX control and initialize and script ActiveX controls not
marked as safe for scripting under ActiveX controls and
plug-ins to Enable, as shown in figure 4-4.
Step 3 Download and install the player control as prompted.
If the repair tips displayed when installing the control , please
ignore the prompt, and continue the installation, the login page is
displayed when the control is loaded.
To browse a real-time video, click Live Video. The Live Video
page is displayed, as shown in figure 4-5.
Figure 4 5 - Live Video
Figure 4 4- Configuring ActiveX control and plug-in
ht tp :// 19 2. 16 8 . 0.1 20
Li ve V ide o Pl ayba ck Pe rson ne l Cou nt Co nf ig ur ation
Not e: Activ eX is being us ed to play l ive v ideo now
Swi tch to VL C, then p lay the v ideo
Swi tch to Pl ugin, t hen pla y the vid eo
St rea m
str eam 1
4.4 Intelligent Analysis
At Intelligent Analysis interface user can set the " > Configuration " ,
parameters of Perimeter Single Virtual Fence Double Virtual Fence , , ,
Multi Loiter Converse and Personnel Count as shown in 4 7 , , figure - .
Figure 4 7 - Intelligent Analysis
Li ve Vi deo Pl ayb ack Pe rso nne l Cou nt Co nfi gur ati on
Dev ice Inf o
Str eam
Dev ice
Ext ernal D evice
Int ellig ent Anal ysis
Per imete r
Sin gle Vir tua l Fen ce
Dou ble Virtua l Fen ces
Mul ti Loit er
Con verse
Per sonne l Count
Ala rm
AI Mu ltiob ject
Dev ice Rec ord
Pri vacy M a sking
Net work Se rvice
Pri vileg e Manag er
Pro tocol
Dev ice Log
Loc al Conf ig
Mai ntena nce
Pe rim ete r
Ena ble
Sen sitiv ity
Out put Cha nnel
Ala rm Reco rd
FTP U plo ad
Cle ar
Ref resh
App ly
4.5 AI Multi object
At “Configuration > AI Multi object” interface, user can enable face
detection, full body detection, vehicle detection, set the other
parameters of detection, as shown in figure 4-8.
Face De te cti on
Fullbody Det ect ion
Veh icl e De tec tio n
Dis play Tra ce I nfo
Sh ow Dete ction Are a
Co nfi de nce Coe ff icient
Fa ce Pixe l Min (30 -300)
Bo dy Pixe l Min (30 -300)
Bo dy Pixe l Min (30 -300)
Veh icl e Pi xel M in(30-3 0 0)
Ima ge Mat tin g Qu a lity
Sn apsho t M od e
Upl oa d Image Inte rval(1- 10 s)
FTP Upl oa d Ima ge Mat tin g
FTP Upl oa d Whole Ima ge
Alg orith ms Lib rar y Ver sio n
Figure 4 8 - AI Multi-object
1 Personnel Count: User can query the data of personnel count,
through year, month, day. The statistics can be downloaded. The
data can be shown by line chart, histogram, list.
2 AI Live video: Click the icon to view the snapshots of human face
or license plate (click “Face” or “Plate” to switch ).
The bottom page will show the captured images of vehicle and
human .
Pedestrian direction
If user requires higher
accuracy of personnel count,
we recommend the user to
install camera and draw the
line following a gure 4-6. s fi
Figure 4 6 - Installation of personnel count
For better capture performance, it is recommended to use 6mm
focus length lens or above.
Product specificaties
Merk: | Ernitec |
Categorie: | Bewakingscamera |
Model: | 0070-08214 |
Gewicht: | 1240 g |
Gewicht verpakking: | 2000 g |
Totaal aantal megapixels: | 5 MP |
Nachtvisie: | Ja |
Ingebouwde luidsprekers: | Ja |
Ingebouwde microfoon: | Ja |
Weerbestendig: | Ja |
Nachtkijker afstand: | 50 m |
Wifi: | Nee |
Megapixels per lens: | 5 MP |
Heb je hulp nodig?
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Handleiding Bewakingscamera Ernitec

11 Juni 2024

3 Mei 2024

18 Maart 2024

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Nieuwste handleidingen voor Bewakingscamera

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