Whirlpool WFC 3C34 X Handleiding

Whirlpool Vaatwasser WFC 3C34 X

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Whirlpool WFC 3C34 X (8 pagina's) in de categorie Vaatwasser. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 11 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/8
Before using the appliance, read these safety
instructions. Keep them nearby for future reference.
These instructions and the appliance itself provide
important safety warnings, to be observed at all times.
The manufacturer declines any liability for failure to
observe these safety instructions, for inappropriate
use of the appliance or incorrect setting of controls.
Very young children (0-3 years) should be kept away
from the appliance. Young children (3-8 years) should
be kept away from the appliance unless continuously
supervised. Children from 8 years old and above and
persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge can
use this appliance only if they are supervised or have
been given instructions on safe use and understand
the hazards involved. Children must not play with the
appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not
be carried out by children without supervision.
CAUTION: the appliance is not intended to be
operated by means of an external switching device,
such as a timer, or separate remote controlled system.
This appliance is intended to be used in household
and similar applications such as: sta󰀨 kitchen areas
in shops, o󰀩ces and other working environments;
farm houses; by clients in hotels, motels, bed
& breakfast and other residential environments.
The maximum number of place settings is shown
in the product sheet.
The door should not be left in the open position
- risk of tripping. The open appliance door can only
support the weight of the loaded rack when pulled out.
Do not rest objects on the door or sit or stand on it.
WARNING: Dishwasher detergents are strongly
alkaline. They can be extremely dangerous if
swallowed. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes and
keep children away from the dishwasher when the
door is open. Check that the detergent receptacle is
empty after completion of the wash cycle.
WARNING: Knives and other utensils with sharp
points must be loaded in the basket with their points
down or placed in a horizontal position - risk of cuts.
This appliance is not for professional use. Do not
use the appliance outdoors. Do not store explosive
or ammable substances (e.g. gasoline or aerosol
cans) inside or near the appliance - risk of re. The
appliance must be used only to wash domestic dishes
in accordance with the instructions in this manual.
The water in the appliance is not potable. Use
only detergent and rinse additives designed for an
automatic dishwasher. When adding salt to the water
softener, run one cycle immediately to avoid corrosion
damage to internal parts. Store the detergent, rinse
aid and salt out of reach of children. Shut o󰀨 the water
supply and unplug or disconnect the power before
servicing and maintenance. Disconnect the appliance
in the event of any malfunction.
The appliance must be handled and installed by
two or more persons - risk of injury. Use protective
gloves to unpack and install - risk of cuts. Connect
the dishwasher to the water mains using only new
hose sets. The old hose sets should not be reused.
All hoses must be securely clamped to prevent them
coming loose during operation. All local waterboard
regulations must be complied with. Water supply
pressure 0.05 - 1.0 MPa. The appliance must be
placed against the wall or built into furniture to limit
the access to its rearside. For dishwashers having
ventilation openings in the base, the openings must
not be obstructed by a carpet.
Installation, including water supply (if any) and
electrical connections, and repairs must be carried out
by a qualied technician. Do not repair or replace any
part of the appliance unless specically stated in the
user manual. Keep children away from the installation
site. After unpacking the appliance, make sure that
it has not been damaged during transport. In the
event of problems, contact the dealer or your nearest
After-sales Service. Once installed, packaging waste
(plastic, styrofoam parts etc.) must be stored out of
reach of children - risk of su󰀨ocation. The appliance
must be disconnected from the power supply before
any installation operation - risk of electrical shock.
During installation, make sure the appliance does not
damage the power cable - risk of re or electrical shock.
Only activate the appliance when the installation has
been completed.
If installing the dishwasher at the end of a row of
units making the side panel accessible, the hinge
area must be covered to avoid risk of injury. The
inlet water temperature depends on the dishwasher
model. If the installed inlet hose is marked 25°C
Max”, the maximum allowed water temperature is
25°C. For all other models the maximum allowed
water temperature is 60°C. Do not cut hoses and, in
the case of appliances tted with a waterstop system,
do not immerse the plastic casing containing the inlet
hose in water. If hoses are not long enough, contact
your local dealer. Make sure the inlet and drain hoses
are kink-free and are not crushed. Before using the
appliance for the rst time, check the water inlet and
drain hose for leaks. Make sure that the four feet are
stable and resting on the oor, adjusting them as
required, and check that the dishwasher is perfectly
levelled using a spirit level.
The rating plate is on the edge of the dishwasher door
(visible when the door is open).
It must be possible to disconnect the appliance
from the power supply by unplugging it if plug is
accessible, or by a multi-pole switch installed upstream
of the socket and the appliance must be earthed, in
conformity with national electrical safety standards.
Do not use extension leads, multiple sockets or
adapters. The electrical components must not be
accessible to the user after installation. Do not use
the appliance when you are wet or barefoot. Do not
operate this appliance if it has a damaged power
cable or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has
been damaged or dropped.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
with an identical one by the manufacturer, its service
agent or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a
hazard - risk of electrical shock.
If the tted plug is not suitable for your socket outlet,
contact a qualied technician. Do not pull the power
supply cable. Do not immerse the mains cord or plug
in water. Keep the cord away from hot surfaces.
WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched
o󰀨 and disconnected from the power supply before
performing any maintenance operation. To avoid risk
of personal injury use protective gloves (risk of lacera-
tion) and safety shoes (risk of contusion); be sure to
handle by two persons (reduce load); never use steam
cleaning equipment (risk of electric shock). Non-profes-
sional repairs not authorized by the manufacturer could
result in a risk to health and safety, for which the ma-
nufacturer cannot be held liable. Any defect or damage
caused from non-professional repairs or maintenance
will not be covered by the guarantee, the terms of which
are outlined in the document delivered with the unit.
The packaging material is 100% recyclable and
is marked with the recycle symbol . The various
parts of the packaging must therefore be disposed of
responsibly and in full compliance with local authority
regulations governing waste disposal.
This appliance is manufactured with recyclable or
reusable materials. Dispose of it in accordance
with local waste disposal regulations. For further
information on the treatment, recovery and recycling
of household electrical appliances, contact your local
authority, the collection service for household waste
or the store where you purchased the appliance.
This appliance is marked in compliance with
European Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and with the Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment regulations
2013 (as amended). By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent negative
consequences for the environment and human health.
The symbol on the product or on the accompanying
documentation indicates that it should not be treated
as domestic waste but must be taken to an appropriate
collection center for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment.
ECO program is suitable to clean normally soiled
tableware, that for this use, it is the most e󰀩cient
program in terms of its combined energy and water
consumption, and that it is used to assess compliance
with the EU Ecodesign legislation. Loading the
household dishwasher up to the capacity indicated by
the manufacturer will contribute to energy and water
savings. The manual pre-rinsing of tableware items
leads to increased water and energy consumption
and is not recommended. Washing tableware in a
household dishwasher usually consumes less energy
and water in the use phase than hand dishwashing
when the household dishwasher is used according to
the manufacturer’s instructions.
Antes de usar el aparato, lea atentamente estas ins-
trucciones de seguridad. Téngalas a mano para con-
sultarlas más adelante.
Este manual y el propio aparato contienen adverten-
cias de seguridad que se deben leer y seguir en todo
momento. El fabricante declina cualquier responsa-
bilidad derivada del incumplimiento de estas instruc-
ciones de seguridad, del uso indebido del aparato o
del ajuste incorrecto de los mandos.
Los niños muy pequeños (0-3 años) deben
mantenerse alejados del aparato. Los niños
pequeños (3-8 años) deben mantenerse alejados
del aparato, a menos que estén bajo vigilancia
constante. Tanto los niños a partir de 8 años como
las personas cuyas capacidades sicas, sensoriales
o mentales estén disminuidas o que carezcan de
la experiencia y conocimientos necesarios podrán
utilizar este aparato únicamente bajo supervisión o si
reciben las instrucciones necesarias para utilizarlo de
forma segura y comprenden los riesgos a los que se
exponen. Los niños no deberán jugar con el aparato.
Los niños no deberán realizar tareas de limpieza ni
de mantenimiento sin supervisión.
ATENCIÓN: el aparato no está diseñado para su
uso con un temporizador externo o un sistema de
mando a distancia.
Este aparato es destinado a un uso en ambientes
dosticos o similares: áreas de cocina en ocinas,
tiendas y otros; granjas; por los clientes de hoteles, moteles
y otros entornos residenciales
El número máximo de servicios se indica en la
cha del producto.
La puerta no se debe dejar abierta, p3-ya que hay
riesgo de tropiezo. La puerta abierta del aparato solo
puede soportar el peso del cesto cargado al extraer-
lo. No ponga objetos sobre la puerta, ni se siente o
se suba en ella.
ADVERTENCIA: Los detergentes de lavavajillas
son muy alcalinos. Pueden ser extremadamente
peligrosos si se ingieren. Evite el contacto con la
piel y los ojos y mantenga a los niños alejados del
lavavajillas cuando la puerta esté abierta. Compruebe
que el cajón del detergente esté vacío cuando se
haya completado el ciclo de lavado.
ADVERTENCIA: Los cuchillos y otros utensilios
con puntas aladas se deben cargar el cesto con
las puntas hacia abajo o colocados en posición
horizontal, p3-ya que hay riesgo de cortes.
Este aparato no es para uso profesional. No
utilice el aparato al aire libre. No guarde sustancias
explosivas ni inamables (p. ej. frascos de aerosoles
o gasolina) dentro o cerca del aparato, p3-ya que
hay riesgo de incendio. El aparato se debe usar
solamente para lavar vajilla doméstica de acuerdo
con las instrucciones de este manual. El agua del
aparato no es potable. Utilice únicamente detergente
y aditivos de abrillantado especiales para lavavajillas
automáticos. Cuando añada sal al ablandador de
agua, inicie un ciclo inmediatamente para evitar
daños por corrosión en las piezas internas. Almacene
el detergente, el abrillantador y la sal fuera del
alcance de los niños. Cierre el suministro de agua e
interrumpa la alimentación eléctrica antes de llevar a
cabo cualquier tarea de mantenimiento. Desconecte
el aparato en caso de mal funcionamiento.
La manipulación e instalación del aparato la
deben realizar dos o s personas, p3-ya que hay riesgo
de lesionarse. Utilice guantes de protección para el
desembalaje y la instalación, p3-ya que hay riesgo de
cortes. Utilice únicamente mangueras nuevas para
conectar la lavadora al suministro de agua. Los
juegos de mangueras viejos no pueden reutilizarse.
Todos los tubos deben estar bien sujetos para evitar
que puedan soltarse durante el funcionamiento.
Respete las normas de la empresa suministradora
de agua. Presión del suministro de agua 0,05 - 1,0
MPa. El aparato debe instalarse pegado a la pared
o empotrado en un mueble para limitar el acceso
a la parte trasera. Para lavavajillas con oricios de
ventilación en la base, dichos oricios no se deben
obstruir con una alfombra.
La instalación, incluido el suministro de agua (si
lo hay) y las conexiones eléctricas y las reparaciones,
deben ser realizadas por un técnico cualicado. No
realice reparaciones ni sustituya piezas del aparato
a menos que a se indique especícamente
en el manual del usuario. Mantenga a los niños
alejados del lugar de instalación. Tras desembalar
el aparato, compruebe que no ha sufrido daños
durante el transporte. Si observa algún problema,
póngase en contacto con el distribuidor o con el
Servicio Postventa más cercano. Una vez instalado
el aparato, mantenga los restos de embalaje
(plásticos, piezas de poliestireno extruido, etc.)
fuera del alcance de los niños, p3-ya que hay riesgo
de asxia. El aparato debe estar desenchufado de
la corriente antes de empezar la instalación, p3-ya que
hay riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Cuando realice la
instalación, asegúrese de que el aparato no dañe el
cable de alimentación, p3-ya que hay riesgo de incendio
o de descarga eléctrica. No active el aparato hasta
haberlo instalado por completo.
Si se instala el lavavajillas al nal de una serie de
unidades y el panel lateral es accesible, la zona
de la bisagra tiene que estar tapada para evitar el
riesgo de lesiones. La temperatura de entrada del
agua depende del modelo de lavavajillas. Si en la
manguera de entrada se indica «25 °C máx.», la
temperatura máxima permitida del agua es de 25 °C.
Para todos los demás modelos, la temperatura
máxima permitida del agua es de 60 °C. No corte
los tubos; si el aparato posee sistema antiderrame,
no sumerja la caja de plástico de la manguera de
entrada en el agua. Si la longitud de los tubos no
es suciente, diríjase al distribuidor. Los tubos de
entrada y salida del agua no deben estar doblados
ni estrangulados. - Antes de utilizar el aparato por
primera vez, controle la estanqueidad de los tubos
de alimentación y desagüe. Asegúrese de que las
cuatro patas son estables y descansan sobre el
suelo, ajústelas si es necesario y, a continuación,
compruebe si el lavavajillas está perfectamente
nivelado usando un nivel de burbuja.
La placa de datos se encuentra en el borde de la
puerta del lavavajillas (visible con la puerta abierta).
Debe ser posible desconectar el aparato de la

Product specificaties

Merk: Whirlpool
Categorie: Vaatwasser
Model: WFC 3C34 X

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