Speco Technologies SG519 Handleiding
Lees hieronder de š handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Speco Technologies SG519 (2 pagina's) in de categorie Videorecorder. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 31 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld
Pagina 1/2

SecureGuardĀ® Server
(Set of 2 keys included)
Rack Ears (included)
Before operating the unit, please read this userās guide thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
Speco Technologies SecureGuardĀ® Server - Model: SG519 (4U)
The following components are included:
QTY: 1
*Server comes with the rack ears mounted*
Power Cable
QTY: 2
Server Rails
(Instruction Manual
QTY: 1 pair
Rack Bracket Adapters
Power Failure LED:
Flashing LED indicates power supply failure.
Information LED:
NIC2 Activity LED:
Indicates network activity on LAN 2 when ļ¬ashing.
NIC1 Activity LED:
Indicates network activity on LAN 1 when ļ¬ashing.
HDD Activity:
Indicates drive (SAS/SATA, SCSI, and/or DVD-ROM) activity when
Power Status:
Indicates power is being supplied to the power supply units.
ā¢If prompted to select or create a
Systems Recordings folder, point to the
storage drive where the recordings will be
stored (Recordings D:). Otherwise move
on to the next step. See Image 3.
ā¢Upon opening the Conļ¬guration Tool,
you will need to register your SecureGuardĀ®
installation. This information is mandatory
and will be included in e-mail notiļ¬cations
if utilized. The default username admin
and default password to access admin
the SecureGuardĀ® Conļ¬guration Tool.
See Image 4.
ā¢At the āSystemā tab, ensure āSystem
Recordingsā ļ¬le path is pointing to the
storage drives. See Image 5.
Image 3 Image 4
Image 5
Note: Server must be connected
to the internet to search and
download updates
Note: It is HIGHLY recommended
that you backup your database to
a separate drive and NOT to your
C: drive.
Ā® will be set to check for
updates on a daily basis. The time to
check for updates can be modiļ¬ed by
simply changing the hour, minute, and
meridiem. You can manually check for
updates by clicking āCheck Nowā.
See Image 6.
ā¢The āDatabaseā tab is where you import
or export settings and back up, restore, or
validate the SecureGuardĀ® database.
.See Image 7
ā¢It is recommended that you back up your
database on a scheduled basis. If your
database gets corrupted, you will be
able to restore to a point where the
database was stable. To setup up a
scheduled database backup, ļ¬rst check
the box next to āScheduled Backupā.
ā¢Choose where you would like to backup your database by clicking āBrowseā.
ā¢Adjust the timeās hour, minute, and
meridiem to specify what time the
database will be backed up. And lastly,
select whether the database will be
backed up on a daily basis or weekly
basis. Once completed, click āApplyā.
See Image 8.
Image 6
Note: For servers with Dual Network
Interface Cards, it is highly advisable
that the camera and the client connection
network trafļ¬c be kept separate.
ā¢To disable the scheduled update check, uncheck the box next to āEnable Automatic
Updatesā. Click āApplyā to conļ¬rm changes.
Image 7
Image 8
ā¢If the server name isnāt currently registered
with Specoās DDNS server, then the
registration will be successful. If it fails, use a
different name for the āHost Nameā.
See Image 11.
Image 11
Image 12
Image 9
Image 10
ā¢ By default, the server uses ports 7312 & 7313 for network communication.
Note: To avoid network conļ¬icts with devices that also use the server default
ports 7312, 7313,and 7314 the option of changing the port numbers is
available through the Conļ¬guration Tool. The servers come shipped with an
inbound rule for Windowās ļ¬rewall that allows communication on the server
default ports. If the server default ports are changed, please ensure the
existing inbound rule is updated, or create a new inbound rule permitting
communication on the new server port values.
ā¢The āSitesā tab is where sites (IP cameras,
DVRs, NVRs, mobile devices, and Access
Control Devices) can be added, deleted
or updated. There are two methods of
adding sites to the server. The ļ¬rst method
uses āSite Locateā which automatically
scans the Local Area Network for IP
cameras and select, DVRs , NVRs
and hybrid DVRs. See Image 13. Image 13
Image 14
ā¢Clicking on āSite Locateā, will open
the āSite Locateā window and start
scanning the local area network
for your devices. You can rescan the
network by clicking on āRefreshā.
See Image 14.
Quick Setup Guide
QTY: 1
ā¢Please follow the proper power ON procedures to avoid damaging the server.
ā¢Connect all necessary components, e.g. monitor and cameras, before powering
the server.
ā¢Power ON the server by depressing the Power Switch ( ) to boot up the server.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of database corruption due to power loss,
Speco strongly urges use of an uninterruptible power supply with our
SecureGuardĀ® servers.
ā¢ After boot up, at the Windows login screen, you will see that the default user account
is āSpeco Techā. There is no password associated with the default account. It is
to set a password after logging into the Windows home screen for highly advisable
the ļ¬rst time. See Image 1.
Image 1
Note: The server comes pre-loaded with SecureGuardĀ® Server software.
ā¢At the Windows Desktop home screen, run the SecureGuardĀ®
Conļ¬guration Tool to setup the server by double clicking on the
Conļ¬guration Tool icon. See Image 2.
Image 2
WARNING: Please store your password
in a safe location. Speco Technologies
will not be able to assist you in
recovering a lost password.
Note: The default timezone on the servers
is set to (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US &
ā¢In the āNetworkā tab, for āClient Interfaceā
select the network adapter that remote
client(s) will connect to. For āVideo Interfaceā
select the network adapter that the camera(s)
will connect to. See Image 9.
ā¢Your SecureGuardĀ® Server initially comes with a free 32-channel license. If your
server installation exceeds 32-channels, you will need to apply a channel license
in order to add the remaining total. This license is provided by Speco.
ā¢Go to the āLicense Tabā and either enter your
activation code (requires an internet
connection) or import your license by pressing
āImport License Fileā and selecting your
license ļ¬le. See Image 12.
ā¢Your license, along with the channel count,
will then be displayed in the list below.
Secu re Gu ard Ā® Se rver
Fac ep lat e
(Set o f 2 k ey s in c lu de d)
Rack E ars
Before operati ng t he u nit , ple sae read th is userās g ui de t horoug h ly and
retain it for fu ture referen ce.
Product Compone nts
LED Status Indicators
Quick Setup Guide
Speco Tec hnologies SecureG uard
Server -
Model : SG515(4U)
The fol lo wing c om p on en ts a re in cl ud ed :
QT: 1
*Server c om e s wit h th e ra c k ea rs m ou nt ed *
Power Ca ble
QT: 2
Server R ail s(Instru ct ion M an ua l
Incl u d e d)
QT: 1 pa ir
Rack B rac k et Ada pte rs
Internal Connec tions
Rear Vie w
Power S witc h
Reset Swit ch & LE D St atu s In di c ato rs
3.5ā HDD Bay x24
AC Inpu ts fo r R edu n dan t Po wer S up ply
2.5ā HDD Bay x2
DB9 COM P ort
IPMI I nt erf ac e
USB 2.0 x4
Gig a bi t E th ern e t LAN P orts x2
VGA Ou tp ut
Power F ai lu re LED:
Flash in g LED i ndi c ate s po wer su ppl y fai lu re.
Inform a tio n LED:
Contin u ou sly ON & red Overhe at co nd it ion h as o cc u red .
Blin ki ng re d (1 Hz) Fan fai lu re .
Blin ki ng re d (. 25 Hz) Power f ail u re.
Solid bl ue
Local UID h as b ee n ac ti vated to
loca te th e server in a rac k
environ m ent .
Blin ki ng b lu e (3 00 m se c)
Rem ot e UI D ha s be en a ct ivate d
to lo ca te th e server from a
remo te lo c ati on .
NIC2 Ac ti vity LED:
Indic a tes ne twork a c tivit y on LAN 2 whe n ļ¬ ashi ng .
NIC1 Ac ti vity LED:
Indic a tes ne twork a c tivit y on LAN 1 whe n ļ¬ ashi ng .
HDD Activity :
Indic a tes drive (SAS /SATA, S CSI, an d/or DVD-RO M) a c tivit y when
ļ¬ashi n g .
Power S ta tu s:
Indic a tes powe r is b ei ng su ppl ie d t o th e p ower sup ply u n its.
LED Status Indicators
Fron t Vi ew ( With ou t F a ce pl ate )
9 10
Run SecureGuard
Conīguration Tool Setting up Network
ā¢ Whe n prom p te d, en te r t he
defau lt u sern am e and a dm i n
defau lt pa ssword to acce ss adm i n
the Se cu re Gu ard
Conļ¬ g u rat ion
Tool. Se e Image 3.
ā¢ At the āSy ste m ā tab , e nsu re
āSyste m R ec ord in g sā ļ¬ le
pat h i s po in ti ng to th e
storag e dri ves. Se e Imag e 4 .
Image 3
Image 4
Setting up Software Upda tes
Setting up Databa se Backup
No te: Se rver m u st be c on ne ct ed t o t he i nt ern et to sea rc h and d ownl oad u pda te s
No te: It is HIGHLY rec om m en de d th at yo u bac k u p y ou r d ata ba se t o a sep arat e
drive an d NO T to yo ur C: d rive.
ā¢Secu re G u a rd
will b e set
to c he ck for up dat es o n a
daily b asis. The tim e t o c h ec k
for up dat es ca n be m od iļ¬ ed
by sim p ly c ha ng in g th e ho ur,
min ut e, an d m eri die m . You c an
man ua ll y ch ec k f or u pd ate s
by c li ck i ng āChe ck N owā. S ee
Image 5.
ā¢The āDataba seā ta b i s whe re yo u
imp ort or e xport set tin g s an d b ac k up ,
restore , o r vali dat e th e S ec u reG u ard
datab ase. Se e Image 6 .
ā¢It is rec o m m en de d t ha t y ou b ac k u p
your dat ab ase on a sch ed ul ed ba sis.
If yo ur dat aba se g e ts c orru pt ed , y ou
will be a ble t o re sto re t o a p oin t whe re
the dat aba se was stab le . To se tu p up a
sched ul ed da ta base ba c ku p, ļ¬ rst c h ec k
the box n ext t o āSc h ed ul ed Ba ck u pā.
ā¢Choose wh ere y ou wou ld li ke t o b ac k up y ou r da ta base by c li c ki ng āBro wseā.
ā¢Adjust t he t im e ās ho ur, m i nu te , a nd
meri di em t o spec if y what ti m e th e da-
tabase will b e b ac k ed u p. And la stly ,
selec t whet he r t he d ata base wil l b e
back e d u p on a dai ly ba sis o r wee k ly
basis. O nc e c om pl et ed , c l ic k āApply ā.
See Image 7.
Adding Sites (IP camera s, DVRs, NVRs)
Image 5
No te: F or servers wi th Dua l Ne twork
Inte rfac e Card s, it i s hig h ly a dvisa bl e
that th e ca m era an d th e cl ie nt c on ne c ti on
network traf ļ¬c b e ke pt sep ara te .
ā¢To disable t he sc he du le d u pd at e c h ec k , un c he ck th e b ox ne xt to āEn ab le
Aut om at ic Upd at esā. Cli c k āApply ā to c on ļ¬rm ch an g es.
Image 6
Image 7
ā¢ If th e se rver n am e i snāt c urre nt ly
reg iste red with S pe co ās DDN S
server, th en th e reg ist rati on wil l b e
suc ce ssful . I f i t f ail s, u se a d iff ere nt
nam e f or t he āHost N am e ā. S ee
Image 10.I mage 10
Image 8
Image 9
ā¢ By de fa ul t, th e server u ses p ort s & f or n et work c om m u ni c ati on 7312 7313
No te: To a void ne twork c on ļ¬ ic ts wi th de vice s th at a lso u se th e server d ef a
7312 7313 and , the o pti on o f c ha ng in g th e port n um b ers i s avai lab le th ro
Conļ¬g ura ti on Tool. The ser vers co m e shi ppe d with an i nb ou nd ru le fo r Wi
ļ¬rewall t ha t a ll ows co m m un ic a tio n on th e server de fau lt po rts. If t he se rve
ports are c h an g e d, pl ea se e nsu re th e existi ng in bo un d rul e is u pd ate d, o
new in bo un d rul e pe rm itt in g c om m u ni ca tio n on th e n ew ser ver po rt val u
ā¢ The āSite sā tab i s whe re si te s (IP c am e ras, DVRs, an d N VR s) c an be a dd ed
del et ed or up dat ed . The re are t wo m e th ods o f a ddi ng sit es to th e server.
me th o d āSi te Lo ca t eā u se s which a ut om at ic al ly sc an s th e Loca l Area
for o nl y IP c am e ras. See . Image 11
Method 1 : Aut o Detect
Method 2 : M anual
Image 11
Image 12
Image 13
ā¢ Click in g on āSit e Loc ate ā, wil l
open th e āSit e Lo ca te ā wind ow
and st art sca nn in g th e loc al a rea
network for IP c am er as. You ca n
rescan t he n et work bY cl ic k in g on
āRefresh ā. Se e Image 12 .
ā¢ To add a n IP c am er a t o t he
server, do ub le c li ck o n th e IP
cam era t o b rin g up th e āSit e
Sett in g sā win dows fo r t he IP
cam era . E n sure th e valu es f or a ll
the ļ¬e ld s are ac c u rate a nd th en
clic k āOKā. Se e Im ag e 1 0.
ā¢ The IP c am e ras wil l n ow b e
listed u nd er āSite s to ad dā li st.
ā¢ Contin u e t o rep eat t hi s proc e ss
for th e rem a in in g IP c am e ras th at
must be ad de d To th e server. On c e
com pl et e, c lic k o n āOKā to exit
the āSite Loc a teā win do w. The
cam era s th at were a dde d to th e
āSites t o a ddā l ist will no w be m ad e
availab le in t he āSit esā ta b. Cli ck
on āAppl yā t o c om p le te ad di ng th e
sites to t he server. S ee . Image 13
Quic k S et up G ui de
QT: 1
Power on the Server
ā¢ Plea se f ol low t he p rope r p ower ON pr oc ed ure s to avoi d d am ag in g th e server.
ā¢ Conne c t a ll ne c essary c om p on en ts, e. g . po wer c ab le (s), n et work c ab le (s), m on it or
an d c am e ras, be for e p oweri ng t he serve r.
ā¢ Power O N th e server by de pre ssing t he P ower Swit ch ( ) to bo ot up th e server.
WARNING : To re duce th e ri sk o f da t a ba se co rruptio n du e t o p o w er lo ss,
S pe co stro ng ly u rg es u se o f a n un inte rruptibl e p o w er suppl y w ith o u r
S ecureG ua rd
Login to Windows
ā¢ After b oot u p, at th e Win dows l og in scre en , yo u will see t ha t t he d efa ul t u ser
acc o un t is There i s associated with t he āS pe co Techā. n o pa ssword
def au lt ac c ou nt . It i s to set a password aft er log g ing i nt o t he hig h ly a dvisa bl e
Wind ows ho m e scre en f or t he ļ¬ rst t im e . S ee Imag e 1 .
Image 1
No te: The server co m es p re-l oa ded wit h Se cu re Gu ard
Server so ftware .
ā¢ At the Win dows De skt op ho m e scre en , run t he S ec ure G ua rdĀ®
Conļ¬ g urat io n Too l t o setu p th e se rver b y dou bl e cl ic k in g on
the S ec u reG ua rd
Conļ¬ g u rat ion Too l i c on. S ee Image 2.
Image 2
No te : DO N O T store rec ord in g s o n th e ha rd d rive ded ic at ed fo r th e op era tin g syste m .
Run SecureGuardĀ® C onīæguration Tool
WARNING: Ple ase sto re yo ur password
in a safe l oc ati on . S pe co Techn o l o g ie s will
no t be a b le to a ssist yo u in reco veri ng a lo st
pa ssword.
No te: The de fa ul t t im e zo ne o n th e se rvers is set
to (UTC-05:00) E ast ern Tim e (US & Can ada ).
Speco Tech
ā¢In th e āN et work ā tab , fo r āCli-
ent Int erf ac eā se le ct th e n et work
adapt er th at rem o te c lie n t(s) wil l conn e ct to . Fo r āVid eo In te rfac e ā
selec t th e n e twork a dap te r th at
the ca m era (s) will c on n ec t to. Se e
Image 8.
ā¢ To reg i ster th e server wi th Sp ec oās
Free DDNS , en sure th e āEn abl e
Spec o DDNSā c h ec k box i s
selec te d, an d e n te r a na m e f or t he
server in th e āHost N am e ā ļ¬e ld
the n c lic k o n āSub m it/Up dat eā.
See Image 9 .
Rev. 8/22/17
Note: SecureGuardĀ® servers come with independent hard drive(s) for the storage recordings and the
operating system. Do not store recordings in the hard drive dedicated for the operating system.
THE SECURITY OF YOUR INSTALLATION. ā¢To register the server with Specoās
Free DDNS, ensure the āEnable
Speco DDNSā checkbox is
selected, and enter a name for the
server in the āHost Nameā ļ¬eld then click on āSubmit/Updateā. See Image 10.
Continuously ON & red Overheat condition has been met.
Blinking red (1 Hz) Fan failure.
Blinking red (.25 Hz) Power failure.
Solid blue Local UID has been activated to
locate the server in a rack environment.
Blinking blue (300 msec) Remote UID has been activated to locate the
server from a remote location.
Rear View
1Power Switch
2Reset Switch & LED Status Indicators
33.5ā HDD Bays x24
4AC Inputs for Redundant Power Supply
52.5ā HDD Bay x2
DB9 COM Port
IPMI Interface x1
USB 2.0 x2
USB 3.0 x2
Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports x2
VGA Output
Front View (Without Faceplate)
8 9
10 11
Rev. 4/26/21

ā¢Once the client software has been downloaded, start the installation by running the
executable ļ¬le.
ā¢Uncheck the components you donāt wish to install on the client computer.
This option is limited to the following components:
ā¢ SecureGuardĀ® Streaming Audio App
ā¢ SecureGuardĀ® Player
ā¢ Start Menu Shortcuts
ā¢ Desktop Icon
Components deemed necessary for the operation
of SecureGuardĀ® Client cannot be unchecked.
Click on āNextā to proceed. See Image 27.
200 New Highway
Amityville, NY 11701
Speco Technologies is constantly developing and improving products.
We reserve the right to modify product design and speciļ¬cations without
notice and without incurring any obligation. Rev. 4/26/21
ā¢To set up a recording schedule, click on the āSchedulesā tab.
ā¢Next to āAction:ā select the type of recording (Continuous, Motion, or Sensor)
by clicking on the button (radio button) next to it.
ā¢The schedule grid is made up of rows and columns. The rows pertain to the days
of the week (Mon-Sun), and the columns pertain to the hours of a day (00HR-23HR).
ā¢The cells inside the schedule grid can be colored in based on the type of recording
selected. The color representation is
as follows: for , Green Continuous
for , for , Blue Motion Orange Sensor
and White for . To color No Recording
in the grid, hold down the mouse button
and drag the mouse cursor over the grid.
. See Image 23
ā¢To set the entire schedule to a single
recording type, click on the white box
located in the top-left most corner of the
grid. See Image 24.
Note: By default, the server comes loaded
with 3 user accounts: Admin, User, & Guest.
ā¢Go to the āUsersā tab. Here you can add,
edit, or delete users, manage user site
privileges through roles and permissions.
ā¢The āAdd Userā window will pop up.
See Image 26.
ā¢If desired, you can copy settings from another
to streamline the process. This will include Role
Information, Site/Channel permissions, and
Client settings such as layouts, tours, etc.
ā¢To add users, click on āAdd Userā. See Image 25.
ā¢The āadminā account will have full access to all
sites and features and cannot be deleted.
ā¢Enter the new user credentials and a name.
ā¢If applicable, select a āUser Roleā based on the level of access you wish the user to
have. An āAdministratorā role has full access to the system and sites. The āUserā and
āGuestā roles have limited access, but the permissions can be modiļ¬ed.
ā¢Users and Guests can also be restricted to speciļ¬c sites and channels by toggling
the boxes next to the sites and channels.
Note: A customized role can be created to
meet varying levels of access control.
ā¢Click on āOKā to exit the āAdd Userā window,
and click on āApplyā in the āUsersā tab to add
the user(s) to the system.
Speco Technologies SecureGuardĀ® Server - Model: SG519 (4U)
ā¢Once the installation is complete, the SecureGuardĀ® Client user login window
will open. If not, run the application by double clicking on the SecureGuardĀ®
Client desktop icon.
ā¢At the user login window, enter the server address. The server address can be the
IP address of the server or the DDNS name. If using the latter, please make sure
āUse DDNSā checkbox is checked and then click on āOKā. See Image 29.
ā¢Once logged in, the SecureGuardĀ® Client
Welcome window will pop up. Click āOKā
to proceed. See Image 30.
ā¢Next, the User Settings window
will pop up. Here the sites that were
added to the server will be listed
under Saved Sites. See Image 31.
ā¢In order to view the sites, they need to be placed in a group. To start off, a default
group has already been created named Group. To add the sites , click onGroup
āApply.ā The āApplyā button will be grayed out, indicating the sites have been added
to . Click on āCloseā to exit the User Settings window. Group See Image 32.
ā¢The Open Group window will pop up listing
all the groups and sites. Select and click Group
on āOKā to begin viewing the sites added to
. Group See Image 33 and Image 34.
Note: Download the SecureGuardĀ® Client from Speco Technologies website
at www.specotech.com
ā¢Select the destination folder where SecureGuardĀ®
Client will be installed by clicking on āBrowseā,
or use the suggested destination folder which
SecureGuardĀ® Client will create. Click on āInstallā
to proceed. See Image 28.
ā¢The second method of adding sites to the server is by
manually entering the site information. This method must be
used when adding mobile devices as well as DVRs, NVRs,
and hybrid DVRs not scanned in āSite Locateā. To enter site
information manually, click on āNewā in the āSitesā tab to
bring up the āSite Settingsā window. See Image 16.
ā¢Fill in the values for all the ļ¬elds, and verify the accuracy
of the information by clicking on āCheck Siteā.
Note: A āCheck Siteā should always be performed
when adding a DVR/NVR/Hybrid. Doing so will
conļ¬rm the number of channels on the site in order
to toggle PTZ control for the channels and, if needed,
restrict users from speciļ¬c channels in the client.
ā¢The channel boxes under PTZ Control will be consistent with
the number of channels on the DVR, NVR, or Hybrid. Per
form another āCheck Siteā. If the connection is successful,
click āOKā on both windows. See Image 19.
ā¢Correct any information by clicking āFixā. See Image 17.
ā¢Finally click on āApplyā to add the site(s) to the server.
See Image 22.
ā¢Click āOKā. See Image 18.
ā¢If a āCheck Siteā connection is successful, you can preview
the incoming video from the site (and channels, if applicable).
If youāre connecting to a recorder, use the dropdown next to
āChannelā to select the channel you would like to preview.
This can assist you in better identifying the camera youāre
adding to your installation and naming the site.
See Image 20 and Image 21.
Image 16
Image 17
Image 18
Image 19
Image 20
Image 21
Image 22
Image 23
Image 25
Image 26
Image 29
Image 30
Image 34
Image 33
Image 31
Image 32
Image 24
ā¢Once the schedule and recording type
has been set, associate the schedule with
individual sites (IP cameras, DVRs, NVRs)
by moving over the sites listed under
āAvailable Siteā¦ā to āSites using schedule
ā¦ā by clicking on
ā¢Click on āApplyā to save the schedule.
Image 27
Image 28
ā¢The devices will now be listed under āSites to addā list.
ā¢Continue to repeat this process for the remaining
IP Cameras that must be added to the server.
Once complete, click on āOKā to exit the āSite
Locateā window. The cameras that were added to
the āSites to addā list will now be made available
in the āSitesā tab. Click on āApplyā to complete
adding the sites to the server. See Image 22. Image 15
ā¢To add a site to the server, double click on the device to bring up the āSite Settingsā
window. Ensure the values for all the ļ¬elds are accurate, enter the cameraās login
credentials and verify the accuracy of the information by clicking on āCheck Siteā.
If the connection is successful, click āOKā.
See Image 15.
Product specificaties
Merk: | Speco Technologies |
Categorie: | Videorecorder |
Model: | SG519 |
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Handleiding Videorecorder Speco Technologies

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- Videorecorder A.C.Ryan
- Videorecorder Abus
- Videorecorder Acti
- Videorecorder Airlive
- Videorecorder Aiwa
- Videorecorder Aristona
- Videorecorder Axis
- Videorecorder Blaupunkt
- Videorecorder D-Link
- Videorecorder Digitus
- Videorecorder Elro
- Videorecorder Ezviz
- Videorecorder Foscam
- Videorecorder GeoVision
- Videorecorder Grandstream
- Videorecorder Hikvision
- Videorecorder Hitachi
- Videorecorder LevelOne
- Videorecorder Linksys
- Videorecorder Magnavox
- Videorecorder Magnum
- Videorecorder Monacor
- Videorecorder Navitel
- Videorecorder Provision ISR
- Videorecorder QNAP
- Videorecorder Seagate
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- Videorecorder Technaxx
- Videorecorder Tenda
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- Videorecorder Trendnet
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- Videorecorder AVer
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