Kraken Sports Smart Housing 2.0 Handleiding

Kraken Sports Fotocamera Smart Housing 2.0

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Kraken Sports Smart Housing 2.0 (2 pagina's) in de categorie Fotocamera. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 14 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/2
S m a r t H o u s i n g 2 . 0
Please read the manual carefully before using th e Kraken Smart Housing
Kraken Smart Housing is a versatile
housing that will fit many sma rt phones,
regardless of iOS or Android operating
system. If your phone fits, it will w ork!
Simply en sure Bluetooth is t urned on in
your device, connect to the Kraken Smart
Housing app and put th e phone into the
housing! Confirm the ho using is protected
by using the vacuum sealing system, then
enjoy your dive!
Tripod Mount
Vacuum Port Lens W in dow
Shutt er
Batt ery Cap
Lat ch
Rear Panel
Front Panel
1. Smart Housing x 1pcs
2. Spar e O-ring for Rear Cove r x 1pcs
3. Spar e O-ring for Battery Cap x 1pcs
4. Black Lanyar d x 1pcs
5. Batte ry x 1pcs
6. Pump x 1pcs
7. Charging Cable with Type C-Type C x 1pcs
8. Charging Cable for iPhone x 1pcs
9. Charging Cable for battery x 1pcs
10. Round key for vacuum cap x 1pcs
With built-in depth det ector
Smart Housing Pro 2.0 (KRH07)
Without depth detector
Smart Housing 2.0(KRH08)
Open / Close Kraken Smart Housing
To open:
1. Pull out the La tc h as sh own in diag ra ma.
2. Tu rn the Dial Lock clockwis e as shown in dia gram
"b" .
3. Open the hou sing as shown in dia gram "c" .
To close:
Tu rn the Dial Lock counterclockwise to its original
position .
Wa rning!
Make sure that the La tc h h as returned to the loc ked
position .
Product Description
< a >
< b >
< c >
Shutter Button:
- Tu rn on th e devic e.
- Photo mode - c aptures a ph oto.
- Vid eo mode - starts an d stops recording .
Charging ON/OFFButton:
-T urn on and tu rn off th e 5V cha rging power supply.
BACKBu tt on:
- Return to th e prev iou s men u .
- Sw itc h the focu s mode between Loc ked an d Au to.
- Pres s an d h old button s Fn an d DO WN
simultan eou sly to rurn off the power of h ou sing .
UP/ZOOM INBu tt on:
- Select prev iou s menu item.
- Ca mera zoom in .
- Confirm th e selection and enter th e menu
- Select n ex t men u item.
- Ca mera zoom out.
M6 T hread
Lan yard Hol e
Dial Loc k
< d >
1. Installing the Battery
1. Tu rn the ba ttery cap counter-clockw ise to open/
un screw.
2. In stall th e 18650 battery as shown in the d iagram
d below.
3. Tu rn the ba ttery cap clockwise to close/tighten.
Wa rning!
Th e polarity of the battery must match the polarity
of th e contac ts in the h ou sing - ensure the positive
an d n egative pole of the battery align with th e
positive and negative pole of th e housing.
2. Installing your Phone
1. En su re Bluetooth is on in your device, and
conn ec t to th e "Krakenapp.
2. In sert you r phone in the h ou sing as shown in
diagrame and f below.
3. Close hous ing, tw ist S afety Lock c ou nterc loc kwise
un til a " click" is heard .
Wa rning!
Many phones automatica lly adjust screen brightness.
To en su re optimal u se of the h ou sin g , turn off this
settin g bef ore inserting your ph on e in th e housing.
General Warnings and Instructions
* Do n ot ta ke apart th e Krak en Smart Hou sing .
* Do n ot lea ve the ex posed Kraken Smart Housing
to a heat source or store in h igh tempera tu res. (e.g.,
in a loc ked ca r parked in the sun )
* Remove the ba ttery if th e Kraken Smart Hou sing
will not be us ed for long periods of time. (e,g.,
betw een div e trips )
* To avoid lea ks, the O- rin gs should be checked to
ensure that they are free from any d irt, san d, h air
an d d ust every time you open and close the Krak en
Smart Housing. Us e a soft cloth to c lean th e
O-rings if requ ired. The O-rin gs sh ou ld also be
ca refully ch ec ked for crac ks or blemish es. Gently
an d ev en ly apply a thin coat of g rease to th e entire
O-rings regu larly to prolong O- rin g lif e. Be
ca reful not to sc ratch th e O-rings s urface. If cracks
or blemishes occu r, th e rings should be replaced
immedia tely.
Do not open the in th e Kraken Smart Housing
* Wash the exterior of th e Krak en Smart Hou sing
thorou ghly with clean fresh water immed iately a fter
us e. Soakin g the housin g in fresh water will help to
remove sa lt deposits prior to storag e.
* Plea se en sure th e housing is dry before open in g.
Allow ing wa ter to c ome in con tact with th e internal
devic e may ca use dama ge to the d evice.
* Do n ot disa ssemble, modify, remanu fa cture,
punc tu re or dama ge the Krak en S ma rt Housi ng .
Kraken provides a w arran ty a gain st man ufacturer
defec ts for 1 y ear start ing from the date of
purch ase. Ma nuf ac t urer defects oc curring wit h in 15
da ys of the d ate of purcha se will resu lt in an
exc han ge of prod uct at t h e vend or. All ot h er
manu fa cturer defec t s occu rrin g with in 1 year of the
da te of pu rc hase will be repaired at no cost. Proof
of purchase is req uired f or warranty su pport. Th e
warranty does not cover fa ilu res or defects resu lting
from misuse (e.g., modific at ion , damage)na tu ral
disastersor battery is su esin cludin g inc orrect
battery installation .
3. Using the vacuum system
Th e built-in vac uum system lets you know if th e
housing is sealed before div ing. This is important to
keep your d evice safe.
1. Tu rn the c ap of v ac uum port coun ter-c loc kwise to
open /u nscrew.
Wa rning
En sure th e O- rin gs do not come into contac t with
an y dirt, sa nd, hair or dus t.
2. In stall th e exhaust valve pump into the vac uum port
as shown in the d iagram below an d begin to pump.
3. Vacu um ind ic ator light will f lash red an d g reen as
you are pu mping . Wh en s ucc essfu lly s ealed, the
indic ator light will turn solid g reen .
4. Rec over ca p of va cuu m port and turn c loc kwise
to close. If the ind icator ligh t remain s green a fter
30 min utes, y ou a re safe to dive.
Wa rning!
If the in dica tor is red or red to g reen cy cle, the
housing is not sea led , please re-ch ec k the vacu um
system again . En sure the indicator is g reen before
divin g.
5. To release the v ac uum seal, u nscrew the exha ust
va lve knob and press the y ellow gasket to the s ide.
Wa rning!
You must release the vac uum seal bef ore attempt-
ing to open the hou sing . Th e indicator lig ht w ill
turn red wh en the h ousin g is safe to open .
30 Min.
Valve Exhaust
Batt ery
Paste the phone a nd h old it up in this are a .
Fli p the p rot ective c over to
exp ose the past e area.
Put it in th e phone and press
it on the past e area.
Cap of va cuu m port
O-ring of Va c uum Po rt
O-rings o f Ba ttery Port
Make su re that is p of va cuu m port

Product specificaties

Merk: Kraken Sports
Categorie: Fotocamera
Model: Smart Housing 2.0

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Handleiding Fotocamera Kraken Sports

Handleiding Fotocamera

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