IKEA JOKKMOKK 503.921.28 Handleiding

IKEA Tafel JOKKMOKK 503.921.28

Lees hieronder de 馃摉 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor IKEA JOKKMOKK 503.921.28 (1 pagina's) in de categorie Tafel. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 8 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

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AA-2120738-4漏 Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2021
Care instructions
Wipe clean with a mild soapy solution. Wipe dry with a
clean cloth.
Care Instruction
Fabric cover: Light stains can be removed with a textile
cleaner or a damp sponge and a mild soapy solution.
Vacuum clean.
Leather Cover
- Clean with a duster or vacuum lightly using the soft
brush attachment.
- Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
- Protect from direct sunlight to prevent drying-out.
Rattan: If placed close to a radiator or other source of
heat, the material can dry out and deteriorate.
For maximum quality
For maximum quality, re-tighten the screws when
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Product specificaties

Merk: IKEA
Categorie: Tafel
Model: JOKKMOKK 503.921.28

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