Haier ES6V-Q1 Handleiding

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Haier ES6V-Q1 (2 pagina's) in de categorie Ketel & boiler. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 57 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/2
Introduction of exterior and a essoriescc
Side view Cut view
Front view
Back view
Mo l No.de Net w hteig
(kg) Volume
(L) a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
A Hot ter wa B Cold water intake C Heating pipe
D Inner chamber E Anode rod
Note: The margin of error for the above parameters is
Pro cdu t Model No.
Electric Water
Heater (unit)
Safety Valve/Water
Drainage Pipe (set)
Manual ( )copy
Hook (pcs)
Technical data
Packing list
Electrical Diagram
L: rown B wire
N: B nlue li e
MT: High temperature limiter
BT: Thermostat
EH: H tinea g
E: Yell /green wireow
H L: H tinea g nd toi ica r
Symptom Things to Check Solutions
No water
1Wh hether t e er swat upply
ha ss toppe od r w h he het er t
water p essr ur s too owe i l
2Whether the water-usage
poi t is blocked o hethen r w r
the hot ter valve is wa
Check and clear
Only cold
water but
the heating
indicator lamp
is lit
1Whether hot water outlet is
Check and open
2Whether the water
temperature is adjusted Adjust ter temperaturewa
Heating time is too short
and set tempe ture is not ra
Continue heating
4Whetehr heating pipe is
Conrm it is not due to the reasons under
, then contact Maintenance Department
Only cold
water and
the heating
indicator lamp
is not lit
1Whether power is properly
connected Check power socket
2Check whether there is
power supply Connect power switch
3Whether thermostat is out
of control
Conr t u tom i is not d e t e ea ns deh r so un r
then contact Maintenance Department
indicator light
Is on all the
1Water has not reached the
set temperature Continue heating
2Whether thermostat is out
of control
Conrm it is not due to the reason under,
then contact Maintenance Department
Water volume
is sometimes
large or small,
or water is
hot or cold
W t r ter res r is he he wa p su e
st eabl
Adjust ter outowing volume or make sure wa
water pressure is stable before using
Samll hot
water outow
1W her t r nt het he p ese
tem tur too pera e set ng is ti
Re-adjust the temperature setting
2Whether water pressure is
too much
As far as possible reduce the water valve's
outow volume during use; for details please
refer to the tips in Important Notices
Haier Home Water Heater
Instruction manual
Safety Notices (Please read before use)
Prohibited Compulsory Matters Essential Matters
Immediately cut o power supply and
contact o Service Cent ce the ur er on
water ater not work pr rly or he does ope
e urnmits b t mels l.
/50Hz independent power source
mu ust be sed alat l t mei s.
To en re safety, t t ater su he wa er he
s d con ct to d dent houl be ne ed in epen
s ets (do not ad ters), with ock use ap
reliable ea rthing. In tion t power addi he
so et mus t con form to natio l ck na
s ndards. Use wat at wi t ta of er he er thou
rel r ng is strictly pro ited. iable ea thi hib
U t to ck r se pen multime er che whethe
th liv and zero ie e ne li l ne are rev seer .
Do t u dam d wire d power no se age an
so t. Pro tly clean the dust on the cke mp
power p ug al nd so et.ck
Che the erck pow meter and e electric th
wir s dia t to ensure at they e' me er th
c with t rated current for e omply he th
wat heater. Where nece ry engage er ssa
qual ed ele ici checki ctr an to the
electr rcuit.ic ci
Do t tou the p g with w hano ch lu et nds,
and ke th the er he ma sure at twa ater,
pl soc t not co into con ct ug ke do me ta
with water. If they are ac entcid ally wet,
they be ec ed must ch k by professi ons
app ed pa beoint by our com ny fore
us gin , in order t reven ctrocuto p t ele ion.
Sotri inam and e lo ve ng of mable xp si
it ar wat ater ric y ems ne the er he is st tl
prohi ted.bi
Do not conn e c t to pow e r whe n
installing r epao r iri hng t e water heater.
N rofe aon-p ssion ls a e sr tric rtly p ohibited
from carr t r airs, intenance, ying ou ep ma
di ma lis nt ng mp or reva ing of he t water
Installati of water heater out is on doors
stric roh ited.tly p ib
Do n s ll the wat at an ot in ta er he er in
enviro nnme t w ch s hi i susceptible to ice-
forma on.ti Ice wi cause the cont r ll aine
and er pipe lea ing wat to break, d to
scalding a d n water leakage.
Plea take pr au onary ures se ec ti meas
duri cng old wea erth , i on rder o pt revent
da to tmage wa er heater rom r f f eezing.
If t ft pow ca d, it he so er ble is damage
must r c by prof sional sta be epla ed es
from th mane ufacturers or Maintenance
D artment ep in order to avoid dan r.ge
Take re not to be scald by ated ca ed he
Touching of hot t vwa er al e av nd
pi s i trictlpe s s y p ohr ibited.
Mak ure s e o t chec e k th water
tempe tu e bera r fore u e; us s only e
wh ien t eelf s able.suit
Do t use t frno wa er om the water he er at
for drink o la urpoing r simi r p ses.
P e o the power s if leas cut upply
the t at was not u for an wa er he er sed
ext d ri me. Drain the en ed pe od of ti
wat heat all wat a or ng er er of er cc di
to the in ct ter on stru ions in the chap
Cle g anin and Maint ance.en
Please read this Instruction Manual carefully before use.
Please retain this manual for future reference.
Name of parts
For dbi den
For dbi den
For dbi den
For denbid
For denbid
For denbid
For denbid
For dbi den
Ca onuti
Ca onuti
Ca onuti
Meanings of Icons
1 2
Rat voltage/ed
pressure Water pressure
Not less than 0.05MPa
ES6V-Q1(H) ES6V-Q2(H)
First determine the installation position of the water heater based on your needs. Use PP-Rpipe
recommended for installation. It should be such that maintenance, repair and dismantling of
the ter heater is convenient. Furthermore install loose joint at suitable locations for the waterwa
intake and outlet.
Use impact drill to drill two 65mm-holes with a diameter of 12mm each at the locations based on
the installation requirements. Insert the expandable hooks into the holes and ensure that they are
properly fixed. Hang the ter heater vertically on the expandable hooks and check whether it is wa
securely fixed. Install the safety valve and drainage pipes, etc. as indicated in the illustration. Make
Determine the ter supply's position and connect the ter outlet and intake to their respective wa wa
positions. Fill the inner chamber with water to check whether there is any ter leakage. If so, the wa
connections must be re-done and properly ca ied out.rr
The water heater is a wall-mounted type; thus it should be securely mounted on the wall so that it
can withstand 4 times its weight after it is filled with water.
Adequate space should be reserved during installation of water heater for ease of subsequent
repair and maintenance. When installation care should be taken in order that the water heater is
of a safe distance from gas pipe. It should be at least half a meter from gas cookers/gas pipe/gas
meter, etc.
Make sure the pressure on the ter intake is not less than 0.05MPa, and not more than wa 0.75MPa.
Th wate er er sh d be nstalheat oul i led ind r c roo s in a pla e whe e t e ambie t empeh n t ratur ov °C. e abis e 0
The pipes should be closely laid out. The hot water outlet should be too far away from the point of
usage. If the distance exceeds 8 metres, the hot ter pipe should have insulation protection, in wa
order to prevent heat loss.
D rev to not erse e ith ns allation f t t int n tlet. T fet v v sor he wa er ake a d ou he sa y al e ho ld be installed u in
the designat sitioed po n d an not moved thou r ssion. Thwi t pe mi e safety valv se' p essr ure-relief hole
shou d be nel con cted to t a ospher and r rhe tm e f ee f om bl age t a tock a ll imes.
To ensure safety, the water heater should be connected to independent sockets (do not use
adapters), with reliable earthing. In addition the power socket must conform to national standards.
Use pen multimeter to check whether the live line and zero line are reverse. Turn on power supply
only when you have ensured that the heater is filled with ter and that there is no water leakage. wa
The power supply should also conform with requirements.
Note: Make sure that the water heater is securely attached to the hook before letting it go;
otherwise it may drop and cause injury or property damage.
Safety reminder: In order to prevent accidents, pleae use our company's accessories during
installation. Do not replace them on your own or use substitutes. Please make sure
to contact our Maintenance Department if the a essories are damaged and cc
replace them with the a essories supplied by our company. Our company shall not cc
be liable for any direct or indirect losses caused as a result of accidents for failure to
comply with the aforesaid.
Installation method
Installation Precautions
Not in use for an extended period of time
After completion of installation, make sure to turn on the water intake valve and mixing
valve since there is no water in the inner chamber. Turn the mixing valve to the maximum for
Inspect all connections to ensure that there is not ter leakage before connecting to power.wa
The water heater must be repaired or maintained by qualified professionals. Improper
Note : Before calling service technicians, please refer to the Q&A to solve simple issue.
methods may cause serious injury or damage to property.
Installation instruction
Must e installed by ersonnel in our company's After-sales Department b p
or designated installation personnel.
The water heater is wall-mounted type.
Install the safety valve which has a rated pressure of 0.80MPa (its connection is G1/2) into the
water intake pipe with the arrow on the safety valve pointing at the water heater. When the
pressure relief hole due to the expansion of water in the heater. The pressure-relief hole should
be connected to the atmosphere and free from blockage at all times.
Att an e of e water dr nage pipe onto the pre ure re ef hole ach nd th ai ss li
on the safety valve. You may cut the water drainage pipe to make it
shorter, or extend it depending on the situation. Connect the other
end of the water drainage pipe to the lower ter outlet. This will wa
prevent the ter from the pressure relief hole from splashing.wa
The water drainage pipe connected to the safety valve should be
installed in a slanted manner and in an environment which is not
prone to frost. Make sure that the connections are not leaking and
that the power supply conforms with requirements. Test the machine by switching on the
Connection and use of safety valve
Connec ater drt w ainage pipe
Instruction manual
Cleaning and Maintenance
Adjust the water temperature knob at
the bottom of the water heater to set the
Maximum water temperature setting is 75°C
Tempe ture adjustment knob: Turn the ra
knob gradually clockwise to raise the
temperature setting. The knob will not
continue to turn once it reaches maximum
temperature setting. Turn it anti-clockwise
gradually to reduce the temperature setting.
If the heating indicator light is lit, it means that the water heater is heating.
If the heating indicator is power off, it means that heating is finished and it will enter
heating insulation state or get closed totally.
External cleaning
Take a wet cloth and dab it with small quantity of neutral detergent. Lightly
wipe the water heater. Do not use petrol or other solvents. Finally use a dry
cloth to wipe; make use to dry the water heater thoroughly. Make sure not to
use detergents containing abrasive agents (e.g. toothpaste), acidic substances,
Internal cleaning
In order to ensure that the water heater will work with high efficiency, clean the
heating tube and inner chamber once every three years. Take care not to damage
the exterior of the heating pipe and the protective layer on the surface of the inner
chamber. Depending on the local water quality and usage habit, the Anode rod
should be regularly replaced. If maintenance is required, please contact the local
Maintenance Department.
When the ter heater is in use, the safety valve should be checked once every wa
month. To check it, turn the safety valve's small handle on the side of the water
out. In the event of damage to the safety valve, please replace it with a safety valve of
similar specifications.
Regularly engage service personnel to carry out safety inspection and promptly clear
the water heating pipes of the scale. Check also the consumption of the Anode rod;
change it if consumption becomes excessive.
chemical solvents (e.g. alcohol) or polish to clean the water heater.
I h terf t e wa heater o s is n t u ed for n ext rio a ended pe d of time, ple se c out the a arry fo owi t :ll ng s eps
When the ter heater needs to be used again, our recommendation is to open hot wa
water valve before switching on the power in order to prevent accidents. Allow any gas
that may be trapped in the pipe to be discharged. Do not smoke or allow other exposed
fire to be near the opened valve. At the same time, make sure to carefully examine all the
parts of the water heater and ensure that they are in a perfect condition. Make sure to fill
the inner chamber with water before use.
When the water temperature reaches the set temperature, it will enter
thermal state.Once it lowers to certain temperature, power will be
automatically connected.
Do not connect the power before filling the inner chamber with water in order
to prevent damage to the water heater.
Ad st the water tempera re to e suitable level before use in order to prevent ju tu th
Insofar as there is adequate hot ter, set a lower temperature to reduce heat wa
loss, high temperature corrosion and scaling. This will extend the water heater's
otherwise it may cause fire.
Observe the water drainage of the safety valve's pressure-relief hole.
When the water pressure is 0.75MPa and the pressure-relief hole on the safety valve
emits large volume of ter, it means that the ter pressure is excessive. In such wa wa
case, please notify the After-sales Department.
To avoid danger caused by accidental resetting of the heating breaker, the
power for the heat cannot be supplied by timer and other external switch
devices or connected to circuit with frequent switching for facility use.
Things to note during use
Expandable hook
Ø m12 m, Deep 65mm
C nautio
CSH10D0036.indd   2 2010/4/27   16:00:25
water heater is heated by electricity,a small amount
ES6V-Q1(H) ES6V-Q2(H)
Take the installation diagram of ES6V-Q1(H) as an example.

Product specificaties

Merk: Haier
Categorie: Ketel & boiler
Model: ES6V-Q1

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