Microchip RN1810 Handleiding

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2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A
RN1810 WiFly
Command Reference
Users Guide
DS50002467A-page 2 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
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ISBN: 978-1-5224-0362-3
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 3
Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1. Overview
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Features ......................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Configuration ................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 2. Command Reference
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Command Syntax ......................................................................................... 11
2.3 Command Organization ............................................................................... 11
2.4 Set Commands ............................................................................................. 12
2.5 Get Commands ............................................................................................ 28
2.6 Action Commands ........................................................................................ 30
2.7 Show Commands ......................................................................................... 35
Chapter 3. Advanced Features and Settings
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 37
3.2 Soft Access Point (AP) Mode ....................................................................... 37
3.3 Sleep and Wake Methods ............................................................................ 38
3.4 TX Flush Methods ........................................................................................ 38
3.5 Scan Output Format ..................................................................................... 39
Chapter 4. Application Examples
4.1 Joining Networks and Making Connections ................................................. 41
4.2 Sending Data Using TCP - Module is a TCP Server .................................... 42
4.3 Sending Data Using TCP - Module is a TCP Client ..................................... 43
4.4 Sending Data Using IPv6 - Module is a TCP Client ..................................... 43
4.5 Sending Data Using UDP - Module is a UDP Client .................................... 44
4.6 Sending Data Using TLS - Module is a TLS Server ..................................... 44
4.7 Sending Data Using TLS - Module is a TLS Client ...................................... 45
4.8 FTP Client .................................................................................................... 46
4.9 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) ....................................................................... 47
4.10 SNTP Client ................................................................................................ 49
4.11 Configuration Web Server .......................................................................... 50
4.12 Using the Web Server to Configure the RN1810 ....................................... 51
4.13 Auto-Connection and Sleep Timers ........................................................... 52
Chapter 5. RN1810 I/O Pins
5.1 I/O PIN Descriptions ..................................................................................... 55
5.2 I/O Pin Function Select ................................................................................. 58
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
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Appendix A. Command Quick Reference Guide
A.1 Default Configuration Settings ..................................................................... 59
Worldwide Sales and Service .....................................................................................63
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 5
This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the
RN1810 module. Items discussed in this chapter include:
Document Layout
Conventions Used in this Guide
Recommended Reading
The Microchip Web Site
Development Systems Customer Change Notification Service
Customer Support
Document Revision History
This document provides information for configuring the RN1810 module, including a
command reference, advanced features, and application examples. The document is
organized as follows:
Chapter 1. “Overview– This chapter introduces the RN1810 module and
provides a brief overview of various features.
Chapter 2. “Command Reference” – This chapter provides information on the
commands used to configure RN1810 module and gives examples.
Chapter 3. “Advanced Features and Settings” This chapter describes the
WiFly module’s advanced features, including techniques to put the module to
sleep and wake it up.
Chapter 4. “Application Examples” This chapter provides application exam-
ples in using the RN1810 module.
Chapter 5. “RN1810 I/O Pins” – This chapter describes the RN1810 I/O pins.
All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and
documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs
and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site
(www.microchip.com) to obtain the latest documentation available.
Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each
page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is
“DSXXXXXXXXA”, where “XXXXXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level
of the document.
For the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB® IDE online help.
Select the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help files.
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
DS50002467A-page 6 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
Appendix A. “Command Quick Reference Guide” This appendix provides a
quick reference of all configuration commands.
This manual uses the following documentation conventions:
Description Represents Examples
Arial font:
Italic characters Referenced books MPLAB IDE User’s Guide
Emphasized text ...is the only compiler...
Initial caps A window the Output window
A dialog the Settings dialog
A menu selection select Enable Programmer
Quotes A field name in a window or
“Save project before build”
Underlined, italic text with
right angle bracket
A menu path File>Save
Bold characters A dialog button Click OK
A tab Click the Power tab
N‘Rnnnn A number in verilog format,
where N is the total number of
digits, R is the radix and n is a
4‘b0010, 2‘hF1
Text in angle brackets < > A key on the keyboard Press <Enter>, <F1>
Courier New font:
Plain Courier New Sample source code #define START
Filenames autoexec.bat
File paths c:\mcc18\h
Keywords _asm, _endasm, static
Command-line options -Opa+, -Opa-
Bit values 0, 1
Constants 0xFF, ‘A’
Italic Courier New A variable argument file.o, where file can be
any valid filename
Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments mcc18 [options] file
Curly brackets and pipe
character: { | }
Choice of mutually exclusive
arguments; an OR selection
errorlevel {0|1}
Ellipses... Replaces repeated text var_name [,
Represents code supplied by
void main (void)
{ ...
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 7
This user's guide describes how to configure the RN1810 module. Other useful
documents are listed below. The following Microchip document(s) are recommended
as supplemental reference resources.
RN1810/RN1810E 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Module Data Sheet
This data sheet provides the technical specifications for the RN1810/RN1810E
modules and is available for download from the Microchip website
Microchip provides online support via our web site at www.microchip.com. This web
site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers.
Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following
Product SupportData sheets and errata, application notes and sample
programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents,
latest software releases and archived software
General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical
support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program
member listing
Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip
press releases, listing of seminars and events; and listings of Microchip sales
offices, distributors and factory representatives
Microchip’s customer notification service helps keep customers current on Microchip
products. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes,
updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool of
To register, access the Microchip web site at www.microchip.com, click on Customer
The Development Systems product group categories are:
Compilers – The latest information on Microchip C compilers and other language
Emulators – The latest information on the Microchip MPLAB® REAL ICE™
in-circuit emulator
In-Circuit Debuggers – The latest information on the Microchip in-circuit
debugger, MPLAB ICD 3
MPLAB X IDE – The latest information on Microchip MPLAB X IDE, the
Windows® Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools
Programmers – The latest information on Microchip programmers including the
PICkit™ 3 development programmer
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
DS50002467A-page 8 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:
Distributor or Representative
Local Sales Office
Field Application Engineer (FAE)
Technical Support
Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer
(FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of
sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document.
Technical support is available through the web site at:
Revision A (March 2016)
This is the initial release of this document.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 9
Chapter 1. Overview
The RN1810 radio module is a complete, standalone embedded wireless LAN access
device. The device has an on-board TCP/IP stack and applications, and the simplest
hardware configuration requires only four pins: Power, TX, RX, and Ground. Once the
initial configuration is performed, the device automatically accesses a Wi-Fi® network
and sends/receives serial data.
Fully qualified 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n transceiver
FCC, CE, IC certified, and RoHS compliant
• Ultra-Low-Power:
- Intelligent, built-in power management with programmable wake-up
- Accepts 3.3V power supply or 2 to 3V battery when using boost regulators
Antenna Options:
- On-board PCB Trace antenna and W.FL connector for external antenna
• Hardware:
- Optional I/O pins for control and status
- Real-time clock for wake-up; Auto-sleep and Auto-wake-up modes
Network Support:
- Supports Soft Access Point (AP) and Infrastructure networking modes
- Push button WPS mode for easy network configuration
- On-board TCP/IP stack
- Over the air firmware upgrade (TFTP)
- Secure Wi-Fi authentication via WEP, WPA-PSK (TKIP), and WPA2-PSK
- Configuration over UART or wireless interfaces using simple ASCII com-
- Built-in networking applications: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) client, Domain Name Service (DNS) client, Address Resolution Pro-
tocol (ARP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping, FTP client,
SNTP client, HTTP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Transmission Con-
trol Protocol (TCP)
- SSL Support (latest TLSv1.2)
- IPv4 and IPv6 support
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
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The WiFly module has two primary modes of operation: Data mode and Command
mode. In Data mode, the module can accept incoming connections, initiate outgoing
connections, and act as a data pump. To configure parameters or view the current con-
figuration, or both, the module must be placed into Command mode (also called as
Configuration mode).
1.3.1 Entering and Exiting Command Mode
By default, the module is in Data mode after power-up. Sending the escape sequence
of three dollar signs, $$$, causes the module to enter Command mode. Refer to
Section 2.6.1 “$$$” for the timing restrictions in entering Command mode. The mod-
ule replies with CMD to indicate it is in Command mode. Once in Command mode, the
WiFly device can be configured using simple ASCII commands with each command
ending with a carriage return <cr>. All valid commands return AOK and invalid com-
mands return an ERR description. To exit Command mode, send exit <cr>. The
module responds with EXIT to indicate that it has exited Command mode and entered
Data mode.
Various parameters can be viewed, such as the SSID, channel, IP address, serial port,
and other settings, which can be configured in Command mode. Commands must be
sent to the module through the UART. When using the UART interface, the communi-
cations settings must match the WiFly module's stored settings. The default settings
are 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 Stop bit, and Hardware Flow Control disabled. Com-
mand mode can be entered locally over the UART interface at any time regardless of
an active TCP connection.
When the WiFly module powers up, it attempts to auto-associate with the access point
stored in its configuration settings if the auto-join feature is enabled. The auto-join fea-
ture is disabled by default. Enable it using the ASCII command set wlan join 1.
Disable the auto-join feature (default behavior) using the set wlan join 0
Note: Microchip suggests using either the TeraTerm (Windows OS) or minicom
(Ubuntu) terminal emulator program.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 11
Chapter 2. Command Reference
WiFly modules support a variety of commands for configuration. This section describes
these commands and provides examples.
To issue commands to the module, send a keyword followed by optional parameters.
Apply the following syntax rules:
Commands are case sensitive
Commands must be less than 120 characters
Spaces cannot be used in parameters – must be replaced by a character (default
is $)
String text data, such as the SSID, is case sensitive
Shorthand can be used for the parameters. For example, the following commands
are equivalent:
- set uart baudrate 115200
- set uart b 115200
- set u b 115200
Type numbers in decimal or hexadecimal. For example 115200 or 0x7e.
There are four general command categories as shown in Table 2-1.
Note: Shorthand cannot be used for command keywords. For example, s uart
baudrate 115200 is invalid. There are some commands that cannot be
abbreviated; these exceptions are noted in the command description.
Type Section Description
Set Section 2.4“Set Commands” Set commands take effect immediately
and are stored to memory when the
save command is issued.
Get Section 2.5“Get Commands” Get commands retrieve and display the
stored information.
Action Section 2.6“Action Commands Action commands perform actions
such as scanning, connecting, discon-
necting, and so on.
Show Section 2.7“Show Commands Show commands retrieve and display
the current state.
Note: Any changes must be saved using the save command or the module loads
the previous settings upon reboot or power-up.
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When the module boots, all configuration data is loaded into RAM variables from
FLASH. The Set commands only modify the RAM copy of the system variables. In gen-
eral, the IP, WLAN, and UART settings require a save and reboot before taking effect.
Most of the other commands, such as the COMM settings and timers, take effect imme-
diately allowing the user to change parameters on-the-fly, minimizing power usage, and
saving Flash rewrite cycles.
Once the configuration is complete, save the settings to store the configuration data.
Table 2-2 summarizes the Set command parameters.
2.4.1 set apmode beacon <value>
This command sets the Soft AP beacon interval in milliseconds, where <value> is a
decimal number from 0 to 65,436.
2.4.2 set apmode channel <value>
This command sets the Soft AP channel number where <value> is a decimal number
from 1 to 11.
Parameter Description
apmode Controls the Soft AP parameters.
comm Sets the communication and data transfer, timers, and matching characters.
dhcp Sets the DHCP host name.
dns Sets the DNS host and domain.
ftp Sets the FTP host address and login information.
ip Specifies the IP settings.
opt Sets system options
sys Sets system settings such as sleep and wake timers.
time Sets the timer server settings.
uart Specifies the serial port settings such as baud rate and parity.
wlan Sets the wireless interface settings, such as SSID, channel, and security
Default: 102
set apmode beacon 120 // Beacons are sent every 120 ms
Default: 1
set apmode channel 6 // Set channel number to 6
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 13
2.4.3 set apmode passphrase <string>
This command sets the Soft AP mode passphrase used for WPA2-AES encryption.
When set, the module broadcasts a network in Soft AP mode with WAP2-AES encryp-
tion enabled. The <string> length must be between 8 and 64 characters.
2.4.4 set apmode ssid <string>
This command sets the Soft AP mode network name (SSID) to be broadcast where
<string> is the SSID. The maximum length of the SSID is 32 characters.
2.4.5 set comm $ <char>
This command sets the character used to enter Command mode to <char>. Use this
setting when $$$ (the default string used to enter Command mode) is a possible data
string. After saving this setting, upon every subsequent reboot, the module ignores $$$
and looks for <char><char><char> to enter Command mode.
2.4.6 set comm close <string>
This command sets the ASCII string that is sent to the host UART when the TCP port
is closed. The <string> is between 1 and 32 characters. If the output requires no string,
set <string> to 0.
2.4.7 set comm idle <value>
This command closes an idle TCP connection (no data activity) after <value> seconds.
A value of 0 means the module is not disconnected when the connection goes idle. For
the new value to take effect, the save and reboot commands must be issued after
this command.
Default: NULL
set apmode passphrase my_passphrase // Sets the passphrase to
// my_ passphrase
Default: NULL
set apmode ssid my _network // Sets the Soft AP network name to
// “my_network”
Default: $
set comm $ w // Sets Command mode character to 'w'
Default: “CLOS”
set comm close port_closed // Set the string to “port_closed”
set comm close 0 // Do not send any string upon closing a
// TCP connection
Default: 0
set comm idle 5 // Close TCP connection when idle for 5 seconds
set comm idle 0 // Do not disconnect when TCP connection idle
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2.4.8 set comm match <value> <flag>
This command sets the match character where <value> is a decimal number from 0 to
127 or a hex number from 0x00 0x7Fto . The parameter <flag> is either 0 or1’,
where ‘0’ excludes the match character in the datastream and ‘1 includes the match
character in the datastream.
Upon receiving the match character in the datastream, WiFly flushes its UART RX
queue and sends the data to the Wi-Fi network in an IP packet. The match character
itself is optionally sent in the datastream based on the value of the <flag>.
Setting the match character to 0 disables the Match method (cannot use ‘ as a 0
match character).
When the Match method is selected, the Size method is automatically active as a
'fall-back' flush method. The algorithm is:
IF match character received AND including match character
Send bytes in UART RX buffer to Wi-Fi network followed by match character
ELSE IF match character received AND not including match character
Send bytes in UART RX buffer to Wi-Fi network
ELSE IF number of UART RX bytes equals Size
Send bytes in UART RX buffer to Wi-Fi network
In short, when the Match method is active, the UART RX bytes are transmitted when
the match character is received or size bytes are received, whichever occurs first.
If the Match method is active, and the Match value is set to 0 during runtime, then the
Match method is disabled and the WiFly module automatically reverts to the Size
method. For more information, refer to Section 3.4“TX Flush Methods”.
2.4.9 set comm open <string>
This command sets the ASCII string that is sent to the host UART when a TCP port is
opened, where <string> is between 1 and 32 characters. If the output requires no
string, set <string> to 0.
Default: 0 (Match method disabled)
set comm match 0x1b 0 // Flush UART RX buffer when a 0x1b is received,
// but do not send the match character in the
// data stream
set comm match 0x1b 1 // Flush UART RX buffer when a 0x1b is received
// and send the match character in the datastream
set comm match 25 0 // Flush UART RX buffer when a 25 is received, but
// do not send the match character in the data stream
set comm match 0 0 // Disables the Match method and goes back to the
// size flush method
Default: hello
set comm open TCP_OPEN // Send “TCP_OPEN” to host UART upon opening a
// TCP connection
set comm open 0 // Do not send any string upon opening a
// TCP connection
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 15
2.4.10 set comm remote <string>
This command sets the ASCII string that is sent to the remote Host when the TCP con-
nection is opened, where <string> is one or more characters up to a maximum of 64. If
no string must be sent, use a zero (0) as the <string> parameter.
2.4.11 set comm size <value>
This command sets the number of UART RX data bytes at which WiFly flushes its
UART RX queue, and sends the data to the Wi-Fi network in an IP packet where
<value> is between 1 and 1420 bytes.
If the Match method is disabled (Refer to set comm match <value> <flag> com-
mand), this method is exclusive – WiFly only flushes the UART RX queue when the
specified number of data bytes have been received from the Host. If the Match method
is active, this becomes the 'fallback' size where the UART buffer is flushed.
Refer to Section 3.4“TX Flush Methods” for more information.
2.4.12 set comm timer <value>
This command sets the time period, in milliseconds, when WiFly flushes its UART RX
queue and sends the data to the Wi-Fi network in an IP packet. This is the default mode
for WiFly. This is an exclusive flush method – WiFly only flushes the UART RX queue
at the specified time period. For the new value to take effect, the save and reboot
commands must be issued after this command.
Refer to Section 3.4“TX Flush Methods” for more information.
2.4.13 set dhcp hostname <string>
This command sets the host name for the RN1810 module. The host name string can
be from 1 to 31 characters.
Default: *HELLO*
set comm remote XYZ // Send “XYZ” to remote Host upon opening a
// TCP connection
set comm remote 0 // Do not send any string upon opening a
// TCP connection
Default: 1420
set comm size 1000 // Set the flush size to 1000 bytes
Default: 100
set comm timer 150 // Set the flush time period to 150 ms
Default: RN1810_xy (where x and y are the last two bytes of the modules MAC
set dhcp hostname My_RN1810
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2.4.14 set dhcp lease <start_ip_address> <end_ip_address>
This command sets the DHCP when the RN1810 is put in Soft APpool and lease time
mode. The parameter <start_ip_address> is the starting IP address of the DHCP pool.
The parameter <end_ip_address> is the ending IP address in the DHCP pool. The
parameter <lease_time> is the number of seconds a supplied DHCP address can be
used before it must be renewed (in seconds).
2.4.15 set dns address <address>
This command sets the IP address of the DNS server, where <address> is an IP
address in the form:
with <value> being a number between 0 and 255. This address is automatically set
when using DHCP; set the DNS IP address for static IP or automatic IP modes.
2.4.16 set dns name <string>
This command sets the name of the Host for TCP/IP connections to <string>, where
<string> is up to 32 characters.
Note: The set dhcp lease command cannot be called until after the apmode
<ssid> <channel> command is called.
Default: <start_ip_address> is
<end_ip_address> is
<lease time> is 86400 seconds
set dchp lease
// Sets the Soft AP DHCP pool addresses
from to with a
lease time of 40000 seconds
set dns address // Set the DNS server address to
Default: server1
set dns name mchp1 // Set the DNS host name to mchp1
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 17
2.4.17 set ftp addr <address>
This command sets the FTP servers' IP address, where <address> is an IP address in
the form:
For IPv4: <value>.<value>.<value>.<value> with <value> being a number
between 0 and 255.
For IPv6: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (x is a hexadecimal value)
Refer to Section 4.8“FTP Client” for an FTP example. It applies to all set ftp …
2.4.18 set ftp dir <string>
This command sets the starting directory on the FTP server where <string> is a maxi-
mum of 64 characters. To designate the root directory, use the backslash (\) or
period (.). Backslashes must be used to specify sub-folders.
2.4.19 set ftp filename <string>
This command sets the name of the file that is transferred when the ftp put or ftp
get command is issued. The file name can have a maximum length of 32 characters.
2.4.20 set ftp password <string>
This command sets the login password for the FTP server, where <string> is up to 16
2.4.21 set ftp remote <value>
This command sets the FTP server’s port number, where <value> is the port number.
set ftp addr // Set FTP server IP address to
Default: .
set ftp dir demo // Set FTP server starting directory to demo
set ftp dir demo\test // Set FTP server starting directory to demo\test
set ftp dir . // Set FTP server starting directory to the
// root directory
set ftp dir \ // Set FTP server starting directory to the
// root directory
Default: test_file
set ftp filename config_data // Set the file name to config_data
Default: Pass123
set ftp password MySecretPassword // Set the FTP server password to
// ”MySecretPassword”
Default: 21
set ftp remote 21 // Set the FTP server port number to 21
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2.4.22 set ftp timeout <value>
This command sets the FTP connection timeout value, where <value> is the timeout in
seconds. The value must be one or more seconds.
2.4.23 set ftp user <string>
This command sets the login name for the FTP server, where <string> is up to 16
2.4.24 set ip address <address>
This command sets WiFly's static IP address, where <address> is an IP address in the
For IPv4: <value>.<value>.<value>.<value> with <value> being a number
between 0 and 255.
For IPv6: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (x is a hexadecimal value)
2.4.25 set ip dhcp <value>
This command enables/disables DHCP mode, where <value> is a decimal number as
shown in Table 2-3. If this parameter is set, the module requests and sets the IP
address, gateway, netmask, and DNS server upon association with an access point.
Any previously set IP information is overwritten.
Default: 10 seconds
set ftp timeout 20 // Set the FTP connection timeout to 20 seconds
Default: mchp
set ftp user john // Set the FTP user login name to john
Default: 0::0 (IPv6)
set ip address // Set IPv4 address
set ip address 2001:db9::d0ff:474a:3798:2294 // Set IPv6 address
Mode Description
0 Turn DHCP off. The module uses its stored static IP address and gateway address.
1 Turn DHCP on. The module attempts to obtain an IP address and gateway from the
access point.
Default: 1
set ip dhcp 0 // Disable DHCP client
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2.4.26 set ip host <address>
This command sets the remote host's IP address, where <address> is an IP address
in the form:
For IPv4: <value>.<value>.<value>.<value> with <value> being a number
between 0 and 255.
For IPv6: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (x is a hexadecimal value).
2.4.27 set ip localport <value>
This command sets the local port number, where <value> is a decimal number
representing the port.
2.4.28 set ip netmask <address>
This command sets the network mask, where <address> is an IP address in the form
<value>.<value>.<value>.<value> with <value> being a number between 0 and 255.
If DHCP is turned on, the netmask is assigned and overwritten when the module
associates with the access point.
2.4.29 set ip protocol <flag>
This command sets the IP protocol, where <flag> is a bit-mapped value described in
Figure 2-1. If none of the bits is selected, then no protocol is selected.
Default: 0::0 (IPv6)
set ip host // Set IPv4 address
set ip host 2001:db9::d0ff:474a:3798:2294 // Set IPv6 address
Default: 2000
set ip localport 1025 // Set local port to 1025
set ip netmask // Sets the netmask to
UDP Client (0x01)
TCP Server (0x02)
Not Used
TCP Client (0x08)
HTTP Client (0x10)
TLS TCP Client (0x20)
HTTP Server (0x40)
HTTPS Server (0x80)
UDP Server (0x100)
TLS TCP Server (0x200)
FTP Client (0x400)
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2.4.30 set ip remote <value>
This command sets the remote host port number, where <value> is a decimal number
representing the port.
2.4.31 set ip version <value>
This command sets the version of IP used:
0: IPv4
1: IPv6
2.4.32 set opt replace <value>
This command sets the replacement character for space characters in the SSID or
passphrase where <value> is the replacement character.
2.4.33 set sys auto <value>
This command sets the HTTP client auto-connect timer, where <value> is the number
of seconds. For the new value to take effect, the save and reboot commands must
be issued after this command.
Default: 0x02 (TCP server)
set ip protocol 0x12 // Enable HTTP Client mode and TCP server
set ip protocol 0x20 // Enable TLS TCP Client mode
set ip protocol 0x400 // Enable FTP Client mode
Default: 0
set ip remote 1025 // Sets the remote IP host port to 1025
Default: 0 (IPv4)
set ip version 1 // Set IP to IPv6
Default: $
set opt replace * // Set space replacement character to '*'
Note: The token “auto” cannot be abbreviated.
Default: 0
set sys auto 10 // Set auto-connect timer to 10 seconds
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2.4.34 set sys autoconn <value>
This command causes the RN1810 to connect to a Host periodically, where <value>
controls how often to connect to the remote Host as shown in Table 2-4. This command
only pertains to a TCP client. For the new value to take effect, the save and reboot
commands must be issued after this command.
2.4.35 set sys autosleep <value>
This command sets the UDP auto-sleep timer where <value> is a multiplier used in
conjunction with set comm timer <value> . For example, the following two
commands creates a UDP sleep timer of 400 ms:
set comm time 100
set sys autosleep 4
The resulting timer is 100 * 4, or 400 ms.
For the new value to take effect, the save reboot and commands must be issued after
this command.
Value Description
0 Disable the auto-connect timer.
1 Connect to remote host immediately upon power-up or awaking from Sleep mode.
2:254 Connect to a remote host every <value> seconds.
255 Connect to a remote host immediately upon power-up or when awaking from
Sleep mode and go back to sleep immediately upon closing the TCP connection.
Note: Be aware that when a client goes to sleep immediately after losing the
connection, the transaction has a higher chance of not succeeding. In
which case, the server thinks that the client is still connected. If using
an RN1810 server, which only supports a single connection, a client
reconnecting is unable to do so until the server times out and closes
the previous connection.
Note: The token “autoconn” cannot be abbreviated.
Default: 0
set sys autoconn 1 // TCP client will connect immediately upon
// Reset or awaking
Note: The token “autosleep” cannot be abbreviated.
Default: 0
set sys autosleep 4
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2.4.36 set sys sleep <value>
This command specifies the duration in seconds the RN1810 waits after a TCP
connection is closed before it goes to sleep. For the new value to take effect, the save
and reboot commands must be issued after this command.
2.4.37 set sys wake <value>
This command specifies the duration the RN1810 must stay asleep, in seconds, before
waking up. For the new value to take effect, the save and reboot commands must be
issued after this command.
2.4.38 set time address <string>
This command sets the name of the NTP server that must be queried, where <string>
is the domain name of the NTP server. The server name must be 68 or less characters.
Do not use an IP address. Refer to Section 4.10“SNTP Client”.
2.4.39 set time enable <value>
This command configures when the SNTP client fetches the time from the NTP server,
where <value> is:
0 - Disable the SNTP client
1 - Perform a single fetch from the SNTP server
2:N - Fetch time from the SNTP server every N minutes
The enable value is also checked at boot time and, if greater than 0, it fetches the time
from the NTP server as soon as associated to the network and assigned an IP address
(static or dynamic). Note that WiFly must be on a network that can access a NTP
server. Refer to Section 4.10“SNTP Client”.
Default: 0 (disabled)
set sys sleep 10 // Module goes to sleep10 seconds after
// TCP connection closes
Default: 5 seconds
set sys wake 10 // The module wakes from Sleep mode
// after 10 seconds
Default: pool.npt.org
set time address time.nist.gov // Set NTP server as time.nist.gov
Default: 0
set time enable 120 // SNTP client will fetch time from server
// every 120 minutes
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2.4.40 set time zone <value>
This command adjusts the time returned from the NTP server. The time returned from
an NTP server is set to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and normally must be adjusted
based on the Host location. The <value> is a string in the format:
Refer to Section 4.10“SNTP Client”.
Visit http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map for information on different time zones.
2.4.41 set uart baud <value>
This command sets the UART baud rate, where <value> is 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600 or 115200.
2.4.42 set uart flow <value>
This command sets the Flow Control mode and parity, where <value> is a bit-mapped
number as described in Figure 2-2.
Where: HH is the number of hours to offset Range: -12 to +13 (leading 0
required for single digit)
MM is number of minutes to offset Range: 00, 30, 45 (0 minutes must
be in form of '00')
E or D Enable or disable daylight savings
Default: UTC-07:00,E Subtract 7 hours from GMT, enable daylight
set time z UTC+09:45,D // Add 9 hours and 45 minutes to GMT,
// disable daylight savings
set time z UTC-08:30,E // Subtract 8 hours and 30 minutes from
// GMT, enable daylight savings
set time z UTC+03:00,D // Add 3 hours, 0 minutes to GMT,
// disable daylight savings
Default: 9600
set uart baud 19200 // Set UART baud rate to 19200
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When flow control is enabled:
This pin is an RN1810 output pin (input to the host MCU).
When the RN1810 UART0_RTS pin is low, the Host can send bytes to the
When the RN1810 UART0_RTS pin is high, it is unable to accept more characters
from the Host and the Host must hold off transmitting.
This pin is an RN1810 input pin (output from the host MCU)
When the Host sets the UART0_CTS pin high, the RN1810 stops sending charac-
ters to the host MCU (Refer to Note 2).
When the Host sets the UART0_CTS pin low, the RN1810 can send characters to
the host MCU.
Flow Control
0 0 0 0 0
Flow Control - 0: Disabled 1: Enabled
Parity - 00: None 01: Invalid 10: Even 11: Odd
Note 1: Flow Control must be enabled if using 115200 baud.
2: When the Host sets UART0_CTS high the RN1810 may send up to ten
more characters before the flow control takes effect and the RN1810
stops sending characters.
Default: Flow Control disabled, Parity is None
set uart flow 0x01 // Enable flow control, no parity bits
set uart flow 0x21 // Enable flow control, even parity
set uart flow 0x31 // Enable flow control, odd parity
set uart flow 0x30 // Disable flow control, odd parity
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2.4.43 set uart instant <value>
This command immediately changes the baud rate, where <value> can be: 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200. This command is useful when testing baud rate
settings or when switching the baud rate on-the-fly while connected over TCP via
Telnet. Using this command does not affect configuration. The module returns the AOK
response, and then the module exits Command mode.
If used in Local mode, the baud rate changes and the module sends AOK using the new
baud rate. If the Host immediately switches to the new baud rate, the Host may see the
AOK string at the new baud rate. Depending on the baud rate, it takes at least ten times
the bit rate for the module to issue the first character.
2.4.44 set uart mode <value>
This command configures the WiFly UART special modes, where <value> is a
bit-mapped number as shown in Figure 2-3.
2.4.45 set uart raw <value>
This command sets a raw UART value, where <value> is a decimal number
representing the baud rate. Use this command to set non-standard baud rates. The
lowest possible baud rate is 2400.
Using non-standard raw baud rates with hardware flow control can be more useful at
high speeds as the microcontroller interfaced to the module may be able to better
match the UART speed and get better results.
Default: Not applicable
set uart instant 19200 // Set UART baud rate to 19200
Default: 0x0
set uart mode 0x02 // Start TCP connection upon receiving first
// RX character after reboot
Default: Not applicable
set uart raw 7200 // Set UART baud rate to 7200
Echo - 0: Echo received command characters (default)
1: Disable echoing of received command characters
TCP_Connection - 0: Do not start TCP connection (default)
1: Start TCP connection upon receiving first RX character after boot
0 0 0 0
0 0
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2.4.46 set wlan auth <value>
This command sets the authentication mode, where <value> is shown in Table 2-5. The
firmware supports the following security modes:
WEP-64 and WEP-128 (only Open-Key mode, not Shared-Key mode)
WPA2-PSK (only AES)
WPA-PSK mixed mode (some access points, not all are supported).
2.4.47 set wlan hide <value>
This command configures how the passphrase is displayed by WiFly in response to the
get wlan get everything and commands, where <value> is:
0: display passphrase
1: do not display passphrase, show “*” instead
2.4.48 set wlan join <value>
This command sets the policy for automatically associating with network access points,
where <value> is one of the options shown in Table 2-6. The module uses this policy
on power-up, including waking up from the sleep timer.
Value Authentication Mode
0 Open (default)
1 WEP-128 Open Key
3 WPA/WPA2-PSK Mixed
8 WEP-64 Open Key
Default: 0 (Open)
set wlan auth 4 // Set security to WPA2-PSK authentication
Default: 0
set wlan hide 1 // WiFly displays '*'s instead of the actual passphrase
Value Policy
0 Manual. Do not try to automatically associate with a network.
1 Try to associate with the access point that matches the stored SSID and
pass key. The RN1810 scans all valid channels when searching for the
access point.
7 Create a Soft AP network using the stored SSID, IP address, netmask,
channel, and so on.
Default: 0
set wlan join 7 // Create Soft AP network
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2.4.49 set wlan key <value>
This command sets the WEP-64 or WEP-128 key, where <value> is the hexadecimal
representation of the key. A WEP-64 key must be 10-hex digits. A WEP-128 key must
be 26-hex digits.
2.4.50 set wlan mask <mask>
This command sets the WLAN channel mask used for scanning channels with an
auto-join policy of 1 (Refer to Table 2-6), where <mask> is a hex number (bit 0 =
channel 1). Reducing the number of channels scanned for association increases
battery life.
2.4.51 set wlan mode_phy <value>
This command sets the Wireless Physical mode, where <value> is:
2: 11B mode
3: 11G mode
4: 11N mode
2.4.52 set wlan number <value>
This command sets the WEP index to be used, where is 1 through 4.<value>
Default: 0
set wlan key aabbccddee // Set WEP-64 key
set wlan key aabbccddeeff00112233445566 // Set WEP-128 key
Note: The token “maskcannot be abbreviated.
Default: All channels are scanned
set wlan mask 0x0421 // Scan channels 1, 6, 11
Note: The token "mode_phy" cannot be abbreviated.
Default: 0 (Mixed mode). Cannot be set by this command, but is set after a
factory RESET.
set wlan mode_phy 3 // Set physical mode to 802.11G
Default: 1
set wlan number 2 // Set WEP index to 2
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2.4.53 set wlan phrase <string>
This command sets the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 security modes, where
<string> is 1 to 64 characters (64 bytes). The passphrase is alphanumeric, and is used
with the SSID to generate a unique 32-byte Pre-Shared Key (PSK), which is then
hashed into a 256-bit number. When you change either the SSID or the passphrase,
the module recalculates and stores the PSK.
If you enter exactly 64 characters, the module assumes that the passphrase is an
ASCII hex representation of the 32-byte PSK, and the value is simply stored.
2.4.54 set wlan ssid <string>
This command sets the SSID with which the module associates, where <string> is 1 to
32 characters (32 bytes).
2.4.55 set wlan tx <value>
This command sets a fixed transmit power level for the RN1810 module, where
<value> is a value between 1 and 16 dBm.
These commands begin with the keyword get and displays the current values of the
module. Except where noted, the Get commands do not have any parameters.
2.5.1 get console
This command displays the console settings.
2.5.2 get dns
This command displays the DNS settings.
Note: The <string> cannot contain spaces. If the SSID contains spaces, use a
replacement character. Refer to set opt replace <value> command.
Default: !microchip
set wlan phrase my_password // Set passphrase to my_password
Note: The <string> cannot contain spaces. If the SSID contains spaces, use a
replacement character. Refer to set opt replace <value> command.
Default: microchip1
set wlan ssid my_network // Set SSID to my_network
Default: 16
set wlan tx 8 // Set transmit power to 8 dBm
Example: get console
Example: get dns
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2.5.3 get everything
This command displays many configuration settings.
2.5.4 get ftp
This command displays the FTP settings.
2.5.5 get ip
This command displays the IP address and port number settings.
2.5.6 get mac
This command displays the device's MAC address.
2.5.7 get softap
This command displays the Soft AP settings.
2.5.8 get system
This command displays the system settings.
2.5.9 get time
This command displays the current SNTP client configuration information.
2.5.10 get uart
This command displays the UART settings.
2.5.11 get version
This command displays the firmware version number.
2.5.12 get wlan
This command displays the WLAN settings.
Example: get everything
Example: get ftp
Example: get ip
Example: get mac
Example: get softap
Example: get system
Example: get time
ENA=0 // Value set in set time enable <value>
SRV= pool.ntp.org // Value set in set time address <string>
ZONE= UTC-07:00,E // Value set in set time zone <value>
Example: get uart
Example: get version
Example: get wlan
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Action commands are used to enter/exit Command mode, to perform factory Reset and
run tests and applications, among others. Except where noted, the Action commands
do not have any parameters.
2.6.1 $$$
Use this command to enter Command mode. Type $$$ sequentially with no additional
characters before or after each $ character. Do not type a carriage return (<cr>) after
the $$$ to enter Command mode. There must be a 250 ms guard-band period before
and after typing the three $'s. If the preceding rules are not followed, the $ characters
are treated as data and the RN1810 remains in Data mode. In summary, to enter
Command mode perform the following steps:
250 ms of silence (no characters sent)
Send three $ character (must be less than 250 ms between each $)
250 ms of silence (no characters sent)
The module replies with CMD and displays the prompt <WIFLY> to indicate it is in
Command mode.
To use a different character to enter Command mode (not $$$), use the set comm $
<char> command.
2.6.2 apmode <ssid> <channel>
This command initiates Soft AP mode. The following are the valid inputs:
apmode ssid
apmode ssid channel
$$$ // Enter Command mode
Note: When Soft AP mode is invoked, the IP address of the module is The default DHCP server pool is through The IP address of the module can be changed via the set
ip address <address> command. The DHCP server pool and lease
time can be changed via the set dhcp lease command. However, the
gateway address is unchangeable and remain as which must
not cause any issue in network packet distribution.
appmode // Start Soft AP mode using previously set SSID and channel
apmode my_app // Start Soft AP mode with SSID set to my_app and
// previously set channel
apmode my_ssid 6 // Start Soft AP mode with SSID set to my_ssid and using
// channel 6
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2.6.3 close
This command disconnects a TCP client connection. When the module is configured
as a TCP/TLS Server, this command closes the connection with the connected client -
the server continues to run. When the module is configured as a TCP/TLS Client, this
command closes the clients connection with the server.
2.6.4 exit
This command exits Command mode and enters Data mode. After leaving Command
mode, the module responds with EXIT.
2.6.5 factory RESET
This command reboots the RN1810 settings to their factory default state. All previous
settings are lost.
2.6.6 ftp get
This command initiates a file read from the FTP server using the settings in the
previous set ftp commands. For more information on how to use this command,
refer to Section 4.8“FTP Client”.
2.6.7 ftp put
This command initiates a file write to the FTP server using the settings in the previous
set ftp … commands. For more information on how to use this command, refer to
Section 4.8FTP Client.
2.6.8 join <string>
This command instructs the WiFly module to join the network indicated by <string>. If
the network has security enabled, set the passphrase with the set wlan pass
command prior to issuing the join command.
close // Close TCP connection
exit // Exit Command mode
factory RESET // Reset configuration to factory defaults
ftp get
ftp put
Note: The <string> must not contain spaces.
join // Join previously saved SSID
// Refer to set wlan ssid <string>
join mchp // Join open network mchp
set wlan pass password // Set the password to password
join mchp1 // Join network mchp1
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2.6.9 leave
This command instructs the Wi i network it is currently Fly module to leave the Wi-F
associated with.
2.6.10 lookup <string>
This command causes the module to perform a DNS query, where <string> is the host
name to search.
2.6.11 open <host> <port_number>
This command opens a TCP client, HTTP client or a TLS TCP client connection to the
stored remote host IP address and the remote port number. The type of connection to
open depend on the previous set ip protocol command. If <host> is a host name,
the DNS client resolves it to an IP address. If <host> is an IP address, it directly used.
A TLS TCP client must only use the open command with no parameters.
Upon successfully opening the connection, the RN1810 transitions from Command
mode to Data mode.
2.6.12 ota upgrade <file_name> <server_addr>
This command upgrades the module firmware using a Wi-Fi connection to a TFTP
server. Before invoking this command, ensure that the following are set:
1. WiFly is connected to a wireless network
2. PC running the TFTP server is connected to the same wireless network
3. Upgrade file is at a location where the TFTP server can find it
4. TFTP server is running
2.6.13 ping <address>
This command sends a ping, where <address> is the IPv4 address of the ping target.
If the ping is successful, WiFly can output a response (for example, PING reply from A single packet is sent.
leave // Leave current network
Example: lookup mchp1 // Search for the remote host mchp1
open // Open TCP connection using previously set
// IP address and port number
open 2000 // Open TCP connection to,
// port 2000
open my_remote_host 2000 // Resolve my_remote_host to an IP address,
// open connection to port 2000
ota upgrade wifly.bin // Upgrade WiFly firmware
ping // Ping IP address
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2.6.14 ping6 <address>
This command sends a ping, where <address> is the IPv6 address of the ping target.
If the ping is successful, WiFly can output a response (for example, PING reply from
2001:db9::d0ff:474a:3798:2294). A single packet is sent.
2.6.15 reboot
This command forces the module to reboot (similar to a power cycle).
2.6.16 release
This command forces the WiFly DHCP server to clear its DHCP client pool. This
command is only applicable if WiFly is in Soft AP mode.
2.6.17 rftest <rate> <num_tries> <num_bytes> <channel>
<header type> [addr1] [addr2] [addr3] [addr4]
This command causes WiFly to transmit Wi-Fi packets. This is useful for regulatory
testing, or verifying RF functionality. The command format is:
rftest rate num_tries num_bytes channel header_type [addr1]
[addr2 [addr3] [add4]
ping 2001:db9::d0ff:474a:3798:2294 // Ping IP address
// 2001:db9::d0ff:474a:3798:2294
reboot // Force the module to reboot
release // Clear DHCP client pool
rate is Transmission rate; 0 through 19 as follows:
num_tries is Number of packets to transmit (1 - 14)
num_bytes is Number of data bytes in each packet (0 - 1400)
channel is Wi-Fi channel to use (1 - 11), or 0 (use current channel)
header_type is 0 - beacon frame
1 - QOS data frame
2 - data frame with four addresses
[addr1] is MAC address 1, format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [Receiver]
Default: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
0: 1 mbps 10: 48 mbps
1: 2 mbps 11: 54 mbps
2: 5.5 mbps 12: 6.5 mbps
3: 11 mbps 13: 13.0 mbps
4: 6 mbps 14: 19.5 mbps
5: 9 mbps 15: 26 mbps
6: 12 mbps 16: 39 mbps
7: 18 mbps 17: 52 mbps
8: 24 mbps 18: 58.5 mbps
9: 36 mbps 19: 19.5 mbps
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2.6.18 run <string>
This command runs applications, where
2.6.19 save
This command saves the current configuration settings to module FLASH.
2.6.20 scan
This command scans for existing Wi-Fi networks. Refer to Section 3.5“Scan Output
Format”) for the output format of the scan command.
2.6.21 show <value>
This command shows various states. Refer to Section 2.7“Show Commands” for a
detailed explanation of this command.
[addr2] is MAC address 2, format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [Transmitter]
Default: MAC address of the module
[addr3] is MAC address 3, format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [Destination]
Default: 00:1E:C0:DD:DD:D
[addr4] is MAC address 4, format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [Source]
Default: 00:1E:C0:EE:EE:EE
Note: If [addr2] is not specified, the default MAC address is the MAC address
of the module.
rftest 2 10 100 1 0 // Rate = 2 mbps, num_tries = 10, num_bytes = 100,
// channel = 1, header_type = beacon frame, addr1,
// addr2, addr3, addr4 are using defaults
rftest 17 5 1000 6 2 // Rate = 52 mbps, num_tries = 5, num_bytes = 1000,
// channel = 6, header_type = data frame, addr1,
// addr2, addr3, addr4 are using defaults
rftest 5 10 300 11 2 00:1e:c0:bb:bb:bb
// Rate = 9 mbps, num_tries = 10, num_bytes = 300,
// channel = 11,header_type = data frame,
// addr1 = 00:1e:c0:bb:bb:bb, addr2, addr3, addr4 are
// using defaults
<string> is wps Run WPS application in Infrastructure mode
web_app Run web application in Soft AP mode
run web_app // Run web server in Soft AP mode
save // Save configuration settings
scan // Active scan on all 13 channels with default dwell time
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2.6.22 sleep
This command puts the module to sleep. Wake the module by using a Reset, using the
wake timer, or the WAKEUP I/O line.
2.6.23 time
This command sets the real-time clock by running an SNTP client to retrieve the time
from an SNTP server. Before invoking this command the SNTP client must be
configured via the ‘set time …’ commands in 2.4.38 through 2.4.40.
These commands begin with the keyword show and then displays the module's current
2.7.1 show ap
This command shows the devices connected to WiFly when it is in Soft AP mode.
2.7.2 show io
This command displays the state of the RN1810 pins.
2.7.3 show ip
This command shows the IP state of the WiFly.
2.7.4 show rssi
This command shows the current RSSI value for the module (in dB).
2.7.5 show net
This command shows the module’s network state.
sleep // Put the module to sleep
time // Start SNTP client
Example: show ap
Example: show io
Example: show ip
Example: show rssi
Example: show net
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2.7.6 show time
This command displays the current time fetched from the NTP server. Once the time is
successfully fetched, WiFly continues to update the time based on its internal clock.
Note 1: If the result of this command is what is shown below, then either the SNTP cli-
ent has not yet run, or, the SNTP client was unable to reach the NTP server:
2:The result below occurs if the SNTP client is disabled:
<WIFLY> show time
Time=14:18:58 // Current time of day (24 hour clock)
Date=08/19/2015 // Current date
UTC=1439993938 // Unix epoch time; number of seconds since
// Jan 1, 1970
Uptime=217 sec Time since last reboot (independent of NTP server)
<WIFLY> show time
Uptime=217 sec // Always valid
<WIFLY> show time
Uptime=3 sec // Always valid
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 37
Chapter 3. Advanced Features and Settings
This section describes the WiFly module's advanced features, including techniques for
waking up the module and methods to open a TCP connection when the module is
awake. It also describes the UART flow control, and the real-time clock.
WiFly modules support two methods for accessing Wi-Fi networks. In addition to Infra-
structure mode the firmware also supports Access Point (AP) mode. AP mode provides
several advantages. In AP mode:
The module creates a Soft AP network to which all devices (smartphones and tab-
lets) can join.
The module runs a DHCP server and issues IP addresses to the clients.
The WiFly module supports security
The module supports routing between clients
The following sections describe how to use AP mode with WiFly products, including
configuring the module to act as an AP, enabling AP mode in hardware and software,
and sending data to the module from a remote Host.
3.2.1 Enabling Soft AP Mode
Enable Soft AP mode in the software by using the set wlan join 7 command. The
network settings such as the SSID and the channel in the software can be customized.
For example, the following set of commands create a Soft AP network:
After rebooting, the module is in Soft AP mode with the above settings applied.
If no channel is specified, the module starts the network on channel 1.
If no SSID is specified, the module starts the network using an SSID of
“WiFly-RN1810-xy”, where xy is the last byte of the module's MAC address.
If passphrase is specified, then Soft AP network uses WPA2-PSK (AES) security.
If passphrase is not specified, then Open-Key security mode is used.
Default IP address is
Default mask is
set wlan join 7 // Enable Soft AP mode
set apmode channel <value> // Specify the channel to create network
set apmode ssid <string> // Setup network Broadcast SSID
// (BSSID)
set apmode passphrase <string> // Set passphrase
save // Store settings
reboot // Reboot the module in Soft AP mode
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
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Table 3-1 describes the methods for putting the module to sleep.
Table 3-2 describes methods for waking the module.
When the module wakes up from sleep, it takes time (in milliseconds) to initialize the
internal hardware. During this time, any data sent to the WiFly module over the UART
is not processed. The STATUS_RDY I/O line can be monitored to determine when the
module is ready for operations as described in Section 5.2 “I/O Pin Function Select”.
Alternately, the Host software can wait for the “*READY*” string to be received from
When WiFly is in Data mode the Host sends TX data bytes via the UART. As WiFly
receives this data, it is stored in its UART buffer. At some point, the data in the UART
buffer is 'flushed', (encapsulated into an IP packet) and sent out to the wireless net-
work. There are three available methods to decide when WiFly performs this 'flush'
action as shown in Table 3-3.
Method Interface Description
Sleep Command UART Enter the Command mode using $$$ and issue the
sleep command.
SLEEP I/O I/O Pin Rising edge on SLEEP I/O pin puts the module in
Sleep mode.
Method Interface Description
Wake Timer Internal RTC The wake timer wakes the module based on the set
sys wake <value> command setting.
WAKEUP I/O I/O Pin Set WAKEUP I/O low to wake-up RN1810 from
Sleep state.
Flush Method Description
Time Every N ms WiFly encapsulates all UART RX bytes into an IP packet and
sends the packet. This is the default method, with the default time at 100 ms.
Corresponding Command: set comm timer <value>
Size When N bytes have accumulated in the UART RX buffer, WiFly encapsu-
lates those bytes into an IP packet and sends the packet.
Corresponding Command: set comm size <value>
Match When a specified byte is received, WiFly encapsulates all UART RX bytes
into an IP packet and sends the packet.
Corresponding Command: set comm match <value> <flag>
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 39
3.4.1 UART Receiver and RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control
At lower baud rates (less than 115000), the system can send data over TCP/IP without
flow control.
Depending on the frequency and the quantity of the data being sent, the comm param-
eters optimize Wi-Fi performance by specifying when the system sends IP packets. To
minimize latency and TCP/IP overhead, use the flush size or match character to send
data in a single IP packet. In most cases, set the flush timer to a large number to avoid
fragmentation. For high throughput, increase the UART baud rate, set the flush size to
1,460, and set the flush timer to a large value so that full IP packets are sent.
Refer to Section 3.4 “TX Flush Methods” for a description of how to control packet
If the module is sending more than a few hundred thousand bytes in a single transac-
tion, Hardware Flow Control must be enabled. The hardware must actively monitor the
UART0_CTS pin. Flow control is not enabled by default as it is set using the set uart
flow 1 command.
The firmware supports a comma-delimited scan output format; for example:
The fields separated by comas are:
Table 3-4 describes the scan fields.
Index Channel RSSI Security
Capabilities MAC
Field Format Description
Index 2-digit decimal number Scan result index, starting at 01.
Channel 2-digit decimal number AP Channel number
RSSI Negative 2-digit decimal num-
RSSI value
Security mode 2-byte (4-nibble) hex value Bit map of Security modes. If no bit is set
then AP has open security. Refer to
Table 3-5.
Capabilities 2-byte (4-nibble) hex value Bit map of capabilities value. Refer to
Table 3-6.
MAC address String MAC address of AP
(format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
SSID String SSID name of AP
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An example output from the scan command is shown below:
15 14 13 12 11:7 6 5 4:3 2 1 0
(64 or 128)
15:14 13 12:11 10 9:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved DSSS-
Reserved Short
Reserved Channel
Privacy CF-Poll
<WIFLY> scan
SCAN:Found 3
Note: The string END: signifies the end of scan data.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 41
Chapter 4. Application Examples
Configuring the module to make connections involves associating with an access point
and opening a connection. This chapter describes how to configure the module via its
USB UART connector. Open a corresponding terminal emulator on the COM port
associated with the module. The default baud rate is 9600, 8 bits, and no parity. Flow
control is dsabled by default.
4.1.1 Associate with an Access Point
From within the terminal window, put the module into Command mode by typing $$$.
The module responds with CMD, indicating that it is in Command mode. Use the scan
command to find the available networks as shown in Figure 4-1.
If you are connecting to an open network, ensure that the DHCP client is enabled (for
example set ip dhcp 1) and then use the join command to associate with the
access point. The scan list in Figure 4-1 shows that the guest is an open access point.
Type join guest to associate with the network as shown in Figure 4-2.
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If the access point is secure, set the passphrase prior to issuing the join command.
To set the WPA passphrase, use the set wlan phrase <string> command.
Setting up a TCP Server is very simple. Setup the SSID and passphrase, turn on
auto-join and then save and reboot. When the module reboots, it connects to the SSID,
gets an IP address, and starts the TCP server on port 2000. Open a telnet session from
any machine connected to the same SSID, and enter “open <ipaddr> 2000”, where
<ipaddr> is the assigned IP address of the module (Refer to command get ip), and
then enter the characters from the window. Pressing <Enter> sends the data to the
module. The module can also send data to the Client when the user enters data in the
console window opened via the serial port of the module. This is a simple chat demo
with the module.
To force the client to disconnect, enter Command mode and issue the close com-
mand. This forces the connected client to close its connection to the server where the
server continues to run, and can only stop via a Reset.
set ip dhcp 1 // Enable DHCP client
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set wlan join 1 // Auto join
save // Save the configuration to the Flash
reboot // Reboot the module
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 43
The module is configured to be a TCP client using the following command sequence.
Start a Remote TCP Server on a Linux/Windows machine (for example, “ncat -l -k
50008”), and the module connects to this TCP server. Once connected, data is sent
from the console window.
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
The module is configured to be a TLS client using the following command sequence.
Start a Remote SSL/TLS Server on a Linux/Windows machine (for example, “ncat -l -k
--ssl --ssl-key foo.key --ssl-cert foo.pem 1443”), and the module connects to this TCP
Server. Once connected, data is sent from the console window.
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
set ip dhcp 1 // Enable DHCP client
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set wlan join 1 // Auto join
set ip protocol 8 // TCP Client
set ip host <ip_addr> // IP address of the remote TCP server
set ip remote 50008 // Remote TCP server port number
save // Save the configuration to the Flash
reboot // Reboot the module
$$$ // Enter Command mode
open // Open a connection to the TCP Server
// (transition to Data mode)
// Send data
$$$ // Enter Command mode
close // Close client connection to server
set ip dhcp 1 // Enable DHCP client
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name–must be an IPv6 AP
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set wlan join 1 // Auto join
set ip version 1 // IP version is IPv6
set ip protocol 8 // TCP Client
set ip host <ip_addr> // IPv6 IP address of the remote TCP Server
set ip remote 50008 // Remote TCP Server port number
save // Save the configuration to Flash
reboot // Reboot the module
$$$ // Enter Command mode
open // Open a connection to the TCP Server
// (transition to Data mode)
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UDP is a connectionless protocol where there is no initial handshaking between the
hosts to setup the UDP connection, and the receiver does not send an acknowledg-
ment when it receives UDP packets. Therefore, UDP is an unreliable protocol because
there is no guarantee that the data is correctly delivered. However, because it is con-
nectionless, UDP is suited for applications that cannot tolerate too much latency, but
can tolerate some errors in the data, for example, video transmission.
To use UDP with the module, enable the UDP protocol using the set ip proto 1
command. The remote host's IP address and the local and remote port numbers to use
for UDP communications must also be specified. Example 4-1 and Example 4-2 show
the commands used to enable UDP data transfer:
As UDP is a connectionless protocol, data begins flowing as soon as the module is
rebooted. Unlike TCP, it is not required to send an open command to establish the con-
nection. The module acts like a data pipe where the UART data is sent over the Wi-Fi
link via the UDP protocol (in this case) and the data coming from the Wi-Fi link (via UDP
protocol in this case) is sent to the UART.
Setting up a TLS Server is very simple. Setup the SSID and passphrase, turn on
auto-join, and then save and reboot. When the module reboots, it connects to the SSID,
gets an IP address and starts the TLS Server on port 2000. Open an SSL session from
any machine (for example, on a Linux machine - “ncat --ssl <ipaddr_server> 2000”),
and enter characters from the window. Pressing <Enter> send the data to the module.
The module can also send data enters data in the console to the Client when the user
window opened via the serial port of the module. This is a simple chat demo with the
Note: To send/receive data using IPv6 for any of the TCP/UDP/TLS Server/Client,
add only the set ip version 1 command (Set IP version to IPv6), and
let the rest of the commands untouched. This enables IPv6 based
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set ip proto 1 // Enable UDP as the protocol
set ip host <address> // Set the remote host's IP address
set ip remote <value> // Set remote port on the Host that listens
set ip local <value> // Set port number on the module that listens
save // Save settings in the configuration file
reboot // Reboot the module
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 45
To force the Client to disconnect, enter Command mode and issue the close com-
mand. This forces the connected Client to close its connection to the server where the
server can only stop via a Reset.
The module is configured to be a TLS client using the following command sequence.
Start a Remote TLS Server on a Linux/Windows machine (for example, “ncat --ssl
--ssl-key foo.key --ssl-cert foo.pem -l -k 50008”), and the module connects to this TLS
Server. Once connected, data is sent from the console window.
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
To close the connection to the server, enter Command mode followed by the close
set ip dhcp 1 // Enable DHCP client
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name
If WPA2-PSK is supported:
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set wlan join 1 // Auto join
set ip protocol 0x200 // Setup the protocol as TLS Server
save // Save the configuration to Flash
reboot // Reboot the module
Note: When the module is a TLS server and the command is entered, the sleep
module forcefully shutdown the TLS connection, disconnect the client, and
go to sleep. When the module wakes up, it comes up as a TLS Server with
a new connection, and the client must open a new socket connection with
the server and perform the TLS handshake in order to exchange data.
set ip dhcp 1 // Enable DHCP client
set wlan ssid <string> // Set the network name
set wlan phrase <string> // Set the passphrase for WPA and WPA2 modes
set wlan auth 4 // Set the authentication type to WPA and
// WPA2 modes
set wlan join 1 // Auto join
set ip protocol 0x20 // TLS Client
set ip host <ip_addr> // IP address of the remote TLS Server
set ip remote 50008 // Remote TLS Server port number
save // Save the configuration to Flash
reboot // Reboot the module
$$$ // Enter Command mode
open // Open a connection to the TLS Server
// (transition to Data mode)
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WiFly supports FTP client functionality allowing the Host to transfer files to and from an
FTP server. This is controlled through WiFly commands and pins for handshaking.
WiFly only supports FTP passive mode.
4.8.1 Reading a File from FTP Server
This section gives the typical command and pin handshaking sequence to setup a
transfer of file from the FTP Server to the Host. The command that initiates the FTP
client file read is ftp get. To read a file from the FTP server use the TCP_STATUS
Note: When the module is a TLS client and the sleep command is entered, the
module forcefully shutdown the TLS connection, disconnect from the
server, and go to sleep. When the module wakes up, it comes up as a TLS
client without any connection, and the client must open a new socket con-
nection with the server and perform the TLS handshake in order to
exchange data.
Host WiFly
Host has previously connected to an AP and has
received an IP address. WiFly is in Command
Sets FTP client protocol
( )set ip protocol 0x400
Setup FTP client transfer using set ftp
commands. For example:
set ftp address
set ftp remote 21
set ftp user john
set ftp password my_password
set ftp dir
set ftp file test_file.txt
set ftp timeout 20
Stores the FTP settings
Sends ftp get command. Receives the ftp get command.
Sets TCP_STATUS low.
Host waits for TCP_STATUS to go high. WiFly establishes a connection with the
FTP server. When ready for file transfer,
sets TCP_STATUS high, signaling to the
Host that the file data is going to be trans-
ferred to Host. WiFly automatically transi-
tions from Command mode to Data mode.
Detects TCP_STATUS going high. This signals to
the Host that:
1) WiFly has transitioned to Data mode and
2) All subsequent RX bytes are file data bytes.
WiFly reads file from FTP server and
sends data to Host.
Host receives file data bytes When last file data byte transferred, WiFly
sets TCP_STATUS low, signaling that all
file data bytes have been transferred to the
Detects TCP_STATUS going low, signaling that
the file transfer is complete.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 47
4.8.2 Writing a File to FTP Server
This section gives the typical command and pin handshaking sequence to setup a
transfer of file from the Host to an FTP server. The command that initiates the FTP
client file write is ftp put. To write a file to the FTP server, use both the TCP_CTRL
and TCP_STATUS pins.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) created by the Wi-Fi Alliance is a standard for easy and
secure establishment of a wireless home network.
The goal of the WPS protocol is to simplify the process of configuring security on wire-
less networks. The protocol is meant to allow home users with little knowledge of wire-
less security and being intimidated by the available security options to configure Wi-Fi
Protected Access which is supported by most Wi-Fi certified devices that are available
for purchase today.
Host WiFly
Host has previously connected to an AP and has
received an IP address. WiFly is in Command
Set FTP client protocol
( )set ip protocol 0x400
Setup FTP client transfer using the set ftp
commands. For example:
set ftp address
set ftp remote 21
set ftp user john
set ftp password my_password
set ftp dir
set ftp file test_file.txt
set ftp timeout 20
Stores the FTP settings
a) Send ftp_put command.
b) Set TCP_CTRL low to enable WiFly to detect
if status is going high later in the sequence.
c) Wait for TCP_STATUS to go high.
Receives ftp_put. Establishes a connec-
tion with the FTP server. When ready for
file data transfer, sets TCP_STATUS high,
signaling to the Host that it can now trans-
fer file data. WiFly automatically transitions
from Command mode to Data mode.
Detects TCP_STATUS going high.
Send file data to WiFly.
WiFly receives file data and sends to FTP
After all file data have been transferred, sets
TCP_CTRL high, signaling that WiFly file data
transfer is complete and the WiFly can close the
FTP connection.
Detects TCP_CTRL going high. Closes
connection to FTP server. Sets TCP_STA-
TUS low.
Waits for, and detects TCP_STATUS going low.
FTP transaction is terminated and the next
command can be sent.
Sets TCP_CTRL low (allows for future
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
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The most common mode of WPS is the Push Button Configuration (PBC) mode in
which the user simply pushes a button on both the access point and the wireless client
(for example, the WiFly module). Refer to Figure 4-3.
4.9.1 Launching a WPS Application
Use the run wps command in the console. Use an I/O pin to launch WPS. Refer to
Section 5.2 “I/O Pin Function Select.
When the WPS application launches, it negotiates the SSID and passphrase with the
AP and reboots the module to associate with the WPS-enabled access point.
By default, during the WPS process, the module prints messages on the UART as it
scans channels, detects access points, and tries to complete WPS. Refer to Figure 4-4.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 49
Example 4-3 shows the sequence of commands entered to acquire the time from an
SNTP server, showing both the commands and responses.
Command Response Description
$$$ CMD
Enter Command
set wlan ssid MyAp AOK
set wlan auth 0 AOK
Set open security
set wlan join 1 AOK
Set auto-join
set ip version 0 AOK
Set IPv4
set ip dhcp 1 AOK
Enable DHCP client
save Verify config data: succeeded
Save above settings
reboot *Reboot*
Version: 0_7_8 r631 for RN1810
Mac Addr STA=00:1e:c0:0c:eb:9e
Mac Addr
Assoc MyAp chan=1; mode=0 RSSI 0
Reboot and connect
$$$ CMD
Enter Command
set time address
Set address of NTP
time server
set time zone
Set time zone and
set time enable 1 AOK
Enable SNTP client
to fetch
get time ENA=1
Verify SNTP client
settings (optional)
[…wait a few seconds for SNTP client to perform the fetch]
show time Time=14:17:07
UTC=1448979427 sec
Uptime=9 sec
Get the time fetched
by the SNTP client
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This section describes how to configure the module using its built-in web server.
WiFly modules can operate in one of two modes:
Infrastructure mode - the module can join a network created by an access point
Soft AP mode - The module behaves as an AP with limited functionality
A key challenge when using any embedded device in Infrastructure mode is to provi-
sion it to associate with an AP. This process requires storing the AP's settings, such as
the SSID and passphrase, in the embedded device.
Embedded Wi-Fi modules can be configured or provisioned to join an infrastructure
network in several ways:
Sending ASCII commands to the module over a UART
Using Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
Sending commands to the module remotely using a web interface
4.11.1 Using the Configuration Web Server
Configuring the embedded WiFly module to associate with an AP in Infrastructure
mode involves the following process:
1. Invoke the module's configuration web server.
2. Connect your client device (PC, smartphone, tablet, and so on) to the module's
Soft AP network.
3. Access the module's configuration web page from your client device's web
4. Save the settings (SSID and Security mode) in your web browser and exit. INVOKE THE CONFIGURATION WEB SERVER
There are two methods for running the RN1810 web server application the web server:
In software: via the run web_app command
In hardware: via the FUNC_CONFIG I/O pin (Refer to I/O Pin Function Select in
Section 5.2 “I/O Pin Function Select)
When you run the configuration web server, it creates a Soft AP network with the set-
tings shown in Table 4-3.
Setting Soft AP Mode Default
SSID RN1810_XX where XX is the last byte of the module’s MAC address
Channel 1
DHCP Server Enabled
IP Address
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 51
This section describes how to use the web server to configure the WiFly module with
the AP's SSID and Security mode. The example uses the Internet Explorer web
browser running on a Windows 7 machine; however, the same concepts apply to any
device with a Wi-Fi interface (for example, iPhone®, Android™ smartphones, tablets or
PCs,) running a web browser (for example, Chrome™, Firefox® or Safari®).
To configure the module using a web browser, perform the following steps:
1. Associate the PC to the module's AP network. Launch your web browser.
2. Type to go to the home page of the web server running on
the module. The page has two tabs displayed by default:
Network Configuration - Used to set the AP's SSID and Security mode.
Information - Displays information about the WiFly module.
Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6 show the screen shots displaying the two web pages.
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The RN1810 can be configured to periodically sleep and wake-up. Going to sleep and
waking up as well as be triggered by connections and sending data.
There are five timers that are used for various operations:
4.13.1 Auto-Connect and Periodic Sleep-Wake
The following command sequence shows how to configure the RN1810 with several
timer options.
4.13.2 HTTP Client Connect Periodically to Web Server
The following command sequence shows how to configure the RN1810 to connect to
a web server every 30 seconds and send a string upon opening the connection.
Timer Description
Sleep Timer Determines in seconds how long the module must sleep. This is a 32-bit
value, corresponding to a maximum value of 1.19 hours.
The sleep timer is set with the set sys sleep <value> command.
Wake Timer Determines in seconds how long the module must remain in Sleep
mode before waking up. This is a 22-bit number corresponding to a
maximum value of 1,165 hours.
The wake timer is set with the set sys wake <value> command.
Auto-connect Timer
Determines in seconds how long the module must wait after reboot
before opening a TCP connection. The Auto-connect timer is set with
the set sys autoconn <value> command.
Auto-connect Timer
Determines in seconds how often an HTTP client must open a connec-
tion to a HTTP server. The timer is set with the set sys auto
<value> command.
Idle Timer Determines in seconds how long it takes to close a TCP connection that
is idle. The Idle timer is set with the set comm idle <value>
set ip remote_port 2000 // Setup the remote machine's IP port
set sys autoconn 1 // Connect immediately upon waking up
set com idle 5 // Disconnect after 5 seconds of no data activity
set sys sleep 2 // Sleep 2 seconds after connection is closed
set sys wake 60 // after 1 minute of sleep
set comm remote GET$/ob.php?obvar=WEATHER // String to send
set sys auto 30 // Auto-connect every
// 30 seconds
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 53
4.13.3 UDP Auto-Sleep
The RN1810 is capable of automatically going into Sleep mode for a designated period
of time after sending a UDP packet. The sleep time is configured via two commands:
set sys autosleep <value> and
set comm timer <value>.
The time interval is a product of these two values where the comm timer value is in mil-
liseconds and the auto-sleep value is a multiplier. Examples are shown in Table 4-5.
Example 4-4 shows a command sequence to auto-sleep 120 ms after sending a UDP
set sys autosleep set comm timer <value> <value> Sleep Period
4 10 ms 40 ms (4 * 10)
2 20 ms 40 ms (2 * 20)
10 10 ms 100 ms (10 * 10)
set ip 0x01 // UDP protocol
set ip remote 2000 // Port 2000 on remote Host
set ip host // IP address of remote Host
set sys autosleep 4 // Set multiplier to 4
set comm timer 30 // 4 * 30 = 120 ms sleep period
save // Save settings
reboot // Reboot module so settings take effect
join // Join Wi-Fi network (presumes SSID,
// security, etc. previously saved)
… wait for connection
exit // Exit to Data mode
... send UDP packet // After packet sent and 120 ms elapsed,
// module goes to sleep
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Chapter 5. RN1810 I/O Pins
Table 5-1 and Table 5-2 describe the RN1810 I/O pins. With a few exceptions
described in the tables, most I/O pins are optional and their functionality can be
replaced by a command or status text sent by WiFly.
Output Pin Description
Pin 5
WiFly outputs different patterns to indicate various states. Typically this pin is
tied to an LED.
Pin 8
WiFly outputs different patterns to indicate various states.
Pattern Description
Low In WPS mode
One toggle per second In Data mode and:
1. In Infrastructure mode, or
2. In Web App mode with no associated
Four toggles per second 1. In Command mode, or
2. In AP mode
High In Web App mode with associated client (and
possibly a socket open by client)
Pattern Description
Low Not connected or associated
High Connected to an available AP and/or IP
Four toggles per second In Web App mode with client associated (and
possibly a socket open by client)
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
DS50002467A-page 56 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
Pin 26
WiFly outputs different pulse patterns to indicate various connection states.
Typically this pin would be tied to an LED.
Pin 6
Set by WiFly during Reset or after reboot command.
0: WiFly not ready for operations
1: WiFly ready for operations
Pin 12
This WiFly output can be used in two contexts:
1. Set by WiFly to signal TCP connection status; it can be checked after
the Host sends an open <host> <port_number> command (or
uses the TCP_CTRL pin) to initiate a TCP connection.
0: TCP connection not yet complete
1: TCP connection complete
2. This pin is required for FTP transfers.
Refer to Section 4.8“FTP Client.
Pin 10
Required if using UART handshake. Refer to set uart flow <value>
Pin 7
WiFly UART TX pin.
Output Pin Description
Pattern Description
Low 1. In Infrastructure mode and associated
with AP, or
2. In AP mode and client associated, or
3. In Web App mode and client connected
(and possibly a socket open by client)
One toggle per second In Web App mode and no client connected
Two toggles per second 1. In Infrastructure mode and not associ-
ated with AP, or
2. In AP mode and no client connected
Four toggles per second In WPS mode and not connected
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 57
RN1810 Input
Pin Description
Pin 20
Rising edge forces RN1810 into Command mode (identical to $$$ com-
Falling edge forces RN1810 into Data mode (identical to exit command).
Pin 14
Selects different RN1810 modes.
Refer to Section 5.2 “I/O Pin Function Select”.
Pin 22
This input can be used in two contexts:
1. Set by Host to command WiFly to open or close TCP connection.
0: Close TCP connection (identical to close command)
1: Open TCP connection (identical to open command)
2. This pin is required for FTP transfers.
Refer to Section 4.8“FTP Client”.
Pin 19
Set by Host to force WiFly module reset (identical to the reboot com-
mand). To force a WiFly reset (presuming CHP_PWD_L is normally high):
1. Set RESET low
2. Delay at least 650 ns
3. Set RESET high
Pin 13
Rising edge puts module into Sleep state for number of seconds specified
in the last set sys wake <value> command. Identical to the sleep
Pin 9
WiFly UART CTS pin (connected to Host UART RTS pin)
Pin 21
WiFly UART RX pin.
Pin 25
Takes WiFly out of Sleep state. The Host must default this pin high, and set
it to 0 to take the RN1810 out of the Sleep state.
The WAKEUP pin can be shorted to the UART0_RX pin only if the applica-
tion wakes up a sleeping RN1810 when it receives a character.
Note 1: This pin must be configured as open drain or the RN1810
cannot drive this pin low when it goes into Sleep state, and
the Sleep state do not work correctly.
2: If the module is in Sleep mode it must be first taken out of
Sleep mode via the WAKEUP pin. Then this RESET pin can
be toggled.
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 59
Appendix A. Command Quick Reference Guide
This section describes the default configuration settings and how to restore them. Table A-1 summarizes all
the commands and the default values are described in Chapter 2. “Command Reference”.
Command Default Description
Set Commands
set apmode
set apmode beacon <value> 102 Sets the SOFT AP network beacon interval in
set apmode channel <value> 1 Sets the Soft AP channel number.
set apmode passphrase <string> Null Sets the Soft AP passphrase.
set apmode ssid <string> Null Sets the Soft AP SSID.
set comm
set comm $ <char> $ Sets the character used to enter Command
set comm close <string> *CLOS* Sets the string sent to host UART when TCP
connection closed.
set comm idle <value> 0 Sets the timeout (in seconds) to close a TCP
connection when idle.
set comm match <value> <flag> 0 Sets the match character used to flush TX
data to Wi-Fi network.
set comm open <string> *OPEN* Sets the string sent to host UART when TCP
connection opened.
set comm remote <string> *HELLO* Sets the string sent to remote host when TCP
connection opened.
set comm size <value> 1420 Sets the number or RX bytes used to flush TX
data to Wi-Fi network.
set comm timer <value> 100 Sets the number of ms used to flush TX data
to Wi-Fi network.
set dhcp
set dhcp hostname <string> RN1810_xy Sets the host name for the RN1810 module.
set dhcp lease <start_ip_address>
<end_ip_address> <lease_time>
<lease time>
sets the DHCP pool and lease time when the
RN1810 is put in Soft AP mode.
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference Users Guide
DS50002467A-page 60 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
set dns
set dns address <address> Sets the IP address of DNS server.
set dns name <string> server1 Sets the name of the host for TCP/IP
set ftp
set ftp addr <address> Sets the FTP server IP address.
set ftp dir <string> . Sets the starting directory on FTP server.
set ftp filename <string> test_file Sets the file name to access on FTP server.
set ftp password <string> Pass123 Sets the password for FTP server.
set ftp remote <value> 21 Sets the port number for FTP server.
set ftp timeout <value> 10 Sets the FTP server connection timeout
(in seconds).
set ftp user <string> mchp Sets the user name for FTP server.
set ip
set ip address <address> (IPv4)
:: (IPv6)
Sets the WiFly static IP address.
set ip dhcp <value> 1 Sets the backup remote host IP address.
set ip host <address> (IPv4)
:: (IPv6)
Sets the remote host IP address.
set ip localport <value> 2000 Sets the local port number.
set ip netmask <address> Sets the network mask.
set ip protocol <flag> 0x02 Sets IP protocol.
set ip remote <value> 0 Sets the remote host port number.
set ip version <value> 0 Sets the IP version.
set opt
set opt replace <value> $ Sets replacement character for space charac-
ters in the SSID or passphrase.
set sys
set sys auto <value> 0 Sets HTTP client auto-connect timer in
set sys autoconn <value> 0 Sets TCP client periodic connection timer.
set sys autosleep <value> 0 Sets UDP auto-sleep timer multiplier.
set sys sleep <value> 0 Sets duration, in seconds, module is awake
before sleeping.
set sys wake <value> 0 Sets duration, in seconds, module is asleep
before awaking.
set time
set time address <string> pool.ntp.org Sets the string name of SNTP server.
set time enable <value> 0 Sets period, in seconds, of fetches from
SNTP server.
set time zone <value> UTC-07:00,E Sets the time zone adjustment of time fetched
from STNP server.
set uart
set uart baud <value> 9600 Sets the UART baud rate.
set uart flow <value> 0x00 Sets the UART flow control.
set uart instant <value> N/A Sets the UART instant baud rate.
set uart mode <value> 0 Sets UART mode.
set uart raw <value> N/A Sets custom UART baud rate.
Command Default Description
2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS50002467A-page 61
set wlan
set wlan auth <value> 0 Sets Wi-Fi authentication mode.
set wlan hide <value> 0 Displays or masks passphrase.
set wlan join <value> 0 Sets Wi-Fi association policy.
set wlan key <value> 0 Sets the WEP key.
set wlan mask <mask> All channels Sets scan channel mask.
set wlan mode_phy <value> 0 Sets the Wireless Physical mode.
set wlan number <value> 1 Sets the WEP key index.
set wlan phrase <string> !microchip Sets WPA/WPA2 passphrase.
set wlan ssid <string> microchip1 Sets Wi-Fi network SSID.
set wlan tx <value> 16 Sets Wi-Fi fixed transmit power level.
Get Commands
get console Output sconsole settings.
get dns Outputs DNS settings.
get everything Output sa variety of settings.
get ftp Output sFTP settings.
get ip Outputs IP settings.
get mac Outputs the MAC address.
get softap Outputs Soft AP settings.
get system Outputs system settings.
get time Outputs SNTP client settings.
get uart Outputs UART settings.
get version Outputs the firmware version.
get wlan Outputs Wi-Fi settings.
Action Commands
$$$ Enters Command mode.
apmode <ssid> <channel> Initiates Soft AP mode.
close Closes TCP connection.
exit Exits Command mode (to Data mode).
factory RESET Restores all default configurations
(must reboot).
ftp get Reads file from FTP server.
ftp put Writes file to FTP server.
join <string> Joins an Wi-Fi network.
leave Leaves Wi-Fi network.
lookup <string> Performs DSN query.
open <host> <port_number> Opens a TCP client, HTTP client, or TLS TCP
client connection.
ota upgrade <file_name> <server_addr> Performs and over-the-air firmware upgrade.
ping <address> Performs IPv4 ping.
ping6 <address> Performs IPv6 ping.
reboot Reboots WiFly module.
release Clears DHCP server entries (only in Soft AP
Command Default Description
RN1810 WiFly Command Reference User’s Guide
DS50002467A-page 62 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
rftest <rate> <num_tries> <num_bytes>
<channel> <header type> [addr1] [addr2]
[addr3] [addr4]
Raw mode transmission of Wi-Fi packets.
run <string> Runs the specified application.
save Saves current configurations to module
scan Scans for existing Wi-Fi networks.
show <value> Refer to show commands.
sleep Puts the WiFly module in Sleep mode.
time Sets real-time clock by running SNTP client.
Show Commands
show ap Outputs devices connected to Soft AP
show io Outputs RN1810 pin states.
show ip Outputs WiFly IP state.
show rssi Outputs current RSSI value.
show net Outputs module’s network state.
show time Outputs time fetched from NTP server.
Command Default Description
DS50002467A-page 63 2016 Microchip Technology Inc.
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