Microchip ATWINC3400-IC Handleiding

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ATWINC3400 Wi-Fi/BLE Network Controller - Software
Design Guide
User Guide
Atmel® SmartConnect ATWINC3400 SoC is an IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n and
Bluetooth® Smart BLE network controller for applications in the Internet-of-
Things. It is an ideal add-on to existing MCU solutions bringing Wi-Fi® and
network capabilities through an SPI- -to Wi-Fi interface. The WINC3400 AT
connects to any Atmel AVR® or Atmel | SMART MCU with minimal resource
requirement s.
Wi-Fi IEEE® 802.11 b/g/n STA AP modes and
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
Discovery and provisioning via Smartphone using BLE
Support of WEP WPA/WPA2 personal security and
Embedded network stack protocols to ooad work from the host MCU. This
allows operation with a wide range of MCUs including low end MCUs.
Embedded TCP/IP stack with BSD-style socket API
Embedded network protocols
DHCP client/server
DNS resolver client
SNTP client for UTC time synchronization
Embedded TLS security abstracted behind BSD-style socket API
HTTP Server for optional provisioning using AP mode
Ultra-low cost IEEE 802.11 b/g/n RF/PH/MAC SoC
Ultra-low power Bluetooth SMART (BLE 4.0 SoC with Integrated MCU, )
Transceiver, Modem, MAC, PA, TR Switch, and Power Management Unit
Fast boot from on-chip Boot ROM
8Mb internal Flash memory
Low power consumption with dierent power saving modes
SPI, I2C, and UART support
Low footprint host driver with the following capabilities:
Can run on 8, 16, and 32 bit MCU
Little and Big endian support
Consumes about 8KB of code memory and 1KB of data memory on host
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ATWINC3400 Wi-Fi/BLE Network Controller Software Design Guide [USER GUIDE]
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Table of Contents
1 Icon Key Identiers .............................................................................................. 7
2 Glossary ................................................................................................................ 7
3 References ............................................................................................................ 7
4 Host Driver Architecture ...................................................................................... 8
4.1 WLAN API ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Socket API ......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Host Interface (HIF) ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Board Support Package (BSP) .......................................................................................................... 9
4.5 Serial Bus Interface ........................................................................................................................... 9
5 WINC System Architecture ................................................................................ 10
5.1 Bus Interface ................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 Non-volatile Storage ........................................................................................................................ 11
5.3 CPUs ............................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 IEEE 802.11 MAC Hardware ........................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Bluetooth BLE V4.0 MAC Hardware ................................................................................................ 11
5.6 Program Memory ............................................................................................................................. 11
5.7 Data Memory ................................................................................................................................... 11
5.8 Shared Packet Memory ................................................................................................................... 11
5.9 IEEE 802.11 MAC Firmware ............................................................................................................ 11
5.10 Bluetooth V2.1 MAC Firmware ........................................................................................................ 12
5.11 Memory Managers ........................................................................................................................... 12
5.12 Power Managements ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.13 ATWINC RTOS ............................................................................................................................... 12
5.14 ATWINC IoT Library ........................................................................................................................ 13
6 ATWINC Initialization and Simple Application ................................................. 14
6.1 BSP Initialization .............................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 ATWINC Host Driver Initialization .................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Socket Layer Initialization ................................................................................................................ 14
6.4 ATWINC Event Handling ................................................................................................................. 14
6.4.1 Asynchronous Events ............................................................................................................. 15
6.4.2 Interrupt Handling ................................................................................................................... 15
6.5 Code Example ................................................................................................................................. 16
7 ATWINC Conguration ....................................................................................... 17
7.1 Device Parameters .......................................................................................................................... 17
7.1.1 System Time ........................................................................................................................... 17
7.1.2 Firmware and HIF Version ...................................................................................................... 17
7.2 ATWINC Modes of Operation .......................................................................................................... 17
7.2.1 Idle Mode ................................................................................................................................ 18
7.2.2 Wi-Fi Station M ode................................................................................................................. 18
7.2.3 Wi-Fi Hotspot (AP) Mode ........................................................................................................ 18
7.3 Network Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 19
7.3.1 Wi-Fi MAC Address ................................................................................................................ 19
7.3.2 IP Address .............................................................................................................................. 19
7.4 Power Saving Parameters ............................................................................................................... 19
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7.4.1 Power Saving Modes .............................................................................................................. 19 M2M_PS_MANUAL ................................................................................................ 20 M2M_PS_AUTOMATIC .......................................................................................... 21 M2M_PS_H_AUTOMATIC ..................................................................................... 21 M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC .............................................................................. 21
7.4.2 Conguring Listen Interval and DTIM Monitoring .................................................................... 21
8 -Fi Station Mode Wi ............................................................................................. 22
8.1 Scan Conguration Parameters .......................................................................................................22
8.1.1 Scan Region ........................................................................................................................... 22
8.1.2 Scan Options .......................................................................................................................... 22
8.2 Wi-Fi Scan ....................................................................................................................................... 22
8.3 On Demand Wi-Fi Connection ......................................................................................................... 23
8.4 Default Connection .......................................................................................................................... 24
8.5 Wi-Fi Security .................................................................................................................................. 25
8.6 Example Code ................................................................................................................................. 26
9 ATWINC Socket Programming .......................................................................... 27
9.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................27
9.1.1 ATWINC Socket Types ........................................................................................................... 27
9.1.2 Socket Properties ................................................................................................................... 27
9.1.3 Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 27
9.2 ATWINC Sockets API ...................................................................................................................... 27
9.2.1 API Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 27
9.2.2 Non-blocking Asynchronous Socket APIs ..............................................................................28
9.2.3 Socket API Functions ............................................................................................................. 28 socketInit ................................................................................................................ 28 registerSocketCallback ........................................................................................... 28 socket ..................................................................................................................... 28 connect ................................................................................................................... 28 bind......................................................................................................................... 29 listen ....................................................................................................................... 29 accept ..................................................................................................................... 29 send ........................................................................................................................ 30 sendto ..................................................................................................................... 30 recv / recvfrom ........................................................................................................ 31 close ....................................................................................................................... 31 setsockopt ..............................................................................................................31 gethostbyname ....................................................................................................... 31
9.2.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................ 32
9.3 Socket Connection Flow .................................................................................................................. 33
9.3.1 TCP Client Operation .............................................................................................................34
9.3.2 TCP Server Operati on ............................................................................................................ 35
9.3.3 UDP Client Operation ............................................................................................................. 36
9.3.4 UDP Server Operation ............................................................................................................ 37
9.3.5 DNS Host Name Resolution ................................................................................................... 38
9.4 Example Code ................................................................................................................................. 39
9.4.1 TCP Client Example Code ...................................................................................................... 39
9.4.2 TCP Server Example Code .................................................................................................... 40
9.4.3 UDP Client Example Code ..................................................................................................... 42
9.4.4 UDP Server Example Code .................................................................................................... 43
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10 Transport Layer Security (TLS) ......................................................................... 45
10.1 TLS Connection Establishment ....................................................................................................... 45
10.2 Server Certicate Installation ........................................................................................................... 46
10.2.1 Technical Background ............................................................................................................ 46 Public Key Infrastructure ......................................................................................... 46 TLS Server Authentication ...................................................................................... 46
10.2.2 Adding a Certicate to the ATWINC Trusted Root Certicate Store ....................................... 46
10.3 ATWINC TLS Limitations ................................................................................................................. 46
10.3.1 Modes of Operation ................................................................................................................ 46
10.3.2 Concurrent Connections ......................................................................................................... 46
10.3.3 Supported Cipher Suites .........................................................................................................46
10.3.4 Supported Hash Algorithms .................................................................................................... 46
10.4 SSL Client Code Example ............................................................................................................... 47
11 Wi-Fi AP Mode .................................................................................................... 49
11.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................49
11.2 Setting ATWINC AP Mode ..............................................................................................................49
11.3 Limitations ....................................................................................................................................... 49
11.4 Sequence Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 49
11.5 AP Mode Code Example ................................................................................................................. 50
12 Provisioning ........................................................................................................ 51
12.1 BLE Provisioning ............................................................................................................................. 51
12.1.1 BLE Provisioning Code Example ............................................................................................ 53
12.2 HTTP Provisioning ........................................................................................................................... 54
12.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 54
12.2.2 Limitations .............................................................................................................................. 54
12.2.3 Basic Approach ......................................................................................................................54
12.2.4 Provisioning Control Flow ....................................................................................................... 55
12.2.5 HTTP Redirect Feature ...........................................................................................................56
12.2.6 HTTP Provisioning Code Example ......................................................................................... 56
12.3 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) .......................................................................................................... 57
12.3.1 WPS Conguration Methods .................................................................................................. 57
12.3.2 WPS Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 57
12.3.3 WPS Control Flow .................................................................................................................. 58
12.3.4 WPS Code Example ............................................................................................................... 59
13 Multicast Sockets ............................................................................................... 60
13.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................60
13.2 How to use Filters ............................................................................................................................ 60
13.3 Multicast Socket Code Example ...................................................................................................... 60
14 ATWINC Serial Flash Memory ........................................................................... 65
14.1 Overview and Features ...................................................................................................................65
14.2 Accessing to Serial Flash ................................................................................................................ 65
14.3 Read/Write/Erase Operations .......................................................................................................... 65
14.4 Serial (SPI) Flash Map ....................................................................................................................66
14.5 Flash Read, Erase, Write Code Example ........................................................................................ 66
15 Writing a Simple Networking Application ......................................................... 68
15.1 Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................68
15.2 Solution Overview ............................................................................................................................ 68
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15.3 Project Creation ............................................................................................................................... 69
15.4 Wi-Fi Software API Files .................................................................................................................. 69
15.5 Reading Temperature Sensor and Controlling LED Status ............................................................. 71
15.6 Step By Step Development .............................................................................................................72
16 Host Interface Protocol ...................................................................................... 90
16.1 Transfer Sequence Between HIF Layer and ATWINC Firmware ..................................................... 91
16.1.1 Frame Transmit ...................................................................................................................... 91
16.1.2 Frame Receive ....................................................................................................................... 92
16.2 HIF Message Header Structure ....................................................................................................... 93
16.3 HIF Layer APIs ................................................................................................................................ 93
16.4 Scan Code Example ........................................................................................................................ 94
17 ATWINC SPI Protocol ....................................................................................... 100
17.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 100
17.1.1 Command Format ................................................................................................................. 101
17.1.2 Response Format ................................................................................................................. 105
17.1.3 Data Packet Format .............................................................................................................. 106
17.1.4 Error Recovery Mechanism .................................................................................................. 107
17.1.5 Clockless Registers Access .................................................................................................. 108
17.2 Message Flow for Basic Transactions ........................................................................................... 109
17.2.1 Read Single Word ................................................................................................................109
17.2.2 Read Internal Register (for clockless registers) .................................................................... 109
17.2.3 Read Block ........................................................................................................................... 110
17.2.4 Write Single Word ................................................................................................................. 111
17.2.5 Write Internal Register (for clockless registers) .................................................................... 111
17.2.6 Write Block ........................................................................................................................... 112
17.3 SPI Level Protocol Example .......................................................................................................... 112
17.3.1 TX (Send Request) ............................................................................................................... 113
17.3.2 RX (Receive Response) ....................................................................................................... 124
Appendix A. How to Generate Certicates .................................................... 139
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 139
A.2 Steps ............................................................................................................................................. 139
Appendix B. X.509 Certicate Format and Conversion ................................ 140
B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 140
B.2 Conversion Between Dierent Formats ......................................................................................... 140
B.2.1 Using Windows ..................................................................................................................... 140
B.2.2 Using OpenSSL .................................................................................................................... 140
B.2.3 Online Conversion ................................................................................................................ 140
Appendix C. How to Download the Certicate into the ATWINC ................. 141
C.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................141
C.2 Certicate Downloading ................................................................................................................. 141
C.3 Adding New Certicate .................................................................................................................. 141
Appendix D. Firmware Image Downloader .................................................... 142
D.1 Preparing Environment .................................................................................................................. 142
D.2 Download Firmware ....................................................................................................................... 143
Appendix E. Gain Settings Builder ................................................................ 145
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E.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 145
E.2 Preparing Environment .................................................................................................................. 145
E.3 How to use .....................................................................................................................................145
E.3.1 Method 1 ............................................................................................................................... 145
E.3.2 Method 2 ............................................................................................................................... 145
Appendix F. Revision History ........................................................................ 147
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1 Icon Key Identiers
Delivers contextual information about a specific topic.
Highlights useful tips and techniques.
Highlights objectives to be completed.
Highlights the expected result of an assignment step.
Indicates important information.
2 Glossary
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
BSP Board Support Package
HIF Host Interface Layer
IoT Internet of Things
OTA Over The Air
OTP One Time Programmable
TLS Transport Layer Security
WINC Wi-Fi Network Controller
3 References
[R01] . Atmel-42640-Getting-Started-Guide-for-ATWINC3400WiFi-using-SAMD21-Xplained-Pro_UserGuide
[R02] Atmel-42639-Software-Programming-Guide-for-ATWINC3400-WiFi-using-SAMD21-Xplained-
[R03] Atmel-42535-ATWINC3400-MR210-IEEE80211bgn-Link-Ctlr-with-Integrated-Low-Energy-
[R04] Atmel-42683-ATWINC3400-BLE-WiFi-Scan- -Connect-Services-Guide_UserGuideand
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5 WINC System Architecture
Figure 5-1 shows the WINC system architecture. The Soc contains two 32-bit CPUs APS3S-Cortus for Wi-: an
Fi and an APS3-Cortus for BLE. In addition it has separate built-in Wi-Fi IEEE-802.11 and BLE 4.0 physical
layers sharing a single nal RF front end. The firmware for Wi-Fi comprises the Wi-Fi IEEE-802.11 MAC layer
and embedded protocol stacks which ooad the host MCU. The firmware for BLE implements the entrie BLE
stack and privides an application supporting a prole defined for device provisioning. The components of the
system are described in the following sub-sections.
Figure 5- WINC System Architecture 1.
IEEE 802.11 MAC
WINC Host Interface
WINC IoT Library
Layer Security
Setup (WPS)
Resolver SNTP SSL
Crypto Library
BUS Interface
CSPI Master/Slave
IEEE 802.11 MAC HW
IEEE 802.11 PHY Shared PKT
Bluetooth V4.1 MAC Memory
WINC BLE Library
AT Bluetooth SmartConnect
Wi-Fi cross
BLE cross
Shared Radio
Bluetooth V4.1 MAC HW
Bluetooth V4.1 PHY
Shared PKT
Corus - Cortus
App support
5.1 Bus Interface
Hardware logic for the supported bus types for WINC communications.
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5.2 Non-volatile Storage
The SoC has an integrated 8 serial ash inside the WINC package (SIP). This stores the WINC Mb both Wi-Fi
rmware image and the BLE rmware image. It also stores information used by WINC firmware in the run-time.
The detailed description of the serial flash is provided in Chapter 14: ATWINC Serial Flash Memory.
5.3 CPUs
The SoC contains two 32-bit CPUs:
An APS3S-Cortus 32-bit CPU running at 40MHz clock speed, which executes the embedded WINC Wi-
Fi rmware
An APS3-Cortus 32-bit CPU running at MHz clock speed, which executes the embedded WINC BLE 26
5.4 IEEE 802.11 MAC Hardware
The SoC contains a hardware accelerator to ensure fast and compliant implementation of the IEEE 802.11
MAC layer and associated timing. It ooads IEEE 802.11 MAC functionality fromrmware to improve
performance and boost the MAC throughput. The accelerator includes hardware encryption/decryption of Wi-Fi
trac and traic ltering mechanisms to avoid unnecessary processing in software.
5.5 Bluetooth BLE V4.0 MAC Hardware
The BLE Medium Access Controller (MAC) encodes and decodes HCI packets, constructs baseband data
packages, schedules frames and manages and monitors connection status, slot usage, data ow, routing,
segmentation, and buer control.
The core performs Link Control Layer management supporting the main BLE states, including advertising and
5.6 Program Memory
128KB Instruction RAM is provided for execution of the WINC Wi-Fi rmware code.
292KB Instruction RAM is provided for execution of the WINC BLE rmware code.
5.7 Data Memory
64KB Data RAM is provided for WINC Wi-Fi rmware data storage.
64KB Data RAM is provided for WINC BLE rmware data storage.
5.8 Shared Packet Memory
128KB memory is provided for Wi-Fi TX/RX packet management. It is shared between the Wi-Fi MAC
hardware and the CPU. This memory is managed by the Wi-Fi Memory Manager SW component.
32KB memory is provided for BLE TX/RX packet management. It is shared between the BLE MAC hardware
and the CPU. This memory is managed by the BLE Memory Manager SW component.
5.9 IEEE 802.11 MAC Firmware
The system supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi MAC including WEP and WPA/WPA2 security supplicant.
Between the MAC hardware and firmware, a full range of IEEE 802.11 features are implemented and
supported including beacon generation and reception, control packet generation and reception and packet
aggregation and de-aggregation.
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5.10 Bluetooth V2.1 MAC Firmware
The BLE subsystem implements all the critical real-time functions required for full compliance with Specication
of the Bluetooth System, v4.1, Bluetooth SIG. The rmware implements an integrated Bluetooth Low Energy
stack which is Bluetooth V4.1 compliant. The rmware supports access to the GAP, SMP, ATT, GATT client /
server and L2CAP service layer protocols. In the WINC3400 these services are used by a built-in AT
application for WI-Fi provisioning.
5.11 Memory Managers
The memory managers on both the Wi-Fi and BLE sides are responsible for the allocation and de-allocation of
memory chunks in both shared packet memory and data memory.
5.12 Power Managements
The Power Management modules on both the Wi-Fi and BLE sides are responsible for handling dierent power
saving modes supported by the WINC and coordinating these modes with the Wi-Fi and BLE transceiver. AT
The rmware includes a low-footprint real-time scheduler which allows concurrent multi-tasking on WINC AT
Wi-Fi CPU. The WINC RTOS provides semaphores and timer functionality. AT
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5.14 WINC IoT Library AT
The WINC IoT library provides a set of networking protocols in WINC rmware. It ooads the host MCU AT AT
from networking and transport layer protocols. The following sections describe the components of WINC IoT AT
The WINC TCP/IP is an IPv4.0 stack based on the µIP TCP/IP stack (pronounced micro-IP). AT
µIP is a low footprint TCP/IP stack which has the ability to run on a memory-constrained microcontroller
platform. It was originally developed by Adam Dunkels, licensed under a BSD style license, and further
developed by a wide group of developers. The WINC TCP/IP stack adds to the original µIP AT
implementation several enhancements to boost TCP and UDP throughput.
A DHCP client is embedded in ATWINC rmware that can obtain an IP conguration automatically after
connecting to a Wi-Fi network.
ATWINC rmware provides an instance of a DHCP server that starts automatically when ATWINC AP
mode is enabled. When the host MCU application activates the AP mode, it is allowed to configure the
DHCP Server IP address pool range within the AP configuration parameters.
ATWINC rmware contains an instance of an embedded DNS resolver. This module can return an IP
address by resolving the host domain names supplied with the socket API call gethostbyname.
The SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) module implements an SNTP client used to synchronize the
ATWINC internal clock to the UTC clock.
For TLS implementation, see C Transport Layer Security (TLS) for details. hapter 10:
For WPS protocol implementation, see Section 12.3: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) for details.
The Crypto Library contains a set of cryptographic algorithms used by common security protocols. This
library has an implementation of the following algorithms:
MD4 Hash algorithm (used only for MsChapv2.0 digest calculation)
MD5 Hash algorithm
SHA-1 Hash algorithm
SHA-256 Hash algorithm
DES Encryption (used only for MsChapv2.0 digest calculation)
MS-CHAPv2.0 (used as the EAP-TTLS inner authentication algorithm)
AES-128, AES-256 Encryption (used for securing WPS and TLS trafc)
BigInt module for large integer arithmetic (for Public Key Cryptographic computations)
RSA Public Key cryptography algorithms (includes RSA Signature and RSA Encryption algorithms)
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6 WINC Initialization and Simple Application AT
After powering up the WINC device, a set of synchronous initialization sequences must be executed for the AT
correct operation of the Wi-Fi functions and BLE functions. This chapter aims to explain the dierent steps
required during the initialization phase of the system. The host MCU does not communicate directly with the
BLE function but controls it through messages to the Wi-Fi MCU. This allows a single interface and driver to be
used to communicate to the WINC device. AT
After initialization, the host MCU application is required to call the WINC driver entry point to handle events AT
from ATWINC rmware.
BSP Initialization
ATWINC Host Driver Initialization
Socket Layer Initialization
Call ATWINC driver entry point
Failure to complete any of the initialization steps will result in failure in ATWINC startup.
6.1 BSP Initialization
The BSP is initialized by calling the API. The BSP initialization routine performs the following nm_bsp_init
Resets the ATWINC1 using corresponding host MCU control GPIOs
Initializes the host MCU GPIO which connects to ATWINC interrupt line. It congures the GPIO as an
interrupt source to the host MCU. During runtime, ATWINC interrupts the host to notify the application of
events and data pending inside ATWINC rmware.
Initializes the host MCU delay function used within implementation nm_bsp_sleep
6.2 ATWINC Host Driver Initialization
The ATWINC host driver is initialized by calling the API. The Host driver initialization routine m2m_wifi_init
performs the following steps:
Initializes the bus wrapper, I2C, SPI, or UART, depending on the host driver software bus interface
conguration compilation ag respectively USE_I2C, USE_SPI or USE_UART
Registers an application-defined Wi-Fi event handler
Initializes the driver and ensures that the current ATWINC rmware matches the current driver version
Initializes the host interface and the Wi-Fi layer and registers the BSP Interrupt
A Wi-Fi event handler is required for the correct operation of any ATWINC application.
6.3 Socket Layer Initialization
Socket layer initialization is carried out by calling the API. It must be called prior to any socket socketInit
activity. Refer to S for more information about socket initialization and programming. ection 9.2.1
6.4 ATWINC Event Handling
The ATWINC host driver API allows the host MCU application to interact with the ATWINC rmware. To
facilitate interaction, the ATWINC driver implements the described in CHost Interface (HIF) Protocol hapter 16:
1 Refer to ATWINC3400 datasheet [R02] for more information about ATWINC hardware reset sequence.
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Host Interface Protocol. The HIF protocol denes how to serialize and de-serializes API requests and response
callbacks over the serial bus interface: I2C, UART, or SPI.
Figure 6- ATWINC System Architecture 1.
Host Interface Protocol
WINC Host Driver
Host MCU Application
WINC Hardware
WINC Firmware
ATWINC host driver API provides services to the host MCU applications that are mainly divided in two major
categories: Wi-Fi control services and Socket services. The Wi-Fi control services allow actions such as
channel scanning, network identication, connection, and disconnection. The Socket control services allow
application data transfer once a Wi-Fi connection has been established.
6.4.1 Asynchronous Events
Some ATWINC host driver APIs are synchronous function calls, where the result is ready by the return of the
function. However, most ATWINC host driver API functions are asynchronous. This means that when the
application calls an API to request a service, the call is non-blocking and returns immediately, most often
before the requested action is completed. When completed, a notication is provided in the form of a HIF
protocol message from the ATWINC rmware to the host which, in turn, is delivered to the application via a
callback2 function. Asynchronous operation is essential when the requested service such as Wi-Fi connection
may take signicant time to complete. In general, the ATWINC rmware uses asynchronous events to signal
the host driver about status change or pending data.
The HIF uses “push” architecture, where data and events are pushed from ATWINC firmware to the host MCU
in FCFS manner. For instance, suppose that host MCU application has two open sockets; socket 1 and socket
2. If ATWINC receives socket 1 data followed by socket 2 data, then HIF shall deliver socket data in two HIF
protocol messages in the order they were received. HIF does not allow reading socket 2 data before socket 1
6.4.2 Interrupt Handling
The HIF interrupts the host MCU when one or more events are pending in ATWINC rmware. The host MCU
application is a big state machine which processes received data and events when ATWINC driver calls the
event callback function(s). In order to receive event callbacks, the host MCU application is required to call the
2 The callback is C function, which contains an application-dened logic. The callback is registered using the ATWINC host
driver registration API to handle the result of the requested service.
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m2m_wifi_handle_events API to let the host driver retrieve and process the pending events from the
ATWINC rmware. It is recommended to call this function either:
Host MCU application polls the API in main loop or a dedicated task
Or at least once when host MCU receives an interrupt from ATWINC rmware
All the application-dened event callback functions registered with ATWINC driver run
in the context API. m2m_wifi_handle_events
The above HIF architecture allows the ATWINC host driver to be exible to run in the following congurations:
Host MCU with no operating system configuration: In this configuration, the MCU main loop is
responsible to handle deferred work from interrupt handler.
Host MCU with operating system configuration: In this conguration, a dedicated task or thread is
required to call ed work from interrupt handler. m2m_wifi_handle_events to handle deferr
Host driver entry point is . In the operating m2m_wifi_handle_events non-reentrant
system conguration, it is required to protect the host driver from reentrance by a syn-
chronization object.
When host MCU is polling , the API checks for pending un-m2m_wifi_handle_events
handled interrupt from ATWINC. If no interrupt is pending, it returns immediately. If an
interrupt is pending, reads all the pending HIF messages m2m_wifi_handle_events
sequentially and dispatches the HIF message content to the respective registered
callback. If a callback is not registered to handle the type of message, the HIF mes-
sage content is discarded.
6.5 Code Example
The code example below shows the initialization ow as described in previous sections.
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7 ATWINC Configuration
ATWINC firmware has a set of configurable parameters that control its behavior. There is a set of APIs
provided to host MCU application to configure these parameters. The configuration APIs are categorized
according to their functionality into: device, network, and power saving parameters.
Any parameters left unset by the host MCU application shall use their default values assigned during the
initialization of the ATWINC firmware. A host MCU application needs to configure its parameters when coming
out of cold boot or when a specific configuration change is required.
7.1 Device Parameters
7.1.1 System Time
It is important to set the ATWINC system to UTC time to ensure proper validity check of the X509 certificate
expiration date. Since ATWINC does not contain a built-in real-time clock (RTC), there are two ways to obtain
UTC time:
Using the internal SNTP client: Which is enabled by default in the ATWINC firmware at start-up. The
SNTP client synchronizes the ATWINC system clock to the UTC time from well-known time servers, e.g.
" ". The SNTP client uses a default update cycle of one day. time-c.nist.gov
From host MCU RTC: If the host MCU has an RTC, the application may disable the SNTP client by
calling after ATWINC initialization. The application shall provision the ATWINC m2m_wifi_disable_sntp
system time by calling API. m2m_wifi_set_system_time
7.1.2 Firmware and HIF Version
During startup, the host driver requests the firmware version through m2m_wifi_get_firmware_version API
which returns the structure containing the version number and host interface (HIF) level of the tstrM2mRev
current ATWINC firmware.
If the HIF level of the current driver is not equal to the HIF level of the current ATWINC
firmware, the driver initialization will fail.
The version parameters provided are:
M2M_HIF_LEVEL: Host Interface Level for driver/firmware compatibility
M2M_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MAJOR_NO: Firmware Major release version number
M2M_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MINOR_NO: Firmware Minor release version number
M2M_FIRMWARE_VERSION_PATCH_NO: Firmware Patch release version number
7.2 ATWINC Modes of Operation
The ATWINC firmware supports the following modes of operation:
Idle Mode
Wi-Fi STA Mode
Wi-Fi Hotspot (AP)
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Figure 7- ATWINC Modes of Operation 1.
7.2.1 Idle Mode
After the host MCU application calls the ATWINC driver initialization API, ATWINC remains in m2m_wifi_init
idle mode waiting for any command to change the mode or to update the configuration parameters. In this
mode ATWINC will enter the power save mode in which it disables the IEEE 802.11 radio and all unneeded
peripherals and suspends the ATWINC CPU. If ATWINC receives any configuration commands from the host
MCU, ATWINC will update the configuration, send back the response to the host MCU, and then go back the
power save mode.
7.2.2 -Fi Station Mode Wi
ATWINC enters station (STA) mode when the host MCU requests connection to an AP using the
m2m_wifi_connect or APIs. ATWINC exits STA mode when it receives a m2m_wifi_default_connect
disconnect request from the Wi-Fi AP conveyed to the host MCU application via the event callback
M2M_WIFI_RESP_CON_STATE_CHANGED or when the host MCU application decides to terminate the connection
via m2m_wifi_disconnect API. ATWINC firmware ignores mode change requests while in this mode until
ATWINC exits the mode.
The supported API functions in this mode use the HIF command types: tenuM2mCon-
figCmd tenuM2mStaCmd and . See the full list of commands in the header file
For more information about this mode, refer to Chapter 8: Wi-Fi Station Mode.
7.2.3 -Fi Hotspot (AP) Mode Wi
In AP mode, ATWINC allows Wi-Fi stations to connect to ATWINC and obtain IP address from ATWINC DHCP
server. To enter AP mode, host MCU application calls API. To exit AP mode, the m2m_wifi_enable_ap
application calls API. ATWINC firmware ignores mode change requests while in this m2m_wifi_disable_ap
m ATWINC exits the mode. ode until
The supported API functions in this mode use the HIF command types:
tenuM2mApCmd tenuM2mConfigCmdand . See the full list of commands in the
header file . m2m_types.h
For more information about this mode, refer to Chapter 11: Wi-Fi AP Mode.
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7.3 Network Parameters
7.3.1 -Fi MAC Address Wi
The ATWINC firmware provides two methods to assign the ATWINC MAC address:
Assignment from host MCU: When host MCU application calls the API m2m_wifi_set_mac_address
after initialization using . m2m_wifi_init API
Assignment from ATWINC OTP (One Time Programmable) memory: ATWINC supports an internal
MAC address assignment method through a built-in OTP memory. If MAC address is programmed in the
ATWI OTP memory, the ATWINC working MAC address defaults to the OTP MAC address unless NC
the host MCU application sets a different MAC address programmatically after initialization using the API
OTP MAC address is programmed in ATWINC OTP memory at manufacturing time.
For more details, refer to descripti the WINC3400_IoT_SW_APIs.chm that was on of the following APIs in
supplied in the WINC3400_IoT_REL software package.
Use m2m_wifi_get_otp_mac_address API to check if there is a valid programmed
MAC address in ATWINC OTP memory. The host MCU application can also use the
same API to read the OTP MAC address octets. The m2m_wifi_get_otp_mac_address
API must be confused with the , which reads the not m2m_wifi_get_mac_address API
working ATWINC MAC address in ATWINC firmware regardless from whether it is as-
signed from the host MCU or from ATWINC OTP.
7.3.2 IP Address
ATWINC firmware uses the embedded DHCP client to obtain an IP configuration automatically after a
successful Wi-Fi connection. After the IP configuration is obtained, the host MCU application is notified by the
asynchronous event M2M_WIFI_RESP_IP_CONFIGURED.
Alternatively, the host MCU application can set a static IP configuration by calling the
m2m_wifi_set_static_ip API. Setting a static IP address will cancel any pending DHCP requests and
disable the DHCP client until the next Wi-Fi connection attempt to the same AP or any other AP.
7.4 Power Saving Parameters
When a Wi-Fi station is idle, it disables the Wi-Fi radio and enters power saving mode. The AP is required to
buffer data while stations are in power save mode and transmit data later when stations wake up. The AP
transmits a beacon frame periodically to synchronize the network every . A station which is in beacon period
power save wakes up periodically to receive the beacon and monitor the signaling information included in the
beacon. The beacon conveys information to the station about unicast data, which belong to the station and
currently buffered inside the AP while the station was sleeping. The beacon also provides information to the
station when the AP is going to send broadcast/multicast data.
7.4.1 Power Saving Modes
ATWINC firmware supports multiple power saving modes which provide flexibility to the host MCU application
to tweak the system power consumption. The host MCU can configure the ATWINC power saving policy using
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the m2m_wifi_set_sleep_mode m2m_wifi_set_lsn_int and APIs. ATWINC supports the following power
saving modes:
M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC mode recommended for most applications. M2M_PS_MANUAL
This is a fully host-driven power saving mode.
ATWINC sleeps when the host instructs it to do so using the API. During m2m_wifi_request_sleep
ATWINC sleep, the host MCU can decide to sleep also for extended durations.
ATWINC wakes up when the host MCU application requests services from ATWINC by calling any host
driver API function, e.g. Wi-Fi or socket operation
In , M2M_PS_MANUAL mode when ATWINC sleeps due to m2m_wifi_request_sleep
API. ATWINC does not wake up to receive and monitor AP beacon. Beacon monitor-
ing is resumed when host MCU application wakes up the ATWINC.
For an active Wi-Fi connection, the AP may decide to drop the connection if ATWINC is absent because it
sleeps for long time duration. If connection is dropped, ATWINC detects the disconnection on the next wake-up
cycle and notifies the host to reconnect to the AP again. In order to maintain an active Wi-Fi connection for
extended durations, the host MCU application should wake up the ATWINC periodically so that ATWINC can
send a keep-alive Wi-Fi frame to the AP. The host should choose the sleep period carefully to satisfy the
tradeoff between keeping the Wi-Fi connection uninterrupted and minimizing the system power consumption.
This mode is useful for applications which send notifications very rarely due to a certain trigger. It fits also
applications which send notifications periodically with a very long spacing between notifications. Careful power
planning is required when using this mode. If the host MCU decides to sleep for very long period, it may use
M2M_PS_MANUAL or may power off WINCAT 3 completely. The advantage of this mode compared to powering off
ATWINC is that saves the time required for ATWINC firmware to boot since the firmware is M2M_PS_MANUAL
always loaded in ATWINC memory. The real pros and cons depend on the nature of the application. In some
applications, the sleep duration could be long enough to be a power-efficient decision to power off ATWINC
and power it on again and reconnect to the AP when host MCU wakes up. In other situations, a latency-
sensitive application may choose to use to avoid ATWINC firmware boot latency on the M2M_PS_MANUAL
expense of slightly increased power consumption.
During ATWINC sleep, ATWINC in mode saves more power than M2M_PS_MANUAL M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC
mode since in the former mode ATWINC skips beacon monitoring while the latter it wakes up to receive
beacons. The comparison should also include the effect of host MCU sleep duration: If host MCU sleep period
is too long, the Wi-Fi connection may drop frequently and the power advantage of is lost due M2M_PS_MANUAL
to the power consumed in Wi-Fi reconnection. In contrast, M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC can keep the Wi-Fi
connection for long durations at the expense of waking up ATWINC to monitor the AP beacon.
3 Refer to ATWINC datasheet in for hardware power off sequence. [R02]
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This mode is deprecated and kept for backward compatibility and development reasons. It should not be used
in new implementations. M2M_PS_H_AUTOMATIC
This mode implements the Wi-Fi standard power saving method in which ATWINC will sleep and wake up
periodically to monitor AP beacons. In contrast to , this mode does not involve the host MCU M2M_PS_MANUAL
In this mode, when ATWINC enters sleep state, it only turns off the IEEE 802.11 radio, MAC, and PHY. All
system clocks and the APS3S-Cortus CPU are on.
This mode is useful for a low-latency packet transmission because ATWINC clocks are on and ready to
transmit packets immediately, unlike the M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC which may require time to wake up the
ATWINC to transmit a packet if ATWINC was sleep mode.
M2M_PS_H_AUTOMATIC mode is very similar to except that the former power M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC
consumption is higher than the latter the since ATWINC system clock is on. M2M_PS_DEEP_AUTOMATIC
Like M2M_PS_HS_AUTOMATIC, this mode implements the Wi-Fi standard power saving method. However, when
ATWINC enters sleep sta system clock is turned off. te, the
Before sleep, the ATWINC programs a hardware timer (running on an internal low-power oscillator) with a
sleep period determined by the ATWINC firmware power management module.
While sleeping, the ATWINC will wake up if one of the following events happens:
Expiry of the hardware sleep timer. ATWINC wakes up to receive the upcoming beacon from AP.
ATWINC wakes up 4 when the host MCU application requests services from ATWINC by calling any host
driver API function, e.g. Wi-Fi or socket operation
7.4.2 Configuring Listen Interval and DTIM Monitoring
ATWINC allows the host MCU application to tweak the system power consumption by configuring beacon s
monitoring parameters. The AP sends beacons periodically every (e.g. 100ms). The beacon beacon period
contains a which informs the station about presence of unicast data for the station buffer in the TIM element
AP. The station negotiates with the AP a which is how many beacon periods the station can listen interval
sleep before it wakes up to receive data buffer in AP. The AP beacon also contains the which contains DTIM,
information to the station about the presence of broadcast/multicast data. Which the AP is ready to transmit
following this beacon after normal channel access rules (CSMA/CA).
The ATWINC driver allows the host MCU application to configure beacon monitoring parameters as follows:
Configure DTIM monitoring: I.e. enable or disable reception of broadcast/multicast data using the API:
m2m_wifi_set_sleep_mode(desired_mode, 1) to receive broadcast data
m2m_wifi_set_sleep_mode(desired_mode, 0) to ignore broadcast data
Configure the listen interval: using the m2m_wifi_set_lsn_int API
Listen interval value provided to the API is expressed in the m2m_wifi_set_lsn_int
unit of beacon period.
4 The wakeup sequence is handled internally in the ATWINC host driver in the API. Refer to the reference hif_chip_wake
Chapter for more information. 16
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8 -Fi Station Mode Wi
This chapter provides information about ATWINC Wi-Fi station (STA) mode . Wi-Fi described in Section 7.2.2
station mode involves scan operation; association to an AP using parameters (SSID and credentials) provided
by host MCU or using AP parameters stored in ATWINC -volatile storage (default connection). This chapter non
also provides information about supported security modes along with code examples.
8.1 Scan Configuration Parameters
8.1.1 Scan Region
The number of RF channels supported varies by geographical region. For example, 14 channels are supported
in Asia while 11 channels are supported in North America. By default the ATWINC initial region configuration is
equal to 14 channels (Asia), but this can be changed by setting the scan region using the
m2m_wifi_set_scan_region API.
8.1.2 Scan Options
During Wi- scan operation, ATWINC sends probe request Wi-Fi frames and waits for some time on the Fi
current Wi-Fi channel to receive probe response frames from nearby APs before it switches to the next
channel. Increasing the scan wait time has a positive effect on the number of access pointed detected during
scan. However, it has a negative effect on the power consumption and overall scan duration. ATWINC
firmware default scan wait time is optimized to provide the tradeoff between power consumption and scan
accuracy. ATWINC firmware provides flexible configuration options to the host MCU application to increase the
scan time. For more detail, refer to the API. m2m_wifi_set_scan_options
8.2 -Fi Scan Wi
A Wi-Fi scan operation can be initiated by calling the API. The scan can be m2m_wifi_request_scan
performed on all 2.4GHz Wi-Fi channels or on a specific requested channel.
The scan response time depends on the scan options. For instance, if the host MCU application requests to
scan all channels, the scan time will be equal to NoOfChannels (14) * M2M_SCAN_MIN_NUM_SLOTS*
M2M_SCAN_MIN_SLOT_TIME efer the WINC3400_IoT_SW_APIs.chm that was supplied in the (r to
WINC3400_IoT_REL software package how to customize the scan parameters). on
The scan operation is illustrated in . Figure 8-1
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Figure 8- -Fi Scan Operation 1. Wi
m2m_wifi_request_scan( )WiFi_Channel_ID
tstrM2mScanDone* );
Read the number of found APs(N).
Start reading the SCAN result list.
tstrM2mWifiscanResult* );
m2m_wifi_req_scan_result(N - 1)
Process the Scan
result (*)
8.3 On Demand Wi-Fi Connection
The host MCU application may establish a Wi-Fi connection on demand if all the required connection
parameters (SSID, security credentials, etc.) are known to the application. To start a Wi-Fi connection on
demand, the application shall call the API . m2m_wifi_connect
Using implies that the host MCU application has prior knowledge of m2m_wifi_connect
the connection parameters. For instance, connection parameters can be stored on non-
volatile storage attached to the host MCU.
The Wi-Fi on demand connection operation is described in . Figure 8-2
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Figure 8- On Demand Wi-Fi Connection 2.
m2m_wifi_connect(Sec_Type, SSID,SSID_Len,
Key,Key_Len ,Channel_ID (*) );
tstrM2mWifiStateChanged* );
wifi_cb(M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF, uint8* );
Set the IP Address.
Start M2M socket Application.
8.4 Default Connection
The host MCU application may establish a Wi-Fi connection without prior knowledge to the AP information by
calling the . m2m_wifi_default_connect API
Default connection relies on the connection profiles provisioned into ATWINC serial flash via the provisioning
method Provisioning. Alternatively, connection profiles are created and stored in described in Chapter 12:
ATWINC serial flash when the host MCU application successfully connects once to an AP using the
m2m_wifi_connect API described in Section . If there are no cached profiles or if a connection cannot be 8.3
established with any of the cached profiles, an event of type M2M_WIFI_RESP_DEFAULT_CONNECT is delivered to
the host driver indicating failure.
Upon successful default connection, the host application can read the current Wi-Fi connection status
information by calling the API. The m2m_wifi_get_connection_info m2m_wifi_get_connection_info is an
asynchronous API. The actual connection information is provided in the asynchronous event
M2M_WIFI_RESP_CONN_INFO in Wi-Fi callback. The callback parameter of type provides tstrM2MConnInfo
information about AP SSID, RSSI (AP received power level), security type, and IP address obtained by DHCP.
A connection profile is cached in the serial flash if and only if the connection is success-
fully established with the target AP.
The Wi-Fi default connection operation is described in . Figure 8-3
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Figure 8- -Fi Default Connection 3. Wi
tstrM2mWifiStateChanged* );
wifi_cb(M2M_WIFI_REQ_DHCP_CONF, uint8* );
Set the IP Address.
Start M2M socket Application.
8.5 -Fi Security Wi
The following types of security are supported in ATWINC Wi-Fi STA mode.
M2M_WIFI_SEC_WPA_PSK (WPA/WPA2-Personal Security Mode i.e. Passphrase)
M2M_WIFI_SEC_802_1X (WPA-Enterprise security)
The currently supported 802.1x authentication algorithm is EAP-TTLS with MsChapv2.0
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8.6 Example Code
#define M2M_802_1X_USR_NAME "user_name"
#define M2M_802_1X_PWD "password"
#define AUTH_CREDENTIALS {M2M_802_1X_USR_NAME M2M_802_1X_PWD, }
int main (void)
tstrWifiInitParam param;
tstr1xAuthCredentials gstrCred1x =AUTH_CREDENTIALS;
m2m_memset((uint8*)& ,param 0, sizeof(param));
param pfAppWifiCb. = wifi_event_cb;
/* intilize the WINC Driver
ret =m2m_wifi_init(&param);
if (M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
"Driver Init Failed <%d>\M2M_ERR(n", ret);
/* Connect to a WPA-Enterprise AP
m2m_wifi_connect( ,"DEMO_AP" sizeof("DEMO_AP" ), M2M_WIFI_SEC_802_1X,
( *)&uint8 gstrCred1x, M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
/* Handle the app state machine plus the WINC event handler */
while(m2m_wifi_handle_events( )NULL != M2M_SUCCESS)
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9 ATWINC Socket Programming
9.1 Overview
The ATWINC socket application programming interface (API) provides a method that allows host MCU
application to interact with intranet and remote internet hosts. The ATWINC sockets API is based on the BSD
(Berkeley) sockets. This chapter explains the ATWINC socket programming and how it differs from regular
BSD sockets.
This chapter assumes the reader to have a basic understanding of the BSD sockets,
TCP Internet protocols, UDP, and the . Follow the online references provided in link in
the name of each topic for more information.
9.1.1 ATWINC Socket Types
The ATWINC sockets API provides two types of sockets:
Datagram sockets (connection-less sockets) - which use the UDP protocol
Stream sockets TCP (connection oriented sockets) - which use the protocol
9.1.2 Socket Properties
Each ATWINC socket is identified by a unique combination of:
Socket ID: It is a unique identifier for each socket. This is the return value of the " " API. socket
Local socket address: A combination of ATWINC IP address and port number assigned by the
ATWINC firmware for the socket.
Protocol: This is the transport layer protocol, either TCP or UDP.
Note that TCP port 53 and UDP port 53 represent two different sockets.
Remote socket address: Applicable only for TCP stream sockets. This is necessary since TCP is
connection oriented. Each connection is made to a specific IP address and port number requires a
separate socket. The remote socket address can be obtained in the socket event callback as discussed
9.1.3 Limitations
The ATWINC ckets API support a maximum of seven TCP sockets and 4 for UDP sockets so
The ATWINC sockets API support only IPv4. It does not support IPv6.
9.2 ATWINC Sockets API
9.2.1 API Prerequisites
The C header file ncludes all the necessary socket API function declarations. When using : Isocket.h
any ATWINC sockets API described in the following sections, the host MCU application should to include
the socket.h header file.
Initialization: The ATWINC socket API shall be initialized once before calling any sockets API function.
This is done by using the " . socketInit" API described in the Section 9.2.3
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9.2.2 Non-blocking Asynchronous Socket APIs
Most ATWINC socket APIs are asynchronous function calls that do not block the host MCU application. The
behavior of ATWINC asynchronous APIs is described in Section . 6.4.1
For example, the host MCU application can register an application-defined socket event callback function using
the ATWINC socket API . When the host MCU application calls the socket API registerSocketCallback
connect SUCCES, the API returns a zero value ( S) immediately indicating that the request is accepted. The host
MCU application must then wait for the ATWINC socket API to call the registered socket callback when the
connection is established or if there was a connection timeout. The socket callback function provides the
necessary information to determine if the connection was successful or not.
9.2.3 Socket API Functions
ATWINC sockets API provide the following functions (see the subsections below). socketInit
The host MCU application must call the API once during initialization. The API is a synchronous socketInit
API. registerSocketCallback
The function allows the host MCU application to provide the ATWINC sockets with registerSocketCallback
application-defined event callbacks for socket operations. The API is a synchronous API. The API registers the
following callbacks:
The socket event callback
The DNS resolve callback
The socket event callback is an application-defined function that is called by the ATWINC socket API whenever
a socket event occurs. Within this handler, the host MCU application should provide an application-defined
logic that handles the events of interest.
The DNS resolve event handler is the application-defined function that is called by the ATWINC socket API to
return the results of . By implication, this will only occur after the host MCU application has gethostbyname
called the function. If successful, the callback provides the IP address for the desired domain gethostbyname
name. socket
The function creates a new socket of a specified type and returns the corresponding socket ID. The socket
API is a synchronous API.
The socket ID is required by most other socket functions and is also passed as an argument to the socket
event callback function to identify which socket generated the event. connect
The function is used with TCP sockets to establish a new connection to a TCP server. connect
The function will result in a connect SOCKET_MSG_CONNECT sent to the socket event handler callback upon
completion. The connect event will be sent when the TCP server accepts the connection or, if no remote host
response is received, after a timeout interval of approximately 30 seconds.
The event callback provides a contain-SOCKET_MSG_CONNECT tstrSocketConnectMsg
ing an error code. The error code is 0 if the connection was successful or a negative
value to indicate an error due to a timeout condition or if is used with UDP connect
Figure 9-1 shows the ATWINC socket API connect to remote server host.
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Figure 9- TCP Client API Call Sequence 1. bind
The function can be used for server operation for both UDP and TCP sockets. Its purpose is to associate bind
a socket with an address structure (port number and IP address).
The bind function call will result a event sent to the socket callback handler with the bind SOCKET_MSG_BIND
status. Calls to functions should not be issued until the bind listen, , , send sendto recv, and recvfrom
callback is received. listen
The function is used for server operations with TCP stream sockets. After calling the API the listen listen
socket will accept a connection request from a remote host. The function causes a listen
SOCKET_MSG_LISTEN event notification to be sent to the host after the socket port is ready to indicate listen
operation success or failure.
When a remote peer establishes a connection, a event notification is sent to the SOCKET_MSG_ACCEPT
application. accept
The function is deprecated and calling this API has no effect. It is kept only for backward compatibility. accept
The listen API will implicitly accepts accept connections from a TCP remote peer.
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Figure 9- TCP Server API Call Sequence 2.
Although the function is deprecated, the event occurs whenever a remote host accept SOCKET_MSG_ACCEPT
connects to the ATWINC TCP server. The event message will contain the IP address and port number of the
connected remote host. send
The function is used by the application to send data to a remote host. The function can be used to send send
send either UDP or TCP data depending on the type of socket. For a TCP socket a connection must be
established first. For a UDP socket, the target remote host must be specified as part of the address structure
during the function. bind
The function will generate a event callback after the data is transmitted to the remote send SOCKET_MSG_SEND
host. For TCP sockets, this event guarantees that the data has been delivered to the remote host TCP/IP stack
(the remote application must use the function to be able to read the data though). For UDP sockets it recv
means that the data has been transmitted but there are no guarantees that the data has arrived to the remote
host as per UDP protocol nature. The application is responsible to guarantee data delivery in the UDP sockets
The event callback will return the size of the data transmitted if the transmission in the SOCKET_MSG_SEND
success case and zero or negative value in case of an error. sendto
The function is used by the application to send UDP data to a remote host. It can only be used with sendto
UDP sockets. The IP address and port of the destination remote host is included as a parameter to the sendto
The event callback returns the size of the data transmitted in the success case and zero SOCKET_MSG_SENDTO
or negative value in case of an error.
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31 recv / recvfrom
The a functions are used to read data from TCP and UDP sockets respectively. Their recv nd recvfrom
operation is otherwise identical.
The host MCU application calls the or function with a pre allocated buffer. When the recv recvfrom
SOCKET_MSG_RECV or event callback arrives this buffer will contain the received data. SOCKET_MSG_RECVFROM
The received data size indicates the status:
Positive: Data received.
Zero: Socket connection is terminated.
Negative value: This indicates an error.
In the case of TCP sockets, it i recommended to call the function after each successful socket s recv
connection (client or server). Otherwise, received data will be buffered in the ATWINC firmware wasting the
systems resources until the socket is explicitly closed using a function call. close close
The function is used to release the resources allocated to the socket and, for a TCP stream socket, also close
terminate an open connection.
Each call to the function should be match with a call to the function. In addition, sockets that socket ed close
have been accepted on a server socket port should also be closed using this function. setsockopt
The function may be used to set socket options to control the socket behavior. setsockopt
The options supported are:
SO_SET_UDP_SEND_CALLBACK send sendto: Enables or disables the / event callbacks. The user might
want to disable the event callback for UDP sockets to enhance the socket connection sendto
IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: Used to subscribe to IP Multicast addresses.
IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: Used to unsubscribe to IP Multicast addresses.
Disabling send/sendto callbacks using is recommended in high through-setsockopts
put applications. gethostbyname
The function is used to resolve a host name (e.g. URL) to a host IP address via the Domain gethostbyname
Name System ( ). This is limited for IPv4 addresses only. Operation depends on having configured a DNS DNS
server IP address and having access to the DNS hierarchy through the internet.
After has been called, a callback to the DNS resolver handler will be made. If the IP address gethostbyname
has been determined it will be returned. If it cannot be determined or if the DNS server is not accessible (30
second timeout) an IP address value of zero will be indicated.
A return IP value of zero indicates an error (e.g. the internet connection is down or DNS
is unavailable) and the host MCU application may try the function call gethostbyname
again later.
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9.2.4 Summary
Table 9-1 summarizes the ATWINC socket API and shows its compatibility with BSD socket APIs:
Table 9- ATWINC Socket API Summary 1.
Creates a new socket
Initialize a TCP connection request to a re-
mote server
Binds a socket to an address (address/port)
Allow a bound socket to listen to remote con-
nections for its local port
Depreciated, Implicit accept in listen
Sends packet
Sends packet over UDP sockets
Not supported
Receive packet
Receive packet
Not supported
Terminate TCP connection and release sys-
tem resources
Get IP address of certain host name
Not supported
Not supported
Not supported
Sets socket opti on
Not supported
Convert a 2-byte integer from the host repre-
sentation to the Network byte order represen-
tation (and vice versa)
Convert a 4-byte integer from the host repre-
sentation to the Network byte order represen-
tation (and vice versa)
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9.3 Socket Connection Flow
In the following sub-sections the TCP and UDP (client and server) operations are described in detail.
Figure 9- Typical Socket Connection Flow 3.
Accept event
Bind event
Listen event
Send event
Recv event
Recv event
Server Operations
Data Exchange
End Connection
Client Operations
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9.3.1 TCP Client Operation
Figure 9-4 shows the message flow for transferring data with a TCP client.
Figure 9- TCP C ent Sequence Diagram 4. li
Data Exchange (send/recv)
send(clientSocketHdl, data) SOCKET_CMD_SEND
TCP Packet
TCP Packet
Notes: 1. The host application must register a socket notification callback function. The function must be of
type and must handle socket event notifications appropriately. tpfAppSocketCb
2. If the client knows the IP of the server, it may call directly as shown in . If only connect Figure 9-4
the server URL is known, then the application should resolve the server URL first calling the
gethostbyname API.
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9.3.2 TCP Server Operation
Figure 9- TCP Server Sequence Diagram 5.
Data Exchange (send/recv)
close(acceptedSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_CLOSE
send(acceptedSocketHdl, data) SOCKET_CMD_SEND
recv(acceptedSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_RECV
TCP Packet
TCP Packet
Get the accepted
socket handle
close(listenSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_CLOSE
Note: The host application must register a socket notification callback function. The function must be of type:
tpfAppSocketCb and must handle socket event notifications appropriately.
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9.3.3 UDP Client Operation
Figure 9-6 shows the message ow for transferring data with a UDP client.
Figure 9- UDP Client Sequence Diagram 6.
Data Exchange (send/recv)
sendto(clientSocketHdl,data,addr) SOCKET_CMD_SENDTO
recvfrom(clientSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_RECVFROM
UDP Packet
Notes: 1. The rst send message must be performed with the API with the destination address sendto
2. If further messages are to be sent to the same address, the API can be used. send
3. can be used instead of . recv recvfrom
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9.3.4 UDP Server Operation
Figure 9-7 shows the message ow for transferring data after establishing a UDP server.
Figure 9- UDP Server Sequence Diagram 7.
Data Exchange (send/recv)
sendto(serverSocketHdl, data) SOCKET_CMD_SENDTO
recvfrom(serverSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_RECVFROM
UDP Packet
UDP Packet
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9.3.5 DNS Host Name Resolution
Figure 9-8 shows the message ow for resolving a URL to and IP address.
Figure 9- DNS Resolution Sequence 8.
dnsResolveCB(hostName, hostIP)
DNS Query
formats a DNS
Query with the
given hostName
DNS Answer
Extracts the
hostIP for
hostName from
the DNS Answer
Notes: 1. The host application requests to resolve hostname (e.g. www.foobar.com), by calling the function
2. Before calling the gethostbyname, the application must register a DNS response callback function
using the function . registerSocketCallback
3. After the ATWINC DNS_Resolver module obtains the IP a ress (hostIP) corresponding to the dd
given HostName, the will be called with the hostIP. dnsResolveCB
4. If an error occurs or if the DNS request encounters a timeout, the is called with IdnsResolveCB P
address value zero indicating a failure to resolve the domain name.
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9.4 Example Code
This section provides code samples for dierent socket applications. For additional socket code example, refer
to WINC3400 Software Programming Guide. [R03] AT
9.4.1 TCP Client Example Code
SOCKET clientSocketHdl;
uint8 rxBuffer[256];
/* Socket event handler.
void tcpClientSocketEventHandler(SOCKET sock u8Msg pvMsg, uint8 , * void )
if(sock clientSocketHdl == )
// Connect Event Handler.
tstrSocketConnectMsg *pstrConnect = (tstrSocketConnectMsg*)pvMsg;
if(pstrConnect s8Error-> == 0)
// Perform data exchange.
uint16 u16MsgSize;
// Fill in the acSendBuffer with some data here
// send data
send(clientSocketHdl acSendBuffer u16MsgSize, , , 0);
// Recv response from server.
recv(clientSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
"TCP Connection Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV)
tstrSocketRecvMsg *pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
if((pstrRecvMsg pu8Buffer-> != NULL) && (pstrRecvMsg s16BufferSize-> > 0))
// Process the received message.
// Close the socket.
// This is the DNS callback. The response of gethostbyname is here.
void dnsResolveCallback( *uint8 pu8HostName u32ServerIP, uint32 )
struct sockaddr_in strAddr;
if(u32ServerIP != 0)
clientSocketHdl =socket( ,AF_INET SOCK_STREAM,u8Flags);
if(clientSocketHdl >= 0)
strAddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
strAddr.sin_port =_htons(443);
strAddr. .sin_addr s_addr u32ServerIP = ;
connect(clientSocketHdl, ( struct sockaddr strAddr sizeof struct sockaddr_in *)& , ( ));
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"DNS Resolution Failed\printf(n");
/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API
m2m_wifi_handle_events should be called continuously from main. */
void tcpConnect( *char pcServerURL)
// Initialize the socket layer.
// Register socket application callbacks.
registerSocketCallback tcpClientSocketEventHandler dnsResolveCallback( , );
// Resolve Server URL.
9.4.2 TCP Server Example Code
SOCKET listenSocketHdl, acceptedSocketHdl;
uint8 rxBuffer[256];
uint8 bIsfinished = 0;
/* Socket event handler.
void tcpServerSocketEventHandler(SOCKET sock u8Msg pvMsg, uint8 , * void )
if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_BIND)
tstrSocketBindMsg *pstrBind = (tstrSocketBindMsg*)pvMsg;
if(pstrBind status-> == 0)
listen(listenSocketHdl, 0);
"Bind Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_LISTEN)
tstrSocketListenMsg *pstrListen = (tstrSocketListenMsg*)pvMsg;
if(pstrListen status-> != 0)
"listen Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_ACCEPT)
// New Socket is accepted.
tstrSocketAcceptMsg *pstrAccept = (tstrSocketAcceptMsg *)pvMsg;
if(pstrAccept sock-> >= 0)
// Get the accepted socket.
acceptedSocketHdl pstrAccept sock = -> ;
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recv(acceptedSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
"Accept Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV)
tstrSocketRecvMsg *pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
if((pstrRecvMsg pu8Buffer pstrRecvMsg s16BufferSize-> != NULL) && ( -> > 0))
// Process the received message
// Perform data exchange
uint8 acSendBuffer[256];
uint16 u16MsgSize;
// Fill in the acSendBuffer with some data here
// Send some data.
send(acceptedSocketHdl, acSendBuffer u16MsgSize, , 0);
// Recv response from client.
recv(acceptedSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
// Close the socket when finished.
/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API
m2m_wifi_handle_events should be called continuously from main. */
void tcpStartServer(uint16 u16ServerPort)
struct sockaddr_in strAddr;
// Initialize the socket layer.
// Register socket application callbacks.
registerSocketCallback tcpServerSocketEventHandler NULL( , );
// Create the server listen socket.
listenSocketHdl =socket(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, , 0);
if(listenSocketHdl >= 0)
strAddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
strAddr.sin_port u16ServerPort =_htons( );
strAddr.sin_addr s_addr 0. = ; //INADDR_ANY
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bind(listenSocketHdl, ( struct sockaddr strAddr sizeof struct sockaddr_in *)& , ( ));
9.4.3 UDP Client Example Code
SOCKET clientSocketHdl;
uint8 rxBuffer[256], [256]; acSendBuffer
/* Socket event handler */
void udpClientSocketEventHandler(SOCKET sock u8Msg pvMsg, uint8 , * void )
if((u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV) || (u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECVFROM))
tstrSocketRecvMsg *pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
if((pstrRecvMsg pu8Buffer pstrRecvMsg s16BufferSize-> != NULL) && ( -> > 0))
uint16 len;
// Format a message in the acSendBuffer and put its length in len
sendto(clientSocketHdl acSendBuffer len, 0, , ,
( *)&struct sockaddr strAddr sizeof struct sockaddr_in, ( ));
recvfrom(clientSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
// Close the socket after finished
/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API
m2m_wifi_handle_events should be called continuously from main.
void udpClientStart(char * ) pcServerIP
struct sockaddr_in strAddr ;
// Initialize the socket layer.
// Register socket application callbacks.
registerSocketCallback udpClientSocketEventHandler NULL( , );
clientSocketHdl =socket(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, ,u8Flags);
if(clientSocketHdl >= 0)
uint16 len;
strAddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
strAddr.sin_port =_htons(1234);
strAddr.sin_addr s_addr. =nmi_inet_addr(pcServerIP);
// Format some message in the acSendBuffer and put its length in len
sendto(clientSocketHdl acSendBuffer len, 0, , , (struct sockaddr strAddr*)& ,
sizeof struct sockaddr_in( ));
recvfrom(clientSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
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9.4.4 UDP Server Example Code
SOCKET serverSocketHdl;
uint8 rxBuffer[256];
/* Socket event handler.
void udpServerSocketEventHandler(SOCKET sock u8Msg pvMsg, uint8 , * void )
if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_BIND)
tstrSocketBindMsg *pstrBind = (tstrSocketBindMsg*)pvMsg;
if(pstrBind status-> == 0)
// call Recv
recvfrom(serverSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
"Bind Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV)
tstrSocketRecvMsg *pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
if((pstrRecvMsg pu8Buffer pstrRecvMsg s16BufferSize-> != NULL) && ( -> > 0))
// Perform data exchange.
uint8 acSendBuffer[256];
uint16 u16MsgSize;
// Fill in the acSendBuffer with some data
// Send some data to the same address.
sendto(acceptedSocketHdl acSendBuffer u16MsgSize, , , 0,
pstrRecvMsg-> strRemoteAddr, (pstrRecvMsg-> strRemoteAddr) sizeof );
// call Recv
recvfrom(serverSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
// Close the socket when finished.
/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API
m2m_wifi_handle_events should be called continuously from main.
void udpStartServer(uint16 u16ServerPort)
struct sockaddr_in strAddr;
// Initialize the socket layer.
// Register socket application callbacks.
registerSocketCallback udpServerSocketEventHandler NULL( , );
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// Create the server listen socket.
listenSocketHdl =socket(AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM, , 0);
if(listenSocketHdl >= 0)
strAddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
strAddr.sin_port u16ServerPort =_htons( );
strAddr.sin_addr s_addr 0. = ; //INADDR_ANY
bind(serverSocketHdl, ( struct sockaddr strAddr sizeof struct sockaddr_in *)& , ( ));
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10 Transport Layer Security (TLS)
T ransport Layer Security layer sits on top of TCP and provides security services including privacy, he T
authenticity, and message integrity. Various security methods are available with TLS in ATWINC rmware.
ATWINC implements the Transport Layer Security protocol TLS v1.0, client mode.
10.1 TLS Connection Establishment
From the application’s point of view, the TLS functionality is wrapped behind the socket APIs. This hides the
complexity of TLS from the application which could use the TLS in the same fashion as the TCP client. The
main dierence between TLS sockets and regular TCP sockets is that the application sets the
SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL while creating the TLS client socket. The detailed sequence of TLS connection
establishment is described in . Figure 10-1
Do not miss both the ag and the correct port number in your TLS SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL
application. For instance an HTTP client application shall use no ags when calling
socket API function and connect to port 80. The same application source code be-
comes an HTTPS client application if you use the ag and change SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL
the port number to to port 433. connect
Figure 10- TLS Connection Establishment 1.
Create SSL Session
TLS Handshake
Data Exchange (send/recv)
close(sslSocketHdl) SOCKET_CMD_SSL_CLOSE
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10.2 Server Certicate Installation
10.2.1 Technical Background Public Key Infrastructure
The TLS security is based on the , in which: Public Key Infrastructure PKI
A server has its public key stored in a digital certicate with X.509 standard format
Certicate AuthorityThe server must have its X.509 certicate issued by CA which is in turn might be
certied by another CA
This structure forms a chain of X.509 certicates known as chain of trust
The top most CA of the Chain is known to be the of the chain Trusted Root Certificate Authority TLS Server Authentication
When a TLS client initiates a connection with a server, the server sends its X.509 certificate chain (may
or may not include the root certicate) to the client
The client must authenticate the Server (verify the Server identity) before starting data exchange
The client must verify the entire certicate chain and also verify that the root certicate authority of the
chain is in the client’s trusted root certificate store
10.2.2 Adding a Certicate to the WINC Trusted Root Certicate Store AT
Before connecting to a TLS Server, the root certificate of the server must be installed on the
AT ATWINC3400. If this is not done, the TLS Connection to the server is aborted locally by WINC.
The root certicate must be in format. If it is not provided in format, it must be converted before DER DER
installation. See for certicate formats and conversion methods. Appendix A
To install the certicate, execute with the following syntax: root_certicate_downloader.exe
Refer to Appendix C for more information on how to download X509 certificates on WINC serial ash. AT
10.3 WINC TLS Limitations AT
10.3.1 Modes of Operation
The current TLS implementation supports TLSv1.0 Client operation only. TLS Server is not supported.
10.3.2 Concurrent Connections
Only two TLS concurrent connections are allowed.
10.3.3 Supported Cipher Suites
The current implementation is limited to the following cipher suites:
10.3.4 Supported Hash Algorithms
The current implementation supports MD5, SHA-1, and SHA256 hash algorithms.
root_certificate_downloader.exe -n N File1.cer File2.cer .. FileN.cer
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10.4 SSL Client Code Example
SOCKET sslSocketHdl;
uint8 rxBuffer[256];
/* Socket event handler.
void SSL_SocketEventHandler( ,SOCKET sock uint8 u8Msg,void *pvMsg)
if(sock == sslSocketHdl)
// Connect event
tstrSocketConnectMsg *pstrConnect = ( tstrSocketConnectMsg*)pvMsg;
if(pstrConnect s8Error-> == 0)
// Perform data exchange.
uint8 acSendBuffer[256];
uint16 u16MsgSize;
// Fill in the acSendBuffer with some data here
// Send some data.
send( ,sock acSendBuffer, u16MsgSize, 0);
// Recv response from server.
recv(sslSocketHdl rxBuffer rxBuffer, , ( sizeof ), 0);
"SSL Connection Failed\printf(n");
else if(u8Msg == SOCKET_MSG_RECV)
tstrSocketRecvMsg *pstrRecvMsg = (tstrSocketRecvMsg*)pvMsg;
if((pstrRecvMsg pu8Buffer-> != NULL) ( && pstrRecvMsg-> > 0)) s16BufferSize
// Process the received message here
// Close the socket if finished.
/* This is the DNS callback. The response of gethostbyname is here.
void dnsResolveCallback( *uint8 pu8HostName u32ServerIP, uint32 )
struct sockaddr_in rAddr st ;
if(u32ServerIP != 0)
sslSocketHdl =socket(AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, ,u8Flags);
if(sslSocketHdl >= 0)
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strAddr.sin_family =AF_INET;
strAddr. = (443); sin_port _htons
strAddr. .sin_addr s_addr u32ServerIP = ;
connect(sslSocketHdl, ( struct sockaddr strAddr *)& , ( sizeof struct sockaddr_in));
"DNS Resolution Failed\printf(n");
/* This function needs to be called from main function. For the callbacks to be invoked correctly, the API
m2m_wifi_handle_events should be called continuously from main.
void SSL_Connect( *char pcServerURL)
// Initialize the socket layer.
// Register socket application callbacks.
registerSocketCallback SSL_SocketEventHandler dnsResolveCallback( , );
// Resolve Server URL.
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11 -Fi AP Mode Wi
11.1 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of WINC Access Point (AP) mode and describes how to set up this mode AT
and congure its parameters.
11.2 Setting WINC AP Mode AT
ATWINC AP mode conguration parameters should be set rst by using structure. the tstrM2MAPConfig
There are two functions to enable/disable AP mode:
sint8 m2m_wifi_enable_ap(CONST ) tstrM2MAPConfig* pstrM2MAPConfig
sint8 voidm2m_wifi_disable_ap( );
For more information about structure an d APIs, refer to the API reference in the
WINC3400_IoT_SW_APIs.chm that was supplied in the WINC3400_IoT_REL software package.
11.3 Limitations
AP mode supports OPEN and WEP security only
The AP can only support a single associated station. Further connection attempts will be rejected.
Concurrency (simultaneous STA/P2P and AP mode) is not supported. Before activating the AP mode,
host MCU application should disable the mode currently running.
11.4 Sequence Diagram
Once AP mode has been established, no data interface exists until after a station associates to the AP. the
Therefore the application needs to wait until it receives a notication via an event callback. This process is
shown in . Figure 11-1
Figure 11- WINC AP Mode Establishment 1. AT
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11.5 AP Mode Code Example
The following example shows how to configure ATWINC AP Mode with “ ” as broadcasted SSID on WINC_SSID
channel one with open security and an IP address equals
#include "m2m_wifi.h"
#include "m2m_types.h"
void wifi_event_cb(uint8 u8WiFiEvent,void * ) pvMsg
uint8 *pu8IPAddress = (uint8*)pvMsg;
"Associated STA has IP Address \"%u.%u.%u.%u\"\ printf(n",pu8IPAddress[0],
pu8IPAddress[1], pu8IPAddress pu8IPAddress[2], [3]);
int main()
tstrWifiInitParam param;
/* Platform specific initializations. */
param pfAppWifiCb. =wifi_event_cb;
if (!m2m_wifi_init(&param))
tstrM2MAPConfig apConfig;
strcpy(apConfig au8SSID. , "WINC_SSID"); // Set SSID
apConfig u8SsidHide. =SSID_MODE_VISIBLE; // Set SSID to be broadcasted
apConfig u8ListenChannel. = 1; // Set Channel
apConfig u8SecType. =M2M_WIFI_SEC_WEP; // Set Security to WEP
apConfig u8KeyIndx. = 0; // Set WEP Key Index
apConfig u8KeySz. =WEP_40_KEY_STRING_SIZE; // Set WEP Key Size
strcpy(apConfig au8WepKey. , "1234567890"); // Set WEP Key
// IP Address
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [0] = 192;
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [1] = 168;
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [2] = 1;
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [3] = 1;
// Start AP mode
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12 Provisioning
For normal operation the WINC device needs certain parameters to be loaded. In particular, when operating AT
in station mode, it needs to know the identity (SSID) and credentials of the access point to which it will connect.
The entry of this information is facilitated through the following provisioning steps.
The WINC software supports three methods of provisioning: AT 3400
BLE based in which a SmartPhone detects the WINC and uses an APP to transfer the information AT
from the user to the WINC3400 AT
HTTP-based (browser) provisioning while WINC is in AP mode AT
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
12.1 BLE Provisioning
This mode of provisioning is a major feature of the WINC3400 and is likely to be the method of choice. It has AT
the advantage that it is simple and intuitive for the user and does not disrupt normal SmartPhone operation
during the process.
In this method the host MCU instructs the WINC3400 to enable the BLE provisioning mode using API AT
m2m_wifi_start_ble_provision_mode. This causes the BLE to be activated and to start issuing BLE
beacons. The beacons will be detected by a suitable SmartPhone, which will inform the user that the device is
available for provisioning and provide information about the APP required to complete the process. When the
user obtains/runs the APP it will request the provisioning information and transfer to the WINC3400. The AT
ATWINC3400 will store the information and then connect to the specified AP, thus making itself ready for use.
The user needs to load the Atmel_IoT APP on either iOS or Andorid Smartphone. Upon launching the APP will
search for WINC3400 based products that are available for provisioning. A list of products will be displayed AT
using their user-friendly names:
When the user selects a product and clicks the ‘>’ symbol, the Access Points visible to the IoT device will be
shown on the screen:
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The user may then select the Access Point to which he wants to connect the IoT device and enter the
Passphrase at the top of the screen. After the information is entered, the provisioning information is passed to
the device using BLE and then passed on to the Wi-Fi component of the ATWINC3400. The Wi-Fi component
passes the credentials to the host using the callback M2M_WIFI_RESP_PROVISION_INFO and placing the
information in the structure tstrM2MProvisionInfo.
Figure 12- BLE Provisioning Sequence Diagram 1.
BLE hardware activated
Beacons detected by User device and
presented to user
User selects device and
observes list of Aps
seen by device
User selects AP and
enter PassPhrase
Credentials passed to
BLE in WINC3400
Credentials passed to
Wi-Fi in WINC3400
Credentials passed to Wi-
Fi in WINC3400
Turn off BLE module
Run Atmel_IoT
Wi-Fi Connection
Figure 12-1 shows the provisioning operation for an WINC device. The detailed steps are described in the AT
code example below.
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12.1.1 BLE Provisioning Code Example
void wifi_event_cb(uint8 u8WiFiEvent,void * ) pvMsg
tstrM2MProvisionInfo *provInfo = (tstrM2MProvisionInfo*)pvMsg;
if(provInfo u8Status-> == M2M_SUCCESS)
// connect to the provisioned AP.
m2m_wifi_connect((char*)provInfo au8SSID-> , strlen(provInfo au8SSID -> ),
p ->rovInfo u8SecType rovInfo au8Password, p -> , M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
"PROV SSID : %s\printf(n", p ->rovInfo au8SSID);
"PROV PSK : %s\printf(n", p ->rovInfo au8Password);
"(ERR) Provisioning Failed\n"printf( );
int main()
tstrWifiInitParam param;
// Platform specific initializations.
// Driver initialization.
param pfAppWifiCb. =wifi_event_cb;
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12.2 HTTP Provisioning
12.2.1 Introduction
In this method, the WINC is placed in AP mode and another device with a browser capability (mobile phone, AT
tablet, PC, etc.) is instructed to connect to the WINC HTTP server. Once connected, the desired AT
conguration can be entered.
12.2.2 Limitations
The current implementation of the HTTP Provisioning has the following limitations:
ATWINC AP limitations apply in provisioning mode. See Section 11.3: Limitations for a list of AP mode
Provisioning uses AP mode with open security. No Wi-Fi security nor application level security (e.g. TLS)
is used and therefore the AP credentials entered by the user are sent on the clear and can be seen by
The WINC Provisioning home page is a static HTML page. No server-side scripting allowed in the AT
Only APs with WPA-personal security (passphrase based) and no security (Open network) can be
provisioned. WEP and WPA-Enterprise APs cannot be provisioned.
The Provisioning is responsible to deliver the connection parameters to the application, the connection
procedure and the connection parameters validity its application responsibility
12.2.3 Basic Approach
The HTTP provisioning home page is as shown in . Figure 12-2
Figure 12- WINC HTTP Provisioning Page 2. AT
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12.2.4 Provisioning Control Flow
Figure 12- HTTP Provisioning Sequence Diagram 3.
AP On, sending Beacons
HTTP Server is UP
Wi-Fi Connection Establishment and DHCP
1- The user launches
the web browser and
opens the WINC home
page (e.g. ://“http
wincconf. )com”
2- The user presses
“REFRESH”, touches an
AP from the SCAN
results table and then
types its password.
Turn off AP and
Destroy the HTTP
Select WINC AP from
Wi-Fi Scan List
HTTP Traffic
Wi-Fi Connection
Figure 12-3 shows the provisioning operation for an WINC device. The detailed steps are described as AT
1. The WINC device starts the HTTP Provisioning mode. AT
2. A user with a smart phone nds the WINC AP SSID in the Wi-Fi search list. AT
3. The user connects to the WINC AP. AT
4. The user launches the web browser and writes the WINC home page in the address bar. AT
5. If the HTTP redirect is enabled at the WINC, any web address the WINC home page will load AT AT
automatically (like connecting to a public Wi- hotspot). Some phones will display a notication Fi
message “sign in to Wi Fi networks?” which, when accepted, will load the - ATWINC home pages load
automatically. The WINC home page (shown in ) will appear on the browser. AT Figure 12-2
6. To discover the list of Wi- Fi APs in the area, the user can press “Refresh”.
7. The desired AP is then selected from the search list (by one click or one touch) and its name will appear
automatically in the “Network Name” text box.
8. Then the user must enter the correct AP passphrase (for WPA/WPA2 personal security) in the “Pass
Phrase” text box. If the AP is not secured (Open network) the field should be left empty.
9. An ATWINC device name may be optionally configured if desired by the user in the “Device Name” text
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10. The user presses “Connect”.
The WINC will then turn o AP mode and start connecting to the provisioned AP. AT
12.2.5 HTTP Redirect Feature
The WINC HTTP provisioning server supports the HTTP redirect feature, which forces all HTTP trac AT
originating from the associated user device to be redirected to the WINC provisioning home page. AT
This simplies the mechanism of loading the provisioning page instead of typing the exact web address of the
http provisioning server.
To enable this feature, the redirect ag should be set when calling the API
m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode. See the below code example for details.
12.2.6 HTTP Provisioning Code Example
void wifi_event_cb(uint8 u8WiFiEvent,void * ) pvMsg
tstrM2MProvisionInfo *provInfo = (tstrM2MProvisionInfo*)pvMsg;
if(provInfo u8Status-> == M2M_SUCCESS)
// connect to the provisioned AP.
m2m_wifi_connect((char*)provInfo au8SSID-> , strlen(provInfo au8SSID -> ),
p ->rovInfo u8SecType rovInfo Password, p ->au8 , M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL);
"PROV SSID : %s\printf(n", p ->rovInfo au8SSID);
"PROV PSK : %s\printf(n", p ->rovInfo au8Password);
"(ERR) Provisioning Failed\printf(n");
int main()
tstrWifiInitParam param;
// Platform specific initializations.
// Driver initialization.
param pfAppWifiCb. =wifi_event_cb;
tstrM2MAPConfig apConfig;
uint8 bEnableRedirect = 1;
strcpy(apConfig au8SSID. , "WINC_AP");
apConfig u8ListenChannel . = 1;
apConfig u8SecType. =M2M_WIFI_SEC_OPEN;
apConfig u8SsidHide. = 0;
// IP Address
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [0] = 192;
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [1] = 168;
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apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [2] = 1;
apConfig au8DHCPServerIP. [0] = 1;
m2m_wifi_start_provision_mode(&apConfig, "atmelconfig.com" ,bEnableRedirect);
12.3 -Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Wi
Most modern Access Points support the Wi-Fi Protected Setup method, typically using the push button
method. From the user’s perspective WPS is a simple mechanism to make a device connect securely to an AP
without remembering passwords or passphrases. WPS uses asymmetric cryptography to form a temporary
secure link which is then used to transfer a passphrase (and other information) from the AP to the new station.
After the transfer, secure connections are made as for normal static PSK configuration.
12.3.1 WPS Conguration Methods
There are two authentication methods that can be used with WPS:
1. PBC (Push button) method
A physical button is pressed on the AP, which puts the AP into WPS mode for a limited period of time.
WPS is initiated on the WINC3400 by calling with input parameter . AT m2m_wifi_wps WPS_PBC_TRIGGER
2. PIN method
The AP is always available for WPS initiation but requires proof that the user has knowledge of an 8-digit
PIN, usually printed on the body of the AP. Because ATWINC is often used in “headless” devices (no
user interface) it is necessary to reverse this process and force the AP to use a PIN number provided
with the WINC device. Some APs allow the PIN to be changed through conguration. WPS is initiated AT
on the WINC3400 by calling with input parameter . Given the AT m2m_wifi_wps WPS_PIN_TRIGGER
diculty of this approach it is not recommend for most applications.
The ow of messages and actions for WPS operation is shown in . Figure 12-4
12.3.2 WPS Limitations
WPS is used to transfer the WPA/WPA2 key only; other security types are not supported
The WPS standard will reject the session (WPS response fail) if the WPS button pressed on more than
one AP in the same proximity, and the application should try after couple of minutes
If no WPS button pressed on the AP, the WPS scan will timeout after two minutes since the initial WPS
The WPS is responsible to deliver the connection parameters to the application, the connection
procedure and the connection parameters validity is the application responsibility
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12.3.3 WPS Control Flow
Figure 12- WPS Operation for Push Button Trigger 4.
Start WPS Scan
WPS Session Ends
and AP credentials
are obtained
WPS Button
Pressed on AP
WPS Registration
Wi-Fi Connection
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12.3.4 WPS Code Example
void wifi_event_cb(uint8 u8WiFiEvent,void * ) pvMsg
if(u8WiFiEvent == M2M_WIFI_REQ_WPS)
tstrM2MWPSInfo * = (pstrWPS tstrM2MWPSInfo*)pvMsg;
if( ->pstrWPS u8AuthType != 0)
"WPS SSID : %s\printf(n", ->pstrWPS au8SSID);
"WPS PSK : %s\printf(n", -> pstrWPS au8PSK);
"WPS SSID Auth Type : %s\printf(n",
pstrWPS u8AuthType-> == M2M_WIFI_SEC_OPEN "OPEN" "WPA/WPA2"? : );
"WPS Channel : %d\printf(n", -> +pstrWPS u8Ch 1);
// Establish Wi-Fi connection
m2m_wifi_connect((char*)pstrWPS au8SSID-> , ( uint8)m2m_strlen( ->pstrWPS au8SSID),
pstrWPS u8AuthType pstrWPS au8PSK pstrWPS-> , -> , -> u8Ch);
"(ERR) WPS Is not enabled OR Timedout\printf(n");
int main()
tstrWifiInitParam param;
// Platform specific initializations.
// Driver initialization.
param pfAppWifiCb. =wifi_event_cb;
// Trigger WPS in Push button mode.
m2m_wifi_wps(WPS_PBC_TRIGGER NULL, );
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13 Multicast Sockets
13.1 Overview
The purpose of the multicast filters is to provide the ability to send/receive messages to/from multicast
addresses. This feature is useful for one- -many communication over networks, whether is intended to send to it
Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams to a group of interested receivers in a single transmission, participate in a
zero-configuration networking or listening to a multicast stream or any other application.
13.2 How to use Filters
Whenever the application wishes to use a multicast IP address, for either sending or receiving, a filter is
needed. The application can establish this through setting the option for the required IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
socket accompanied by the multicast address that the application wants to use. If subsequently the host wants
to stop receiving the multicast stream it should set the option for the required socket IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
accompanied with the multicast address.
Adding or removing a multicast address filter will cause WINC chip firmware to add/remove both MAC layer AT
filter and IP layer filter in order to pass or prevent messages from reaching to host.
13.3 Multicast Socket Code Example
In order to illustrate the functionality, a simple example is implemented where the host application responds to
mDNS (Multicast Domain Name System) queries sent from a Computer/Mobile application. The
Computer/Mobile is looking for devices which support the service as indicated by mDNS zero configuration an
response. The WINC responds, announcing its presence and its capability of sending and receiving AT
multicast messages.
The example consists of a UDP server that binds on port 5353 (mDNS port) and waits for messages, parsing
them and replying with a previously saved response message.
Server Initialization
void MDNS_ServerInit()
tstrSockAddr strAddr ;
unsigned int MULTICAST_IP = 0xE00000FB; //
dns_server_sock =socket(AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM, ,0);
"DNS_server_init \MDNS_INFO(n");
setsockopt(dns_server_sock,1,IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,&MULTICAST_IP MULTICAST_IP, (sizeof ));
strAddr u16Port. = (HTONS MDNS_SERVER_PORT);
bind(dns_server_sock,(struct sockaddr *)&strAddr,sizeof( )); strAddr
registerSocketCallback UDP_SocketEventHandler AppServerCb( , );
Sockets Events Handler
void MDNS_RecvfromCB(signed char unsigned char sock, *pu8RxBuffer,signed short s16DataSize,
*unsigned char pu8IPAddr,unsigned short u16Port pvArg, *void )
"DnsServer_RecvfromCB \MDNS_INFO(n");
if((pu8RxBuffer != 0) && (s16DataSize > 0))
tstrDnsHdr strDnsHdr;
"DNS Packet Recieved \MDNS_INFO(n");
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if(MDNS_ParseQuery(&pu8RxBuffer strDnsHdr strDnsQuery[0], & ,& ))
MDNS_SendResp (sock pu8IPAddr u16Port strDnsHdr strDnsQuery, , ,& ,& );
"DnsServer_RecvfromCB Error !\MDNS_INFO(n");
Server Socket Callback
void signed char unsigned char signed short MDNS_RecvfromCB( sock, * ,pu8RxBuffer
s16DataSize pu8IPAddr u16Port pvArg, *unsigned char ,unsigned short , *void )
"DnsServer_RecvfromCB \MDNS_INFO(n");
if((pu8RxBuffer != 0) && (s16DataSize > 0))
tstrDnsHdr strDnsHdr ;
strdnsquery ;
"DNS Packet Recieved \MDNS_INFO(n");
if( [0],MDNS_ParseQuery(&pu8RxBuffer & strDnsHdr,&strDnsQuery))
MDNS_SendResp ( , ,sock pu8IPAddr u16Port strDnsHdr strDnsQuery,& ,& );
"DnsServer_RecvfromCB Error !\MDNS_INFO(n");
Parse mDNS Query
int MDNS_ParseQuery(unsigned char *pu8RxBuffer, tstrDnsHdr *pstrDnsHdr pstrDnsQuery, * strdnsquery )
unsigned char dot_size temp, =0;
unsigned short n=0, =0,i u16index=0;
int bDNSmatch = 0;
/* ----Identification--------------------------|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA|Z|AD|CD|Rcode | */
/* Total Questions------------------------|-----------------Total Answer R ------------ ----- Rs --
/* Total Authority RRs --------------------|----------------Total Additional RRs----------------
/* --------------------------------- Questions ---------------------------------
/* ------------------------------------ wer RRs Ans ------------------------------------------*/
/* ----------------------------------- Authority RRs -------------- ------------------ --
/* -----------------------------------Additional RRs ----------------------------------
MDNS_INFO("Parsing DNS Packet\n");
pstrDnsHdr pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index->id = (( [ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
MDNS_INFO "id = %.4x \(n",pstrDnsHdr->id);
pstrDnsHdr flags1-> = [ pu8RxBuffer u16index++];
pstrDnsHdr flags2-> = [ pu8RxBuffer u16index++];
MDNS_INFO "flags = %.2x %.2x \(n",pstrDnsHdr flags1 pstrDnsHdr flags2-> , -> );
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pstrDnsHdr numquestions pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index-> = (( [ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
"numquestions = %.4x \MDNS_INFO (n",pstrDnsHdr numquestions-> );
pstrDnsHdr numanswers-> = ((pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index[ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
"numanswers = %.4x \MDNS_INFO (n",pstrDnsHdr numanswers-> );
pstrDnsHdr numauthrr pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index-> = (( [ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
"numauthrr = %.4x \MDNS_INFO (n",pstrDnsHdr numauthrr-> );
pstrDnsHdr numextrarr-> = ((pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index[ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
"numextrarr = %.4x \MDNS_INFO (n",pstrDnsHdr numextrarr-> );
dot_size =pstrDnsQuery query n pu8RxBuffer u16index-> [ ++]= [ ++];
while (dot_size--!=0) //(pu8RxBuffer[++u16index] != 0)
pstrDnsQuery query n pstrDnsQuery queryForChecking i-> [ ++]= -> [ ++]=pu8RxBuffer u16index[ ++] ;
pstrDnsQuery u16size-> ++;
gu8pos temp= ;
if (dot_size == 0 )
pstrDnsQuery queryForChecking i-> [ ++]= ; '.'
dot_size =pstrDnsQuery query n pu8RxBuffer u16index-> [ ++]= [ ++];
pstrDnsQuery u16size-> ++;
pstrDnsQuery queryForChecking i-> [-- ] = 0;
"parsed query <%s>\MDNS_INFO(n",pstrDnsQuery queryForChecking-> );
// Search for any match in the local DNS table.
for(n= 0; n<DNS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE; ++) n
"Saved URL <%s>\MDNS_INFO(n",gpacDnsServerCache n[ ]);
if( (strcmp gpacDnsServerCache n pstrDnsQuery queryForChecking[ ], -> ) ==0)
bDNSmatch= 1;
pstrDnsQuery u16class-> = ((pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index[ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
pstrDnsQuery u16type pu8RxBuffer u16index pu8RxBuffer u16index-> = (( [ ]<<8)| ( [ +1]));
return bDNSmatch;
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Send mDNS Response:
void MDNS_SendResp (signed char sock,unsigned char * , pu8IPAddr
unsigned short tstrDnsHdr u16Port, *pstrDnsHdr pstrDnsQuery, *strdnsquery )
unsigned short u16index=0;
tstrSockAddr strclientAddr ;
unsigned char *pu8sendBuf;
char *serviceName2 = (char sizeof*)malloc( (serviceName)+1);
unsigned int MULTICAST_IP = 0xFB0000E0;
memcpy(&strclientAddr u32IPAddr MULTICAST_IP. ,& ,IPV4_DATA_LENGTH);
strclientAddr u16Port u16Port. = ;
"%s \MDNS_INFO(n",pstrDnsQu queryery-> );
"Query Size = %d \MDNS_INFO(n",pstrDnsQuery u16size-> );
"class = %.4x \MDNS_INFO(n", ->pstrDnsQuery u16class);
"type = %.4x \MDNS_INFO(n", ->pstrDnsQuery u16type);
/*----------------------------ID 2 Bytes -----------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0; //( pstrDnsHdr->id>>8);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = 0;//( pstrDnsHdr->id)&(0xFF);
"(ResPonse) id = %.2x %.2x \MDNS_INFO (n", pu8sendBuf u16index pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2], [ -1]);
/*----------------------------Flags 2 Bytes----------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = DNS_RSP_FLAG_1;
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = DNS_RSP_FLAG_2;
"(ResPonse) Flags = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf[u16index pu8sendBuf u16index-2], [ -1]);
/*----------------------------No of Questions--------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x01;
"(ResPonse) Questions = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2],pu8sendBuf u16index[ -
/*---------------------------No of Answers----------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x01;
"(ResPonse) Answers = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2],pu8sendBuf u16index[ -1]);
/*---------------------------No of Authority RRs------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
"(ResPonse) Authority RRs = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf u16index pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2], [ -
/*----------------------------No of Additional RRs----------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00;
"(ResPonse) Additional RRs = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf u16index[ -
2],pu8sendBuf u16index[ -1]);
memcpy(&pu8sendBuf u16index pstrDnsQuery query pstrDnsQuery u16size[ ], -> , -> );
"\nsize = %d \MDNS_INFO(n",pstrDnsQuery u16size-> );
u16index pstrDnsQuery u16size+= -> ;
/*-------------------------------Query Type----------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = ( pstrDnsQuery u16type-> >>8);//MDNS_TYPE>>8;
pu8sendBuf [u16index pstrDnsQuery u16type++] = ( -> )&(0xFF);//(MDNS_TYPE&0xFF);
"Query Type = %.2x %.2x \ MDNS_INFO (n",pu8sendBuf u16index pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2], [ -1]);
/*------------------------------Query Class-----------------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = MDNS_CLASS>>8;//(( pstrDnsQuery->u16class>>8)|0x80);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = ( MDNS_CLASS & 0xFF);//( pstrDnsQuery->u16class)&(0xFF);
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"Query Class = %.2x %.2 \ MDNS_INFO (x n",pu8sendBuf u16index pu8sendBuf u16index[ -2], [ -1]);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++]= 0xC0 ; //pointer to query name location
pu8sendBuf [u16index++]= 0x0C ; // instead of writing the whole query name again
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] = MDNS_TYPE>>8; //Type 12 PTR (domain name Pointer).
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(MDNS_TYPE&0xFF);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x00; //MDNS_CLASS; //Class IN, Internet.
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0x01; // (MDNS_CLASS & 0xFF);
/*----------------------------- L----------------------------------TT */
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(TIME_TO_LIVE >>24);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(TIME_TO_LIVE >>16);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(TIME_TO_LIVE >>8);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(TIME_TO_LIVE );
/*---------------------------Date Length----------------------------------*/
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(sizeof(serviceName)+2)>>8;//added 2 bytes for the pointer
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =(sizeof(serviceName)+2);
convertServiceName(serviceName serviceName, (sizeof ),serviceName2);
memcpy(&pu8sendBuf u16index serviceName2[ ], , (sizeof serviceName)+1);
pu8sendBuf [u16index++] =0xC0; //Pointer to .local (from name)
pu8sendBuf [u16index gu8pos++] = ; //23
strclientAddr u16Port. = (HTONS MDNS_SERVER_PORT);
// MultiCast RESPONSE
sendto(sock,pu8sendBuf,(uint16) ,0,(u16index struct
strclientAddr u16Port u16Port. = ;
memcpy(&strclientAddr u32IPAddr pu8IPAddr. , ,IPV4_DATA_LENGTH);
Service Name
static char gpacDnsServerCache[DNS_SERVER_CACHE_SIZE MDNS_HOSTNAME_SIZE][ ] =
"_services._dns-sd._udp.local" "_workstation._tcp.local" "_http._tcp.local", ,
unsigned char gPu8Buf [MDNS_BUF_SIZE];
unsigned char gu8pos ;
signed char dns_server_sock ;
#define serviceName "_ATMELWIFI._tcp"
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14 WINC Serial Flash Memory AT
14.1 Overview and Features
The WINC has internal serial (SPI) flash memory of either 4 or 8 capacity. The flash memory is used to AT Mb
User configuration
Wi-Fi Firmware
BLE Firmware
Connection Profiles
During startup and mode changes the firmware is loaded from the serial flash into program memory (IRAM) in
which the firmware is executed. First the Wi-Fi firmware is loaded and started while holding the BLE processor
in reset. Then the BLE firmware is loaded and placed into the BLE memory prior to releasing reset. The flash is
accessed at other points during runtime to retrieve configuration and profile data.
The flash memory can be read, written to, and erased directly from the host without cooperation with the
ATWINC firmware. However, if operational firmware is already loaded, it is necessary to first halt any running
AT ATWINC firmware before accessing the serial flash to avoid access conflict between host and the WINC
14.2 Accessing to Serial Flash
The host has transparent access to the serial (SPI) flash through WINC SPI master AT
The host can program the serial (SPI) flash without need for operational firmware in the WINC. The AT
function m2m_wifi_download_mode must be called first.
Figure 14- System Block Diagram showing SPI Flash Connection 1.
Serial Flash
SPI Master
14.3 Read/Write/Erase Operations
SPI Flash can be accessed to be read, written, and erased.
It is required to first change the ATWINC’s mode to “ ” before any attempt to access the SPI download mode
Flash by calling:
sint32 m2m_wifi_download_mode();
All SPI flash functions are blocking. A return of indicates that the requested operation has been M2M_SUCCESS
completed successfully.
The following is a list of flash functions that may be used:
Query the size of the SPI Flash:
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uint32 spi_flash_get_size();
This function returns with size of SPI Flash in Mb.
Read data from the SPI Flash:
sint8 uint32 uint32 spi_flash_read(uint8 *pu8Buf, u32offset, u32Sz)
Where the size of data is limited by SPI Flash size.
Erase sectors in the SPI Flash:
sint8 uint32 spi_flash_erase(uint32 u32Offset, u32Sz)
Note: The size is limited by the SPI Flash size.
Before writing to any sector, this sector has to be erased first. So if some data needs to be changed
within a sector, it is advised to read the sector first, modify the data, then erase and write the whole
sector again.
Write data to the SPI Flash:
sint8 uint32 uint32 spi_flash_write(uint8* pu8Buf, u32Offset, u32Sz)
If the application wants to write any number of bytes within any sector, it has to erase the entire sector
first. It may be necessary to read the entire sector, erase the sector, and then write back with
modifications. It is also recommended to verify that data had been written after it returns success by
reading data again and compare it with the original.
14.4 Serial (SPI) Flash Map
The following map is valid for SPI Flash with size equals 8 ( Mb 1MB)
Offset [KB]
Size [KB]
Boot firmware
Control Section
Scratch Section
Firmware Image – Wi- Fi
HTTP Files
Connection Parameters
Firmware Image BLE
OTA Image – Wi-Fi and BLE
Total used
14.5 Flash Read, Erase, Write Code Example
#include "spi_flash.h"
int main()
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uint8au8FlashContent[FLASH_SECTOR_SZ] = {0};
uint32u32FlashTotalSize = 0, =u32FlashOffset 0;
// Platform specific initializations.
ret =m2m_wifi_download_mode();
if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
"Unable to enter download mode\r\printf(n");
u32FlashTotalSize =spi_flash_get_size();
while((u32FlashTotalSize u32FlashOffset > ) ( && M2M_SUCCESS == ret))
ret =spi_flash_read(au8FlashContent u32FlashOffset, , FLASH_SECTOR_SZ);
if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
"Unable to read SPI sector\r\printf(n");
memcpy(au8FlashContent, DATA_TO_REPLACE, strlen(DATA_TO_REPLACE));
ret =spi_flash_erase(u32FlashOffset, FLASH_SECTOR_SZ);
if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
"Unable to erase SPI sector\r\printf(n");
ret =spi_flash_write(au8FlashContent u32FlashOffset, , FLASH_SECTOR_SZ);
if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret)
"Unable to write SPI sector\r\printf(n");
u32FlashOffset += FLASH_SECTOR_SZ;
if(M2M_SUCCESS == ret)
"Successful operations\r\printf(n");
"Failed operations\r\printf(n");
return M2M_SUCCESS;
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15 Writing a Simple Networking Application
This chapter provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a networking application from scratch. For details
on getting started with the Atmel Studio and how to setup the environment and obtain the example application
and AtmelWirelessConnect APK smart phone application, refer to . [R01]
15.1 Prerequisites
Hardware Prerequisites
Atmel SAMD21-XPRO Evaluation kit
Atmel I/O1 Xplained ATIO1-XPRO board
Atmel WINC3400 Xplained Pro Extension board AT
Micro-USB Cable (Micro-A / Micro- B)
Android Phone
Software Prerequisites
Atmel Studio 6.2 (build 1153) or higher
Atmel Software Frameworks 3.15.0
Wi-Fi Network Controller demo for SAM D21
Android apk AtmelWirelessConnect application
15.2 Solution Overview
The goal of this project is to develop an IoT application, capable of sending temperature information to any
phone or tablet on the network while offering a way to remotely control the LED on the SAM D21 Xplained Pro
To develop and run this project you need to start with the downloaded empty Wi-Fi example project.
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If you cannot use an Android phone to test the solution, you can still use Wireshark to
see the traffic generated by the IoT sensor application.
ATWINC3400 Wi-Fi extension and I/O1 extension should be plugged into SAM D21
Xplained Pro EXT1 and EXT2 respectively.
15.3 Project Creation
Open the empty Wi-Fi example Project.
Open Atmel Studio 6.2
Click on “File” then “Open Project/Solution…”
Select the Empty Wi-Fi example project on your hard drive
15.4 Wi-Fi Software API Files
The table below lists the main files from the Wi-Fi Software API located.
Provide entry point, Wi-Fi configuration API
Provide socket API
Provide BSP APIs needed by Host Driver
Provide bus wrapper APIs needed by Host Driver
In order to add Wi-Fi connectivity into an existing user example project, the complete “wifi_nmi” folder should
be added to the user project.
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Locate these files in your project:
m2m_wifi_type.h is an internal type definition header file.
The configuration of the Wi-Fi Software API is fairly easy and relies on three configuration files.
The file provides configuration for the following: conf_winc.h
Reset pin definition (RESET_N) CONF_WIFI_M2M_RESET_PIN:
Reset pin definition (CHIP_EN) CONF_WIFI_M2M_CHIP_ENABLE_PIN:
Interrupt line (IRQN) CONF_WIFI_M2M_INT_PIN:
Debug enable CONF_WIFI_M2M_DEUG:
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15.5 Reading Temperature Sensor and Controlling LED Status
The empty Wi-Fi example Project comes with a specific driver for the AT30TSE temperature sensor, located on
the I/O1 extension.
The driver implementation can be found in the “ASF at30tse75x” folder of the \sam0\components\sensor\
Solution Explorer.
Retrieving the temperature information is easy and can be performed in three steps:
1. Include the driver header file.
#include “asf.h”
2. Initialize the temperature sensor driver.
3. Retrieve the current temperature value.
double ; temp = ()at30tse_read_temperature
The empty Wi-Fi example Project already includes the peripheral dependencies for the
temperature sensor.
The temperature sensor configuration file “conf_at30tse75x.h” is already configured to
use the peripheral on EXT2.
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17 WINC SPI Protocol AT
The WINC main interface is SPI. The WINC device employs a protocol to allow exchange of formatted AT AT
binary messages between WINC rmware and host MCU application. The WINC protocol uses raw bytes AT AT
exchanged on SPI bus to form high level structures like requests and callbacks.
The WINC SPI protocol consists of three layers: AT
Layer 1: WINC SPI slave protocol, which allows the host MCU application to perform AT
register/memory read and write operation in the WINC3400 device using raw SPI data AT
Layer 2: Host MCU application uses the register and memory read and write capabilities to exchange
host interface frames with the WINC rmware. It also provides asynchronous callback from AT
the ATWINC rmware to the host MCU through interrupts and host interface RX frames. This
layer was discussed earlier in C . hapter 16: Host Interface Protocol
Layer 3: Allows the host MCU application to exchange high level messages (e.g. Wi-Fi scan, socket
connection, or TCP data received) with the WINC rmware to employ in the host MCU AT
application logic
Figure 17- WINC SPI Protocol Layers 1. AT
17.1 Introduction
The WINC SPI Protocol is implemented as a command-response transaction and assumes one party is AT that
the master and the other is the slave. The roles correspond to the master and slave devices on the SPI bus.
Each message has an identier in the first byte indicating the type of message:
In the case of Command and Data messages, the last byte is used as data integrity check.
App Logic
Host MCU
Init, scan,
connect, socket
SPI read/write
Host MCU
Raw SPI Bus
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The format of Command and Response and Data frames is described in the following sections. The following
points apply:
There is a response for each command
Transmitted/received data is divided into packets with xed size
For a write transaction ( ), the slave should reply by a response for each Slave is receiving data packets
data packet
For an RD transaction (Master is receiving data packets), the master doesn’t send response. If there is
an error, the master should request retransmission on the lost data packet.
Protection of commands and data packets by CRC is optional
17.1.1 Command Format
The following frame formation is used for commands where the host supports a DMA address of three bytes.
CMD/DATA Start CMD type Payload CRC
1 Byte Payload Size 1 Byte
10 Byte (max)
4 Bits 4 Bits
The rst byte contains two elds:
The CMD/Data Start field indicates that this is a Command frame
The CMD type eld species the command to be executed
The may be one of 15 commands: CMD type
DMA write
DMA read
Internal register write
Internal register read
Transaction termination
Repeat data Packet
DMA extended write
DMA extended read
DMA single-word write
DMA single-word read
Soft reset
The field contains command specic data and its length depends on the CMD type. Payload
The eld is optional and generally computed in software. CRC
The field can be one of four types each having a dierent length: Payload
A: Three bytes
B: Five bytes
C: Six bytes
D: Seven bytes
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Type A commands include:
DMA single-word RD
internal register RD
Transaction termination command
Repeat Data PKT command
Soft reset command
Type B mmands include: co
DMA RD Transaction
DMA WR Transaction
Type C commands include:
DMA Extended RD transaction
DMA Extended WR transaction
Internal register WR
Type D commands include:
DMA single-word WR
Full details of the frame format elds are provided in the following table:
CMD Start
4 bits
Command Start : 4’b1100
CMD Type
4 bits
Command type:
4’b0001: DMA write transaction
4’b0010: DMA read transaction
4’b0011: Internal register write
4’b0100: Internal register read
4’b0101: Transaction termination
4’b0110: Repeat data Packet command
4’b0111: DMA extended write transaction
4’b1000: DMA extended read transaction
4’b1001: DMA single-word write
4’b1010: DMA single-word read
4’b1111: soft reset command
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A: 3
B: 5
C: 6
D: 7
The Payload eld may be of Type A, B, C, or D
Type A (length 3)
1- DMA single-word RD
Param: Read Address:
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
2- internal register RD
Param: Oset address (two bytes):
Payload bytes:
B2: 0
3- Transaction termination command
Param: none
Payload bytes:
B0: 0
B1: 0
B2: 0
4- Repeat Data PKT command
Param: none
Payload bytes:
B0: 0
B1: 0
B2: 0
5- Soft reset command
Param: none
Payload bytes:
B0: 0xFF
B1: 0x FF
B2: 0xFF
Type B (length 5)
1- DMA RD Transaction
DMA Start Address: 3 bytes
DMA count: 2 bytes
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
B3: COUNT[15:8]
B4: COUNT[7:0]
2- DMA WR Transaction
DMA Start Address: 3 bytes
DMA count: 2 bytes
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
B3: COUNT[15:8]
B4: COUNT[7:0]
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Type C (length 6)
1- DMA Extended RD transaction
DMA Start Address: 3 bytes
DMA extended count: 3 bytes
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
B3: COUNT[23:16]
B4: COUNT[15:8]
B5: COUNT[7:0]
2- DMA Extended WR transaction
DMA Start Address: 3 bytes
DMA extended count: 3 bytes
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
B3: COUNT[23:16]
B4: COUNT[15:8]
B5: COUNT[7:0]
3- Internal register WR*
Oset address: 3 bytes
Write Data: 3 bytes
* “clocked or clockless registers”
Payload bytes:
B2: DATA[31:24]
B3: DATA [23:16]
B4: DATA [15:8]
B5: DATA [7:0]
Type D (length 7)
1- DMA single-word WR
Address: 3 bytes
DMA Data: 4 bytes
Payload bytes:
B0: ADDRESS[23:16]
B1: ADDRESS[15:8]
B2: ADDRESS[7:0]
B3: DATA[31:24]
B4: DATA [23:16]
B5: DATA [15:8]
B6: DATA [7:0]
1 byte
Optional data integrity eld comprising two subelds:
bit 0: fixed value ‘1’
bits 1-7: 7 bit CRC value computed using polynomial G(x)
= X^7 + X^3 + 1 with seed value: 0x7F
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The following table summarizes the dierent commands according to the payload type (DMA address = 3-
Payload type
Payload size
Command packet size
“with CRC”
Type A
1- DMA Single-Word Read
2- Internal Register Read
3- Transaction Termination
4- Repeat Data Packet
5- Soft Reset
Type B
1- DMA Read
2- DMA Write
Type C
1- DMA Extended Read
2- DMA Extended Write
3- Internal Register Write
Type D
1- DMA Single-Word Write
17.1.2 Response Format
The following frame formation is used for responses sent by the WINC device as the result of receiving a AT
Command or certain Data frames. The Response message has a fixed length of two bytes.
1 Byte 1 Byte
2 Byte
4 Bits 4 Bits
The rst byte contains two 4-bit elds which identify the response message and the response type.
The second byte indicates the status of the WINC after receiving and, where possible, executing the AT
command/data. This byte contains two sub elds:
B0-B3: Error state
B4-B7: DMA state
States that may be indicated are:
DMA state:
DMA ready for any transaction
DMA engine is busy
Error state:
No error
Unsupported command
Receiving unexpected data packet
Command CRC7 error
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Res Start
4 bits
Response Start : 4’b1100
Response Type
4 bits
If the response packet is for Command:
Contains of copy of the Command Type eld in the
If the response packet is for received Data Packet:
4’b0001: rst data packet is received
4’b0010: Receiving data packets
4’b0011: last data packet is received
4’b1111: Reserved value
1 byte
This eld is divided into two subelds:
DMA State Error State
4 Bits 4 bits
DMA State :
4’b0000: DMA ready for any transaction
4’b0001: DMA engine is busy
Error State:
4’b0000: No error
4’b0001: Unsupported command
4’b0010: Receiving unexpected data packet
4’b0011: Command CRC7 error
4’b0100: Data CRC16 error
4’b0101: Internal general error
17.1.3 Data Packet Format
The Data Packet Format is used in either direction (master to slave or slave to master) to transfer opaque data.
A Command frame is used either to inform the slave that a data packet is about to be sent or to request the
slave to send a data packet to the master. In the case of master to slave, the slave sends a response after the
command and each subsequent data frame. The format of a data packet is shown below.
DATA Start Packet Order Data Bytes CRC
4 Bits 4 Bits
To support DMA hardware a large data transfer may be fragmented into multiple smaller Data Packets. This is
controlled by the value of DATA_PACKET_SIZE which is agreed between the master and slave in software
and is a xed value such as 256B, 512B, 1KB (default), 2KB, 4KB, or 8KB. If a transfer has a length which m
exceeds DATA_PACKET_SIZE the sender must split into frames where frames will be length n 1..n-1
DATA_PACKET_SIZE and frame will be length: n
(m -1)* DATA_PACKET_SIZE)(n .This is shown diagrammatically below:
The data packet is “ “, i.e. nDATA_Header + DMA count +optional CRC16 o padding.
Header Remaining data CRC
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DMA Count
data CRC16
If < DATA_PACKET_SIZE, the is: remaining data last data packet
“DATA_Header + remaining data + optional CRC16 “, i.e. no padding.
The frame elds are describe in detail in the following table:
Data Start
4 bits
4’b1111 (Default)
(Can be changed to any value by programming
Packet Order
4 bits
4’b0001: First packet in this transaction
4’b0010: Neither the first or the last packet in this transaction
4’b0011: Last packet in this transaction
4’b1111: Reserved
Data Bytes
User data
2 bytes
Optional data integrity eld comprising a 16-bit CRC value
encoded in two bytes. The most signicant eight bits are
transmitted rst in the frame.
The CRC16 value is computed on data bytes only based on
the polynomial:
G(x) = X^16 + X^12 + X^5 + 1, seed value: 0xFFFF
17.1.4 Error Recovery Mechanism
Error type
Recovery mechanism
CRC error in command
1. Error response received from slave.
2. Retransmit the command.
CRC error in received
1. Issue a repeat command for the data packet that has a CRC error.
2. Slave sends a response to the previous command.
3. Slave keeps the start DMA address of the previous data packet, so it can retransmit it.
4. Receive the data packet again.
No response is received
from sla ve
Synchronization is lost between master and slave
The worst case is when slave is in receiving data state
Solution: master should wait for maximum DATA_PACKET_SIZE period, then
generate a soft reset command
Unexpected response
Retransmit the command
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Error type
Recovery mechanism
TX/RX Data count error
Retransmit the command
No response to soft reset
Transmit all ones till master receives a response of all ones from the slave
Then deactivate the output data line
Unsupported command
Send response with error
Returns to command monitor state
Receive command CRC
Send response with error
waits for command retransmission
Received data CRC error
Send response with error
wait for retransmission of the data packet
Internal general error
The master should soft reset the slave
TX/RX Data count error
Only the master can detect this error
Slave operates with the data count received till the count nishes or the master
terminates the transaction
In both cases the master should retry the command from the beginning
No response to soft reset
1. First received 4’b1001, it decides data start.
2. Then received packet order 4’b1111 that is reserved value.
3. Then monitors for 7 bytes all ones to decide Soft Reset action.
4. The slave should activate the output data line.
5. Waits for deactivation for the received line.
6. The slave then deactivates the output data line and returns to the CMD/DATA start
monitor state.
General NOTE
The slave should monitor the received line for command reception in any time
When a CMD start is detected, the slave will receive eight bytes, then return again
to the command reception state
When the slave is transmitting data, it should also monitor for command reception
When the slave is receiving data, it will monitor for command reception between the
data packets
Therefore issuing a soft reset command, should be detected in all cases
17.1.5 Clockless Registers Access
Clockless register access allows a host device to access registers on the WINC device while it is held in a AT
reset state. This type of access can only be done using the “internal register read” and internal register write”
commands. For clockless access, bit 15 of the Offset_addr in the command should be ‘1’ to differentiate
between clockless and clocked access mode.
For clock-less register - the protocol master should wait for the response as shown here: write:
8'hC3 Oset_addr[15]
‘ ’0
‘ ’0‘ ’0
= clkless_addr Four bytes of data { CRC7,1'b1 }
‘ ’0
1 Byte 2 Byte 4 Byte 1 Byte
2 Byte
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For clock-less register - according to the interface, the protocol slave may not send CRC16. One or two read:
byte padding depends on three or four byte DMA addresses.
8'hC3 Oset_addr[15]
‘ ’0‘ ’0
‘ ’0
= clkless_addr
One or two
byte padding { CRC7,1'b1 }
1 Byte 2 Byte 1 or 2 Byte 1 Byte
2 Byte
Data Hdr Clk-less
reg data
1 Byte
‘ ’0
17.2 Message Flow for Basic Transactions
This section shows the essential message exchanges and timings associated with the following commands:
Read Single Word
Read Internal Register (clockless)
Read Block
Write Single Word
Wri te Internal Register (clockless)
Write Bock
17.2.1 Read Single Word
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
Cmd Hdr:
Read Single Word Address / CRC
CMD_RES Period
‘ ’0
4 bytes1 byte
‘ ’0
4 bytes1 byte
1 byte1 byte
17.2.2 Read Internal Register (for clockless registers)
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
Cmd Hdr:
Read Internal Register Oset Addr
CMD_RES Period
‘ ’0
16 0‘d
4 bytes1 byte
‘ ’0
2 bytes1 byte 2 bytes
1 byte1 byte
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17.2.3 Read Block
Normal transaction:
Master: Issues a DMA read transaction and waits for a response.
Slave: Sends a response after CMD_RES_PERIOD.
Master: Waits for a data packet start.
Slave: Sends the data packets, separated by DATA_DATA_PERIOD5 where DATA_DATA_PERIOD is
controlled by software and has one of these values:
Slave: Continues sending till the count ends.
Master: Receive data packets. No response is sent for data packets but a termination/retransmit command
may be sent if there is an error.
The message sequence for this case is shown below:
‘ ’0
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
Cmd Hdr:
Data Read Address, Count, crc
‘ ’0
‘ ’0‘ ’0
CMD_RES Period
1 byte 6 bytes
1 byte 1 byte
Termination command is issued:
Master: Can issue a termination command at any time during the transaction.
Master: Should monitor for RES_START after CMD_RESP_PERIOD.
Slave: Should cut o the curren t running data packet “if any“.
Slave: Should respond to the termination command after CMD_RESP_PERIOD from the end of the
termination command packet.
‘ ’0
‘ ’0DAT Header DATA
Fixed size1 Byte
2 Byte
Fixed size1 Byte
2 Byte
Cmd Hdr:
Data Read Address, Count, crc
‘ ’0
‘ ’0‘ ’0
Cmd Hdr:
STOP command
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
5 Actually the period between data packets is “DATA_DATA_PERIOD + DMA access time.” The master should monitor for DATA_START
directly after DATA_DATA_PERIOD
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Repeat command is issued:
1. Master: Can issue a repeat command at any time during the transaction.
2. Master: Should monitor for RES_START after CMD_RESP_PERIOD.
3. Slave: Should cut o the current running data packet, if any.
4. Slave: Should respond to the repeat command after CMD_RESP_PERIOD from the end of the repeat
command packet.
5. Slave: Resends the data packet that has an error then continues the transaction as normal.
DATA Packet 1
DATA Packet 2
DATA Packet 3
“cut off” Response DATA Packet 2 DATA Packet 3
17.2.4 Write Single Word
1. Master: Issues DMA single-word write command, including the data.
2. Slave: Takes the data and sends a command response.
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
Cmd Hdr:
Single Word Write Address, Data, CRC
CMD_RES Period
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
8 bytes1 byte
17.2.5 Write Internal Register (for clockless registers)
1. Master: Issues an internal register write command, including the data.
2. Slave: Takes the data and sends a command response.
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
Cmd Hdr:
Internal Word Write Oset Addr, Data, CRC
CMD_RES Period
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
1 byte 7 bytes
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17.2.6 Write Block
Case 1: Master waits for a command response:
1. Master: Issues a DMA write command and waits for a response.
2. Slave: Sends response after CMD_RES_PERIOD.
3. Master: Sends the data packets after receiving response.
4. Slave: Sends a response packet for each data packet received after DATA_RES_PERIOD.
5. Master: Does not wait for the data response before sending the following data packet notes:
CMD_RES_PERIOD is controlled by SW taking one of the values:
The master should monitor for RES_START after CMD_RES_PERIOD
DATA_RES_PERIOD is controlled by SW taking one of the values:
Cmd Hdr:
Write Command AddresS, Count, CRC
‘ ’0
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
‘ ’0Rsp Hdr STATE
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
‘ ’0
‘ ’ ‘ ’0 0
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
CMD_RES Period DATA_RES Period
Case 2: Master does not wait for a command response:
1. Master: Sends the data packets directly after the command but it still monitors for a command
response after CMD_RESP_PERIOD.
2. Master: Retransmits the data packets if there is an error in the command.
Cmd Hdr:
Write Command Address, count, CRC
‘ ’0
Fixed size1 byte
Data Response
2 byte
‘ ’0
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
Fixed size1 byte
2 byte
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
‘ ’0
CMD_RES Period DATA_RES Period
‘ ’0Data Response
17.3 SPI Level Protocol Example
In order to illustrate how WINC SPI protocol works, SPI Bytes from the scan request example were dumped AT
and the sequence is described below.
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17.3.1 TX (Send Request)
First step in hif_send() API is to wake up the chip:
sint8 nm_clkless_wake( ) void
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, & reg);
/* Set bit 1 */
ret =nm_write_reg(0x1, | reg (1 << 1));
// Check the clock status
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(clk_status_reg_adr clk_status_reg, & );
// Tell Firmware that Host waked up the chip
ret =nm_write_reg(WAKE_REG WAKE_VALUE, );
return ret;
Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ : 0xC4 /* internal register read */
[1] = >> 8; BYTE address /* address = 0x01 */
[1] |= (1 << 7); BYTE /* clockless register */
[2] = ; BYTE address
[3] = 0x00; BYTE
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x01.
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Command CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: C3 /* internal register write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* */ address = 0x01
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* */ clockless register
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24; /* */ Data = 0x03
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [6]=u32data;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ: 0xC4 /* */ internal register read
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* */ address = 0x0F
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* */ clockless register
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = 0x00;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
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Then WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x07. AT
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* WAKE_REG address = 0x1074 */
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* WAKE_VALUE Data = 0x5678 */
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 1 6;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
At this point, HIF nishes executing the clockless wakeup of the WINC chip. AT
The HIF layer Prepares and Sets the HIF layer header to NMI_STATE_REG register (4 | 8 Byte header
describing the packet to be sent).
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Set BIT [1] of WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2 register to raise an interrupt to the chip.
sint8 uint8 hif_send( u8Gid u8Opcode pu8CtrlBuf u16CtrlBufSize,uint8 , *uint8 ,uint16 ,
uint8 * ,pu8DataBuf uint16 uint16 u16DataSize, u16DataOset)
volatile tstrHifHdr strHif;
; volatile uint32 reg
strHif u8Opcode. = u8Opcode&(~NBIT7);
strHif u8Gid. = u8Gid;
strHif.u16Length =M2M_HIF_HDR_OFFSET;
strHif.u16Length += u16CtrlBufSize;
ret =nm_clkless_wake();
reg = 0UL;
reg |= ( ) ; uint32 u8Gid
reg |= ((uint32) <<8); u8Opcode
reg |= ((uint32) . <<16); strHif u16Length
ret =nm_write_reg( , NMI_STATE_REG reg);
reg = 0;
reg |= (1<<1);
ret =nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2, reg);
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* NMI_STATE_REG address = 0x180c */
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x000C3001 */
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16; /* 0x0C is the length and equals 12 */
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8; /* 0x30 is the Opcode =
BYTE [7] = u32data; /* 0x01 is the Group ID = M2M_REQ_GRP_WIFI */
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
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Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9/* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1087*/ WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x02 */
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
Then HIF polls for DMA address.
for ( = < 1000; cnt 0; cnt cnt ++)
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2,(uint32 *)& reg);
if(ret != M2M_SUCCESS) ; break
if (!(reg & 0x2))
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x150400,( *)&uint32 dma_addr);
/*in case of success break */
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1078 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_2
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip send the value of the register 0x1078 which equals 0x00.
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1504 */
BYTE ][2 = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
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Then the ATWINC chip send the value of the register 0x1504 which equals 0x037AA0.
ATWINC writes the HIF header to the DMA memory address.
u32CurrAddr = ; dma_addr
strHif.u16Length=NM_BSP_B_L_16( . strHif u16Length);
ret =nm_write_block(u32CurrAddr, ( *)& ,uint8 strHif M2M_HIF_HDR_OFFSET);
Command CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE 0xC7: /* DMA extended write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x037AA0 */
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = size >> 16; /* size = 0x08 */
BYTE [5] = size >> 8;
BYTE [6] = size;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C7] [0] [F3].
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The HIF layer writes the Data.
HIF writes the Control Buffer data (part of the framing of the request).
if (pu8CtrlBuf != NULL)
ret =nm_write_block(u32CurrAddr pu8CtrlBuf u16CtrlBufSize, , );
if(M2M_SUCCESS != ret ERR1) goto ;
u32CurrAddr u16CtrlBufSize += ;
Command CMD_DMA_EXT_WRITE 0xC7: /* DMA extended write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x037AA8 */
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = size >> 16; /* size = 0x04 */
BYTE [5] = size >> 8;
BYTE [6] = size;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C7] [0] [F3].
HIF layer writes the Data.
Finally, HIF finished writing the request data to memory and is going to interrupt the chip announcing that host
TX is done.
reg dma_addr = << 2;
reg |= (1 << 1);
ret reg =nm_write_reg( ,WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_3 );
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x106C */ WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_3
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x000DEA82 */
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending t bytes [C9] [0]. wo
HIF layer allows the chip to enter sleep mode again.
sint8 hif_chip_sleep( ) void
sint8 ret =M2M_SUCCESS;
uint32 reg = 0;
ret =nm_write_reg( ,WAKE_REG SLEEP_VALUE);
/* Clear bit 1 */
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, & reg);
if( &0x2) reg
reg &=~(1 << 1);
ret =nm_write_reg(0x1, reg);
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1074 */ WAKE_REG
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x4321 */SLEEP_VALUE
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ: 0xC4 /* internal register read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01 */
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = 0x00;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x03.
Command CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: C3 /* internal register write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01 */
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
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BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x01 */
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [6] = u32data;
The WINC chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0]. AT
At this point, the HIF layer has finished posting the scan Wi-Fi request to the WINC chip and the request is AT
being processed by the chip.
17.3.2 RX (Receive Response)
After finishing the required operation (scan Wi-Fi) the WINC will interrupt the Host announcing that the AT
request has been processed.
Host will handle this interrupt to receive the response.
First step in hif_isr ( ) is to wake up the WINC chip. AT
sint8 nm_clkless_wake( ) void
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, & reg);
/* Set bit 1 */
ret =nm_write_reg(0x1, | reg (1 << 1));
// Check the clock status
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(clk_status_reg_adr clk_status_reg, & );
// Tell Firmware that Host waked up the chip
ret =nm_write_reg( ,WAKE_REG WAKE_VALUE);
return ret;
Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ: 0xC4 /* internal register read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01 */
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
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BYTE [3] = 0x0 0;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x01.
Command CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: C3 /* internal register write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x03 */
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [6] = u32data;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0].
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Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ: 0xC4 /* internal register read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x0F
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* ockless register cl */
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = 0x00;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x07.
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1074 */ WAKE_REG
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x5678 */WAKE_VALUE
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
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The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
Read register WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 to check if there is new interrupt, and if so, clear it (as it will be
handled now).
static sint8 hif_isr( ) void
sint8 ret ;
uint32 reg;
volatile tstrHifHdr strHif;
ret =hif_chip_wake();
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0, & reg);
if(reg & 0x1) /* New interrupt has been received */
uint16 size;
/*Clearing RX interrupt*/
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
reg &= ~(1<<0);
ret =nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,reg);
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1070 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x31.
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1070 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
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Then WINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x31. the AT
Clear the WINC Interrupt. AT
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* ddress = 0x1070 */ WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 a
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x30 */
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
Then HIF reads the data size.
/* read the rx size */
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0, & reg);
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Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1070 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
HIF reads hif header address.
/** start bus transfer**/
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1, & address);
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1084 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1078 which equals 0x037AB0.
HIF reads the hif header data (as a block).
ret address strHif =nm_read_block( , ( *)& uint8 , ( sizeof tstrHifHdr));
Command CMD_DMA_EXT_READ : C8 /* dma extended read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x037AB0*/
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = size >> 16;
BYTE [5] = size >>;
BYTE [6] = size;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C8] [0] [F3].
ATWINC sends the data block (four bytes).
HIF then calls the appropriate handler according to the hif header received which tries to receive the Response
data payload. (Note that hif_receive ( ) obtains some data again for checks.)
sint8 hif_receive( ,uint32 u32Addr uint8 uint16 * ,pu8Buf u16Sz isDone, uint8 )
uint32 address,reg;
uint16 size;
sint8 ret =M2M_SUCCESS;
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
size = (uint16)((reg >> 2) & 0xfff);
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1,&address);
/* Receive the payload */
ret =nm_read_block(u32Addr, , pu8Buf u16Sz);
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1070 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1084 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_1
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1078 which equals 0x037AB0.
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Command CMD_DMA_EXT_READ : C8 /* dma extended read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x037AB8*/
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = size >> 16;
BYTE [5] = size >>;
BYTE [6] = size;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C8] [0] [F3].
ATWINC sends the data block (four bytes).
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Now, after HIF layer received the response, it interrupts the chip to announce host RX is done.
static sint8 hif_set_rx_done( ) void
uint32 reg;
sint8 ret =M2M_SUCCESS;
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0,&reg);
/* Set RX Done */
reg |= (1<<1);
ret =nm_write_reg(WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0, reg);
Command CMD_SINGLE_READ 0xCA : /* single word (4 bytes) read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1070 */WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [CA] [0] [F3].
Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x1070 which equals 0x30.
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* ddress = 0x1070 */ WIFI_HOST_RCV_CTRL_0 a
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x32*/
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
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The chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
The HIF layer allows the chip to enter sleep mode again.
sint8 hif_chip_sleep( ) void
sint8 ret =M2M_SUCCESS;
uint32 reg = 0;
ret =nm_write_reg( ,WAKE_REG SLEEP_VALUE);
/* Clear bit 1 */
ret =nm_read_reg_with_ret(0x1, & reg);
if( &0x2) reg
reg &=~(1 << 1);
ret =nm_write_reg(0x1, reg);
Command CMD_SINGLE_WRITE:0XC9 /* single word write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 16; /* address = 0x1074 */ WAKE_REG
BYTE [2] = address >> 8;
BYTE [3] = address;
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x4321 */SLEEP_VALUE
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [6] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [7] = u32data;
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ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C9] [0].
Command CMD_INTERNAL_READ: 0xC4 /* internal register read */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01 */
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = 0x00;
ATWINC acknowledges the command by sending three bytes [C4] [0] [F3].
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Then the ATWINC chip sends the value of the register 0x01 which equals 0x03.
Command CMD_INTERNAL_WRITE: C3 /* internal register write */
BYTE [1] = address >> 8; /* address = 0x01 */
BYTE [1] |= (1 << 7); /* clockless register */
BYTE [2] = address;
BYTE [3] = u32data >> 24; /* Data = 0x01 */
BYTE [4] = u32data >> 16;
BYTE [5] = u32data >> 8;
BYTE [6] = u32data;
The WINC chip acknowledges the command by sending two bytes [C3] [0]. AT
Scan Wi-Fi request has been sent to the WINC chip and the response is sent to the host successfully. AT
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Appendix A. How to Generate Certificates
A.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the required procedures to create and sign custom certificates using OpenSSL, to use
this guide you must install OpenSSL to your machine.
OpenSSL is an open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols. The core library, written in the C
programming language, implements basic cryptographic functions and provides various utility functions.
OpenSSL can be found here: https://www.openssl.org
A.2 Steps
After installing OpenSSL, open a CMD prompt and navigate to the directory where OpenSSL was installed
(e.g.: C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin).
First you need to generate a key for our The CA (certification authority). To generate a 4096-bit long
RSA (will create a new file CA_KEY.key to store the random key):
CMD: openssl genrsa -out CA_KEY.key 4096
Next, create your self-signed root CA certificate CA_CERT.crt; you’ll need to provide some data for your
Root certificate.
CMD: openssl req -new - -days 1826 -key CA_KEY.key -out CA_CERT.crtx509
Next step is to create the custom certificate which will be signed by the CA root certificate created earlier.
First, generate the key:
CMD: openssl genrsa -out Custom.key 4096
Using the key generated above, you should generate a certificate request file (csr):
CMD: openssl req -new -key Custom.key -out CertReq.csr
Finally: process the request for the certificate and get it signed by the root CA.
CMD: openssl x509 -req -days 730 -in CertReq.csr -CA CA_CERT.crt -CAkey
CA_KEY.key -set_serial 01 -out CustomCert.crt
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Appendix B. X.509 Certificate Format and Conversion
B.1 Introduction
The most known encodings for the X.509 digital certificates are PEM and DER formats.
The PEM format is base64 encoding of the DER enclosed with between
" BEGIN CERTIFICATE " and " END CERTIFICATE ----- ----- ----- -----".
B.2 Conversion Between Different Formats
The current implementation of the ATWINC root_certificate_downloader supports only DER format. So, if the
certificate is not in DER it must be converted to DER. This conversion can be done by several methods as
described in the following sub-sections.
B.2.1 Using Windows
From Windows ®, double click on the .pem certificate file and then go to Details Tab and press “Copy to File”.
Follow the wizard until finish.
B.2.2 Using OpenSSL
The famous OpenSSL could be used for certificate conversion by the following command.
B.2.3 Online Conversion
There are useful online tools which provide conversion between certificate formats, which can be found
through searching online using keywords such as "OpenSSL".
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Appendix C. How to Download the Certificate into the ATWINC
C.1 Overview
The WINC save the certificate inside the SPI flash in 4K sector (so the maximum size of all certificates iAT n
flash should be less than 4K).
C.2 Certificate Downloading
To download the root certificate Execute the batch file inside the release package: RootCertDownload.bat
I2C Downloader
UART Downloader
/src/Tools/root_certificate_downloader/debug UART/RootCertDownload.bat
C.3 Adding New Certificate
Open the file RootCertDownload.bat. There you find the following command:
root_certificate_downloader -n 2 NMA_Root.cer PROWL_Root.c er
Update the batch for example to add NMI_root.cer (by update the n number of certificated and add the
new certificate to the argument)
root_certificate_downloader - 3 NMA_Root.cer PROWL_Root.cer NMI_root.cer n
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Appendix D. Firmware Image Downloader
The Firmware Downloader script use the EDBG SAMD21/W25 UART as the main interface.
1. Downloads the serial bridge application on the SAMD21/W25 using the Atmel atprogram.exe.
2. After downloading, the application will initialize the WINC in download mode and start listen on EDBG AT
UART for UART commands.
3. The application will convert the UART commands to SPI commands.
4. The script will wait a couple of seconds until the application initialization finishes, then executes the
firmware downloader, and the gain builder given the UART argument and the firmware/gain sheets path
D.1 Preparing Environment
After connecting SAM D21 Debug USB and WINC Virtual COM Port USB port to computer, make sure that AT
their drivers are already installed and correctly detected by Windows.
The WINC COM Port is configured (460800N-8-1) for Debug traces. AT
To check this, here are the steps for Windows XP and 7:
1. Right click on the icon “My Computer” and a menu will appear. Scroll down and select “Manage”. The
following “Computer Management” window will appear:

Product specificaties

Merk: Microchip
Categorie: Niet gecategoriseerd
Model: ATWINC3400-IC

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