Electrolux eewa 7000 Handleiding

Lees hieronder de 📖 handleiding in het Nederlandse voor Electrolux eewa 7000 (64 pagina's) in de categorie Waterkoker. Deze handleiding was nuttig voor 64 personen en werd door 2 gebruikers gemiddeld met 4.5 sterren beoordeeld

Pagina 1/64
Expre s s k e ttle EEW A 70 0 0
Ope rating ins tructions .................3
Ge brauch s anw e is ung .................7
M ode d'e m ploi...........................11
Ge bruik s aanw ijz ing ....................15
Ins truz ioni pe r lus o ................... 19
Ins truccione s de us o................ 23
Ins trucçõe s de utiliyacçâo.........27
Bruk s anvis ning ..........................31
Käyttöoh je ................................ 35
Bruk s anvis ning ..........................39
Brugs anvis ning ......................... 43
Návod k použití .........................47
Ins truk cja obs ługi .......................51
Ins trucţiuni de utiliz are ..............55
Pуководство по эксплуата ции...... 59
De ar cus tom e r,
Ple as e re ad th e s e ope rating
ins tructions th rough care fully. Ple as e
m ak e s ure you re ad th e s afe ty
ins tructions on th e firs t page s of th e s e
ope rating ins tructions ! Ke e p th e
ope rating ins tructions for future
re fe re nce . Pas s th e m on to any future
ow ne rs .
W ith th e w arning triangle and/or by
m e ans of k e y w ords (Dange r!, Caution!,
Im portant!), inform ation is e m ph as iz e d
w h ich is im portant for your s afe ty or th e
corre ct functioning of th e appliance . It
is e s s e ntial th at th is inform ation is
obs e rve d.
Th is s ym bol guide s you s te p by s te p
w h e n ope rating th e appliance .
Ne xt to th is s ym bol you re ce ive
additional inform ation and practical tips
on us ing th e appliance .
Tips and inform ation about th e
e conom ical and e nvironm e ntally
frie ndly us e of th e appliance are
m ark e d w ith th e clove r.
De s cription of th e appliance
A Cas e
B Re m ovable m e s h filte r
C Spout
D Lid
E Ope ning lid button
F H andle
G W ate r le ve l indicator
H ON/O FF s w itch w ith pilot ligh t
J Se parate bas e and m ains cable
K Rating plate
Safe ty ins tructions
Th is appliance corre s ponds to
acce pte d te ch nological s tandards w ith
re gards to s afe ty. Ne ve rth e le s s , as a
m anufacture r w e cons ide r it our
obligation to m ak e you aw are of th e
follow ing s afe ty inform ation.
Ge ne ral s afe ty
Th e appliance m ay only be conne cte d
to a pow e r s upply w ith th e s am e
voltage as th at s pe cifie d on th e rating
plate (K )!
Ne ve r us e th e fle x to pull th e plug out
of th e s ock e t but pull th e actual plug.
If th e m ains cord of th is appliance is
dam age d, it h as to be re place d by th e
m anufacture r or its cus tom e r s e rvice or
a traine d e le ctrician to avoid ris k s .
Ne ve r us e th e k e ttle if it h as be e n
droppe d or h as e vide ntly be e n
dam age d.
Re pairs to th is appliance m ay only be
carrie d out by q ualifie d s e rvice
e ngine e rs . Cons ide rable dange r m ay
re s ult from im prope r re pairs . If re pairs
be com e ne ce s s ary, ple as e contact th e
Cus tom e r Care De partm e nt or your
auth oris e d de ale r.
Alw ays pull out th e plug,
be fore cle aning and atte nding to th e
k e ttle ,
and afte r e ach tim e it is us e d,
and for faults during ope ration.
Th is appliance is not inte nde d for us e
by pe rs ons (including ch ildre n) w ith
re duce d ph ys ical, s e ns ory or m e ntal
capabilitie s , or lack of e xpe rie nce and
k now le dge , unle s s th e y h ave be e n
give n s upe rvis ion or ins truction
conce rning us e of th e appliance by a
pe rs on re s pons ible for th e ir s afe ty.
Safe ty of ch ildre n
Only us e th e e xpre s s k e ttle w h e n
s upe rvis e d.
Supe rvis e ch ildre n particularly care fully!
Pack aging m ate rial, e .g. plas tic bags ,
s h ould not be acce s s ible to ch ildre n.
Ch ildre n s h ould be s upe rvis e d to
e ns ure th at th e y do not play w ith th e
appliance .

Product specificaties

Merk: Electrolux
Categorie: Waterkoker
Model: eewa 7000

Heb je hulp nodig?

Als je hulp nodig hebt met Electrolux eewa 7000 stel dan hieronder een vraag en andere gebruikers zullen je antwoorden

Handleiding Waterkoker Electrolux

Handleiding Waterkoker

Nieuwste handleidingen voor Waterkoker